Board of Directors Approved January 23, 200964

National Council Approved April 25, 2009


Society St. Vincent de Paul, Inc.

Board of DirectorsMeeting

January 23, 2009

A Resolution Governing the attached Standards of Excellence Questionnaire for Councils

Whereas, the National Council of the United States Board of Directors recognizes the need for a consistent means of recognizing the Standards of Excellence for Councils; and

Whereas, the Board of Directors approves the attached Standards of Excellence Questionnaire for Councils; therefore be it

Resolved that the Board of Directors recommends to the National Council the approval of the attached Standards of Excellence Questionnaire for Councilsfor use throughout the Society.

The category of this Resolution isGovernance Councils and Conferences.

Resolution number:1/23/2008/964

The Society Of Saint Vincent de Paul

National Council of the United States

Standards of Excellence Questionnaire For Councils

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

  1. How does the Council encourage knowledge of the Rule and adherence to it?

Rule Part III, Statute 3U. S. Manual p.13, p.14

2. What is your full Corporate Name?U.S. Manual p.30, p.39, p.40

  1. When were your Bylaws last updated? U.S. Manual p.30, p.39, p.40
  1. Does the Council have its own 501 (c) (3) separate from the Catholic Church or is it covered by a Group Exemption 501 (c) (3)?

Rule Part I, 5.2Rule Part II, 1.6, 1.7 U.S. Manual p.30

  1. How many attended the last National Meeting? Who were they and what positions did they hold? Rule Part I, 3.6, U.S. Manual p.34, p.21
  1. How many attended the last Regional Meeting? Who were they and what positions did they hold? Rule Part I, 3.6, U.S, Manual p.34, p.21
  1. Does the Council pay expenses of any attendees at National Meetings?

Rule Part III, Statute 28

  1. Does the Council pay expenses of any attendees at Regional Meetings?

Rule Part III, Statute 28

  1. What is the process for paying solidarity dues to National and your Region?

Rule Part III, Statute 25

  1. What is the date of the submission of your last Annual Report?

Rule Part III, Statute 22U.S. Manual p.31

  1. Who is your Auditor, when was your last audit and what level of audit was it?

Rule Part III Statute 22, Statute 27,U.S. Manual p.37

  1. How does your Council communicate with other Councils? When was the last time, and what was the issue? Rule Part I, 3.15, 3.6
  1. What is the date of your Council’s Institution? (At least the year)

Rule Part I, 3.8, Rule Part III, Statute 6

  1. Is there a list of your Aggregated Conferences? Rule Part 1, 3.8, Rule Part III, Statue 6
  1. What special works does the Council have and who manages them?

Rule Part III, Statute 20, U.S. Manual p.36

  1. What methods are used to inform and secure involvement of Conferences in Council plans and activities? Rule Part I, 3.6, 3.15, U.S. Manual, p.36
  1. Do you have Days of Reflection, a Spirituality Committee, and Spiritual Advisors workshops? When were they last held? Rule Part 1, 2.2, 3.6, Rule Part III, Statute 15
  1. Do you have an up to date membership database? How is it transmitted to our National Council? How do you use the National online database? U.S. Manual p.45
  1. How do you identify Best Practices and share them with other Councils?

U. S. Manual, p.34

  1. What was the date of your last Ozanam Orientation? How many attended?

Rule PartI, 3.6,3.12

  1. Which Work Plan Items in the National Strategic Plan have you completed?

(Attach Council Work Plan Items) (Documentation)