Jorgelina Abbate, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction


Office: Home:

University of Connecticut 60 Cedar Street

Neag School of Education Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02481

Gentry Building, Room 331 (781) 237-4846

249 Glenbrook Road, U-2033

Storrs, Connecticut 06269-2033

(860) 486-5921


Ph.D. Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education, 2002

Dissertation Advisor: Professor María Estela Brisk

Ed. M. Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education, 1998

Donovan Scholars Program- Elementary Urban Teaching

M.S. Florida International University, College of Education, 1996

Global Awareness Program

B. A. Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Argentina, 1989

International Affairs, Minor in Political Science


Elementary 1-6, Massachusetts (Standard)

Social Studies 5-12, Massachusetts (Provisional)

Bilingual K-12, Massachusetts (Standard)


Abbate, J. (2002). The Road Hardly Taken: Urban Teacher Communities, Ideology, and Change. Doctoral Dissertation available through UMI Number 3066207. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.

Torres-Guzman, M., Abbate, J., Brisk, M. E., & Minaya-Rowe, L. (2002). Defining and documenting

success for bilingual learners: A collective case study. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1), 23-44.

Abbate, J. (submitted, 2003). Preparing mainstream preservice teachers to work with low-income Latino

youth. Paper submitted for consideration to the Journal of Latinos and Education.

Abbate, J. (submitted, 2004). The things they carry: Ideology in an urban teacher professional

community. Paper submitted for consideration to Urban Review.

Abbate, J. (submitted, 2004). Community Service Learning and Process Writing: A Freirean Approach to

Preparing Teachers for Diverse Settings. Paper submitted for consideration to Teacher

Education Quarterly.


Abbate, J. Quadruple immersion: Ebonics and Spanglish in an urban two-way immersion (TWI) bilingual



Abbate, J. (2004). Two-way bilingual immersion with low-income urban student populations: Dilemmas of equity. Paper accepted for presentation at the First International Symposium on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Latin America, April 1-3, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Abbate, J. (2004). Community shared learning (CSL) and process writing: Praxis in urban teacher education. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA)85th Annual conference, April 12-16, 2004, San Diego, CA.

Abbate, J. (2004). The authentic immersion experience (AIE). Paper accepted for presentation at the Holmes Partnership 8th Annual Conference, January 16-17, 2004, San Diego, CA.

Abbate, J. (2004). Culturally relevant pedagogy for mainstream preservice teachers in urban clinical experiences. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2ndAnnual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), January 3-6, 2004, Waikiki, HI.

Abbate, J. (2003). Why can’t the “methods fetish” fit in critical pedagogy? Paper presented at the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) Conference, April 30-May 2, 2003, St Thomas, VI.

Abbate, J. & Osborn, T. (2003). Diversifying the diversity talk. Seminar presentation at the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) Conference, April 30-May 2, 2003, St Thomas, VI.

Abbate, J. (2003). “You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there": The work of semi-voluntary urban teacher professional communities. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA)84th Annual conference, April 21-25, 2003, Chicago, IL.

Cochran-Smith, M.; Abbate, J.; Amtzis, A.; Jackson, J.; Nelson, E. (2003). Voices from the margins: Four studies of teachers’ and students’ perspectives. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA)84th Annual conference, April 21-25, 2003, Chicago, IL.

Abbate, J. (2003) Student as researcher, researcher as change-agent: Implementing research projects that impact school practices. Paper presented at the Holmes Partnership7th Annual Conference, February 21-23, 2003, Washington, DC.

Abbate, J. (2002). Teacher professional communities: A case study in an urban high school & implications for the university's role. Paper presented at the Holmes Partnership6th Annual Conference, January 25-27, 2002, San Antonio, TX.

Abbate, J. & Brisk, M. (2001). Measuring success in an urban middle school Chinese bilingual program. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA)82nd Annual Conference, April 10-14, 2001, Seattle, WA.

Abbate, J. & Brisk, M. (2001). Research with and for teachers in an urban bilingual program. Paper presented at the Holmes Partnership5th Annual Conference, January 26-28, 2001, Albuquerque, NM.

Abbate, J.; Amtzis, A.; Coughlin, M.; Fries, K.; Gallo-Fox, J.; Lizotte, D.; O’Day, P.; Paugh, P.; & Phelan, C. (2000) When old practice meets new theory. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA)81st Annual Conference, April 24-28, New Orleans, LA.

Abbate, J.; Amtzis, A.; Coughlin, M.; Fries, K.; Gallo-Fox, J.; Lizotte, D.; O’Day, P.; Paugh, P.; & Phelan, C. (2000) When old practice meets new theory. Paper presented at the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) Annual Conference, April 13-15, Portsmouth, NH.

Abbate, J. & Gonsalves, G. (2000). Portraits of Success and Beyond. Paper presented at the 2000 Massachusetts Association of Bilingual Education (MABE)Conference, March 7-8, 2000, Leominster, MA.

Abbate, J., Heinz, C., Mendez, N., Minaya-Rowe, L., Nora, J. (2000). Portraits of Success: A whole district approach. Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) 29th Annual Conference, February 15-19, 2000, San Antonio, TX.

Abbate, J., Gonsalves, G. & Moy, K. (2000). A flexible bilingual parent participation model in an urban school district. Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) 29th Annual Conference, February 15-19, 2000, San Antonio, TX.

Abbate, J. & Brisk, M. (2000). Portraits of Success: Features of Bilingual Urban Programs. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Holmes Partnership, January 28-30, 2000, Cincinnati, OH.

Ambrose, T. & Abbate, J. (2000). Role Alike Reports: Teachers. Session facilitated at the 4th Annual Conference of the Holmes Partnership, January 28-30, 2000, Cincinnati, OH.


Research Interests

Urban teaching and leadership, ethnic and language minority students, teacher beliefs, culturally relevant pedagogy, the role of ideology in teaching and teacher preparation, ideology in public school curriculum, teacher communities, community partnerships, teacher research and action research, and the role of writing in teacher preparation and staff development.

Past Projects

* Project Researcher for Portraits of Success, 1999- 2001: Identified, studied, and selected successful bilingual programs using criteria for success specifically tailored for the project. Collaborated with local school district to identify critical features of successful bilingual programs. Developed a Portfolio of Success to document school wide assessment for bilingual students before and after attaining English proficiency. a joint project of the LAB at Brown University, NABE, and Boston College.

* Teacher-as-Researcher Collaborative: 1999-2000: Member of a collective inquiry project by a group of nine doctoral students and experienced classroom teachers examining the interplay of practice and theory. Boston College.


New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) Fellow, 2001-2002, Bridgewater State College

50 Faces of the Lynch School Outstanding Graduate, October 2002, Boston College

Graduate Student Association Outstanding Graduate Student 2002, Boston College

AHANA Fellow, 1999, Boston College

Holmes Scholar, 1999-2002, Boston College

Donovan Scholar, 1997, Boston College

Kenschaft-Smith Grant Recipient, 1998, private donors

Impact II Teacher Pioneer Grant Recipient, 1998, Boston Public Schools


University Teaching

University of Connecticut, 2002- present: Assistant Professor

Undergraduate Courses

EDCI 266: Instruction and Curriculum in the Secondary School: Social Studies (Fall 2002, 2003)

EGEN 296: Seminar/Clinic: Methods of Teaching (Fall 2002, 2003)

Graduate Courses

EDCI 395: Secondary Social Studies Methods (Summer 2003)

EDCI 381: Yearlong Inquiry Seminar onTeacher Leadership: Building Urban Community Partnerships

(Master’s Thesis, 2002-03; 2003-04)

EDCI 325: Introduction to Curriculum Theory (Summer 2003)

EDCI 330: Curriculum Theory and Development (Spring 2004)

Boston College, 2000-2003 (Summer): Instructor

ED 435: Social Contexts of Education

University of Massachusetts-Boston, 2001 (Summer): Co-Instructor

Bilingual Writers’ Project- Boston Writers’ Project


University of Connecticut: 2002- present

* Field Placement Supervisor for Secondary Social Studies Pre-service teachers: Assessment of seniors’ developing teaching skills in urban and suburban schools in Connecticut utilizing criteria from the Beginning Educator Support and Training (BEST) Program.

* Field Placement Supervisor for Graduate Level Internship: Advising and assessment of graduate students and their inquiry project implementations using qualitative research methodologies (primarily grounded theory, ethnography, and action research).

Boston College: 1998-2001

Supervisor for Elementary and Secondary Level Pre-service Teachers. Provided support to student teachers interested in urban teaching as a Donovan Scholars graduate working in the Boston Public Schools.


* Team Interdisciplinary Curriculum Sessions (TICS): Workshops across the subjects on culturally relevant teaching and classroom management utilizing theory, technology, and experiential learning. Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, Fall 2002, 2003.

* Thematic Unit Planning in the Elementary Social Studies Classroom. Workshop for undergraduate level students to hone their skills in designing thematic units across the subjects attentive to Massachusetts’ curriculum frameworks. Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Fall 2001.

* Character Education: Embracing the Difference in All of Us. Workshop designed for high school students to address the use of discriminatory language in school. Brighton High School, Boston Public Schools, Spring 2001.

* Classroom Management K-12: Negotiating Students’ and Novice Teacher’s Needs.Workshops for prospective urban teachers organized around urban student biographies and presentations to foster discussion and reflection. Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Fall 2000, 2001, 2002.

* Planning for the Future by Looking at the Past.Unit designed to facilitate teachers’ use of technology across the curriculum, following state’s curriculum frameworks. Office of Instructional Technology, Boston Public Schools, Summer 1998.

* Using Karaoke to Teach Reading.Unit designed to teach teachers how to use popular music in guided reading instruction. Center for Leadership and Development, Boston Public Schools, Summer 1998.

K-12 Teaching

Boston Public Schools, Massachusetts

9th Grade World History, Brighton High School, 2000-2001

3rd Grade, Two-Way Bilingual Spanish, Hurley Elementary School, 1998-1999

2nd. Grade, Transitional Bilingual Spanish, Hennigan Elementary School, 1997-1998

Dade County Public Schools, Florida

12th Grade, American Government, Miami Coral Park High School, Fall 1996

GED Adult Program, Cutler Ridge Community Mall, Summer 1996

All Levels, Substitute Teacher, 1995-1996

Rosario, Argentina

Social Studies, Secondary Level, Instituto Madre Cabrini, 1989-1993


University of Connecticut

Department Committees

- Member, Dissertation Proposal Review Committee- 2003- present

- Chair, Field of Study (Secondary) Committee- 2002- present

- Member, Scholarships/Awards Committee- 2002-2003

- Ad-hoc Faculty Search Committee, 2002, 2003

- Ad-hoc Research Awards Committee

- Assistance to Undergraduate Admissions Committee with Social Studies candidates- 2002- present

School Committees

Teacher Education Admissions Committee (TEAC), 2003

University Committees

- Education-Diversity-Unity (EDU) Advocates, 2002- present

- Environmental Policy Advisory Council (EPAC) subcommittee of Environmental Outreach, 2003

Outreach Service

Faculty-in-Residence: Organizing activities with the entering freshman class that revolve around service learning, engagement, and healthy living, while easing the transition from home to university life. Office of Residential Life 2003-2004

Field Service

Professional Development Center (PDC) Seminar Leader, Windham Public Schools (WPS):

- Development of 5th year internships in tune with the Integrated Bachelor/Master (IB/M) program goals with teachers and principals, WPS

- Development of service learning opportunities for Neag SoE students with existing community agencies (West Avenue Community Center and ACCESS, Willimantic, CT)

Boston College

- Boston College Group Title II Liaison, 1999- 2002

- Advisory Committee Student Member, Portraits of Success, 1999- 2002

- Minority Admissions Committee Member, Lynch Graduate School of Education, 1999- 2002

- Volunteer Speaker, College-Bound Program, 2000- 2002

Review Work

- Journal of Teacher Education, 2000- present

- Teachers College Record, 2003- present

- International Studies Perspectives, 2002- present

- American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Divisions G and K, 2001- present


International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) 2002-present

National Association of Holmes Scholars Alumni (NAHSA) 2002- present

National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE) 1999- present

American Educational Research Association (AERA), 1998- present

Phi Kappa Phi, 1996- present


Spanish, native

Italian, fluent


Yoga, rollerblading, musical theater, karaoke, and architecture.




Professor Maria Estela Brisk

Boston College

Campion Hall, Room 129

140 Commonwealth Avenue

Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 02467

Phone: (617) 552-4216

Professor Marilyn Cochran-Smith

Boston College

Campion Hall, Room 112

140 Commonwealth Avenue

Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 02467

Phone: (617) 552-0674

Associate Professor Xae Alicia Reyes

University of Connecticut

Gentry Building, Room 324

249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 2033

Storrs, Connecticut, 06269

Phone: (860) 486-0291

Additional references furnished upon request.