National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

EMC Project Proposal

(To Share with Author-to-be)

Proposal # __

Working Title: A temporary and brief but descriptive title. If this is a proposal for a revised edition, indicate that in the title.


Original Proposal Date:

Revision Date(s):

NCTM Focus:Which current NCTMfocus(es) does this proposal emphasize?

_____Access and Equity:Advance knowledge about, and infuse in every aspect of mathematics education, a culture of equity where everyone has access to and is empowered by the opportunities mathematics affords.

_____Advocacy:Engage in public and political advocacy to focus policymakers and education decision makers on improving learning and teaching mathematics.

_____Curriculum, instruction, and assessment:Provide guidance and resources for developing and implementing mathematics curriculum, instruction, and assessment that are coherent, focused, well-articulated, and consistent with research in the field, and focused on increasing student learning.

_____Professional Development:Provide professional development to all stakeholders to help ensure all students receive the highest quality mathematics education.

_____Research:Ensure that sound research is integrated into all activities of the Council.

_____Technology:Promote strategic use of technology to advance mathematical reasoning, sense making, problem solving, and communication

Proposal Topic:

Briefly describe the main ideas to be addressed by this product/suite of products. That is, while this proposal may relate to an EMC broad focus, what specific idea(s) within that focus will this product/suite address?


Describe the main purpose(s) of this product/suiteof product.How will it help the reader/user? What will the reader/user know and/or be able to do as a result of reading/using it?Why is this material necessary?Explain why the NCTM membership and/or the field of mathematics education need this product/suite.


Describe the main audience and any other important audiences. Be specific.


Provide a detailed outline and/or list of the major points/topics to be addressed by this product/suite of products. Be specific.


What are the specific ways this product/suite will advance the reader’s/user’s knowledge and implementation of equitable mathematics learning, teaching, and/or leadership?

Principles to Actions:

How does this product connect to Principles to Actions?

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics:

How does this product connect to the PSSM?

Common Core State Standards:

Does this product connect explicitly to the CCSSM? If so,describe how it will be connected.

Format/Delivery of the Materials: Please check all that apply to this proposal.

Primary Product / Support
(non-saleable) / Co-Product(saleable/non-saleable) / Stand Alone / Free
e-Book only
Series of books
Online Product
Facilitator’s Guide
More4U (free-with-book video, BLMs, PDFs, articles, etc.

Add Details to Clarify:

Details of Primary Product:

Details of Support Resource(s):

Details of Co-Product:

Existing NCTM materials to reference or bundle with this product/suite:

Provide details here:


  • Provide an environmental scan/landscape study (similar to a review of the literature) indicating other significant titles on this topic available from both NCTM and others.
  • If possible, annotate the list to provide a brief description for each publication (e.g., see descriptions, online abstracts, and publishers’ web sites).
  • Highlight NCTM resources that the author(s) might reference within this product.
  • Organize the landscape study in such a way that it will help the committee make a decision about the proposal.
  • Develop the landscape both for EMC use and for the potential author(s).

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