Prayer Service for

National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding

October 7, 2014 – Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

OPENING SONG:Suggestions:“All Are Welcome” (Marty Haugen, GIA)

“Gather Us In” (Marty Haugen, GIA)

PRAYER:Excerpt from “For I Am Lonely and Afflicted” statement, New York State Bishops

In our society, those with mental illness are often stigmatized, ostracized and alone. The suffering endured by mentally ill persons is a most difficult cross to bear, as is the sense of powerlessness felt by families and loved ones. As the Psalmist (Ps. 25:16-17) called on God to deliver him from affliction and distress, so, too, does the person with mental illness cry out for healing. Our Judeo-Christian tradition calls us to be witnesses of God’s love and mercy and to be instruments of hope.

MEDITATION:(Instrumental music)

DECADE OF THE ROSARY1st Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection

SCRIPTURE:Luke 1:46-45 (“Magnificat”)


Hear our prayers for those who suffer, or are in need, for those whom we marginalize;all who are in painand especially during Mental Illness Awareness Week.

For your children who are living with mental illness, we pray to the Lord.

For those who are troubled in mind and spirit, we pray to the Lord.

For those suffering from mental illness; May they be healed through the mercy of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.

For priests, deacons, religious and parishioners; May they grow stronger in their love and commitment to individuals and their families living with a mental illness, we pray to the Lord.

For the unity and mission of the Holy Church; That it may welcome and serve those who live with a mental illness, we pray to the Lord.

(Adapted from

(Invite personal petitions aloud)


CLOSING PRAYER:Excerpt from “For I Am Lonely and Afflicted” statement, New York State Bishops

It is the duty…of every pastor, every chaplain, every religious education director and Catholic school principal, and all others in positions of Church leadership at every level to welcome with openness and affection those men, women and children who are [affected by] any form of mental illness, and to integrate them into the life of the Church to the fullest extent possible…It is our fervent prayer that we can come to live in a society where those who suffer from mental illness can get the help they so desperately need for their own peace.

CLOSING SONG:(Any Marian hymn)

Suggestions:“Sing of Mary”

“Mary’s Song of Praise” (Alan Hommerding, WLP)

“Canticle of the Turning” (Rory Cooney, GIA)

(For the entire document, “For I Am Lonely and Afflicted,” link to: