
New Company
Approx: 5 – 7 working days / R1200.00

Banking Details:

Cedar Biz NW :
Account Number / 622 647 12871
Branch Code / 250 655
Reference / Your business name

Kindly note that work will not commence before payment is received

Business Services

Please complete the following (IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Contact Person

Contact Number

Email Address


Your Company information (IN BLOCK LETTERS PLEASE)

1. Name of Company

2. Alternative Names (incase the above name is rejected)

3. Will the Company be associated with an existing Enterprise?

(If so, please provide name of the Enterprise and registration number):

The senior member/director of the existing company must write a letter to the registrar of companies on the company’s letter head giving the permission to associate the new name to the existing name, and must provide certified ID / Passport copy

4. The main objective of the Company

5. Registered Address

6. Postal Address

7. Financial Year End (dd/mm/yyyy)

(Usually end of February)

Please complete this page for each director:

1. Surname
2. Full Forenames
3. Identity Number

4. If not South African, please provide:

Passport Number
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Country of Origin
5. Residential Address
6. Postal Address
7. Occupation
8. Number of shares subscribed for / (Usually of 100)
9. Tel / Cell Number
10. Fax Number
11. Email Address
12. Please supply ID Copy for each director & shareholder

Special Power of Attorney (COMPANIES ACT OF 2008)

I the undersigned, ______

Desirous of forming a company called:


Do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint:

Luke G Kobane

ID. NO.:

With power of substitution to be my /our agents in my /our name, place and stead, and on my / our behalf:

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• To prepare, draw and compile the Memorandum
and Articles of Association of The Certificate to Commence Business.

• To sign the Memorandum and Articles of
Association and the Certificate to Commence Business and such other documents and forms as may be required by The Registrar for the purpose of Registration.

• To vary and change the abovementioned name
of the Company in the event of this being acceptable of the Registrar of Companies.

• To substitute, alter or amend any forms,
document, Memorandum and Articles of Association, as may be necessary and required by the Registrar of companies for The Registration.

• To lodge and uplift the Memorandum and
Articles of Association, together with The Certificate to commence Business from the Registrar of companies.

• To subscribe for share on my / our behalf and
agree to sign the cm47 stating adequate share capital.

• To regard this as instructions from myself /
ourselves in my/ our personal capacity/ies the cost of which shall be payable by me / us.

And generally for effecting the purpose aforesaid, to do or cause to be done whatsoever shall be requisite, as fully and effectually for intents and purpose and I / we might or could do if personally present and acting herein, hereby ratifying, allowing and confirming all and whatsoever our said Attorneys and Agents shall lawfully do, or cause to be done by virtue of these present.

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Thus done and signed at ______on the __of______2013 in the presence of the undersigned witnesses:

Please sign the following:

______/ ______
Witness 1 / Director / Shareholder
Witness 2
By Fax:
(086) 240 1077
By Email:

For any further assistance, please contact us:

+2711 039 1003

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