National Conference on Physics 2008
WEDNESDAY – September, 10th
08.00 – 09.15Registration – Faculty Hall
09.45 – 10.15Romanian Contributions to CERN Experiments
10.15 – 10.30Editorial Event: Book release
V. Moscalenco, L.Z. Kon, M.E. Palistrant
„Teoria supraconductibilităţii multi-bandă”
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
IP-1V.A. Moscalenco
A Strong Coupling Diagrammatic Theory for Anderson Impurity Model
V.A. Moskalenko, P. Entel, L.A. Dohotaru, R. Citro
IP-2G. Zoupanos
Finite Unified Theories and the prediction of the Higgs mass
IP-3G. Popa
On Plasma Diagnostic Methods and Techniques
IP-4D. Haşegan
The Institute of Space Science. Present and Future
IP-5L. Pintilie
An Overview on the Electrical Characterization of Ferroelectric
Thin Films and Multilayers
13.30 – 15.00Lunch Break
S 4Condensed Matter PhysicsAULA
M.L. Ciurea, V.Iancu, M.R. Mitroi, G.Iordache, I. Stavarache, A.M. Lepadatu, E.Rusnac
Modelling of trapping processes in silicon-based nanostructures
M. Stefan, S.V. Nistor, C.D. Mateescu, E.Goovaerts
Multifrequency EPR of the Mn2+ doped mesoporous ZnS
I. Turcu, C. Morari, R..Turdean, N.Tosa, S.Neamtu, L.Olenic, M.Hossu, M.Tomoaia-Cotisel, I.Grosu
Self-assembled monolayers of phenothiazine derivatives on atomically flat Au(111)
Cristian Morari, Diana Bogdan, I.Turcu
Ab initio simulation of STM images of the phenothiazine-derivatives adsorbed on (111) gold
V. Ciupina, A. Dumbrava, I. Morjan, G. Prodan , M. Prodan , F. Dumitrache, E. Vasile
ZnO nanoparticles obtained by hydrothermal method at low temperature
Fănică Cimpoeşu, Marilena Ferbinţeanu, Bogdan Frecuş, Corneliu I. Oprea, Mihai Gîrţu
Quantum calculations on models for high-temperature molecular magnets: the M[TCNE]x series
S 1Astrophysics and High Energy PhysicsA 1
Sanda Dita
ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter: recent results on performances
Calin Alexa
Search for charged heavy leptons in ATLAS
G.Toma et al
Primary energy spectrum of cosmic rays from the S(500) observable detected with KASCADE-
L.A.Popa, A.Caramete, D.Tonoiu, P.Stefanescu, O.Broscaru
Distance measurements in cosmology: implication for cosmological parameters
Petruta Ştefănescu, Lucia Popa, Ana Vasile, Oana Broscaru
Testing the constancy of physical constants with cosmological measurements
C.Munteanu, T.Coman, S.J.Talaşman
Discontinuities in interplanetary space. Recent results
V.Catanescu, D. Bartos, G.Caragheorgheopol
Front-end electronics (FEE) for nuclear detectors based on the first ASIC developed by DFH-NIPNE
S 3Nuclear PhysicsA 2
N.V. Zamfir, D. Bucurescu, G. Căta-Danil, M. Ivaşcu, N. Mărginean
Universality of Mallmann correlations for nuclear band structures
I.Cata-Danil, D.Filipescu, M.Ivascu, D.Bucurescu, N.V.Zamfir, T.Glodariu, L.Stroe, G.Cata-Danil, D.G.Ghita, C.Mihai, G.Suliman, T.Sava
Astrophysical S factor for alpha-capture on 117Sn
S. Pascu, C. Muller, Gh. Cata-Danil
Study of the Ba nuclei through two nucleon transfer reactions
Al.Jipa, Vania Covlea, C.Besliu, I.Lazanu, M.Calin, D.Argintaru, T.Esanu, A.Scurtu, S.Velica, C.Bordeianu, B.Iliescu, C.Badea, A.Jinaru, I.Grossu
On a new method for the investigation of the quark-gluon plasma instabilities
C. Besliu, Al.Jipa, E.Stan, M.Cherciu, D.Felea, B.Iliescu, A.Danu, E.Tiberiu, C. Bordeianu
On the dynamics of the nuclear fragmentation in proton-nucleus collisions at 8 GeV and 12 GeV
T. Angelescu, I.Bacioiu
Muon production in pion collisions with atmospheric nuclei and a striking world of the cosmic rays
S 10 BiophysicsA 3
I.R. Andrei, M.Ferrari, S.Rao, M.Dicu, A.Mahamoud, M.L.Pascu
Studies about producing droplets containing cytostatics solutions
Irina Baran, C.Ganea, F.Musumeci, S. Tudisco, A.Scordino, S.Privitera, L.Lanzano, E.Katona, I.Ursu, V.Baran
Effects of nocodazole and ionizing radiation on cell proliferation and delayed luminescence
C. Mustaciosu, I.Petcu, D. Savu, M. Radu
DNA fragmentation induced by 2- Dodecylcyclobutanone in mammalian cells studied by comet assay
Diana Savu, Ileana Petcu, C. Mustaciosu, M. Radu
Biocompatibility of Materials – Concepts and Practices
Mihaela Bacalum, Mihai Radu
A fluorescent study of the interactions between antibiotics and the Outer Membrane Porin F inserted in model membranes
Dana Niculae, Valeria Lungu, Lorelai Brasoveanu, Marina Iliescu, Diana Savu
Evaluation of 188Re-Anti-Vegf-Mab as Novel Agent in Cancer Radioimmunotherapy
S 11Earth and Environmental PhysicsLAP
F. Borleanu, M.Popa, M.Radulian
Lateral structure determination for Bucovina (Romania) region using array techniques
D. Tataru, V.Raileanu
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs variations from analysis of teleseismic receiver functions
Dan Galeriu, Anca Melintescu, Dan Slavnicu
Proposed meteorological pre-processor for IFIN-HH
D.S.Slavnicu, D.V.Vamanu, D.Gheorghiu, A.Gheorghiu, V.T.Acasandrei, B.I.Vamanu
Decision support systems. The evaluation of environmental impact in a radioactive release
S. Bercea, F.Lupescu, A.Celarel, R.Margineanu, C.Cenusa, B.Neacsu, S.Patrascu
Low background laboratory for radiation metrology
E.Pfeiffer, A.Baker, A.Popescu, G.Pavelescu
Fluorescence fingerprints for surface aquatic systems
Török Zoltan, Lucrina Stefanescu, Alexandru Ozunu, Sanda Marginean, Emil Cordos, Emil Carstea
Spatial and temporal variability of the air and its impact on the human health. Study of risk assessment for SADACHIT SRL Turda
17.00 – 17.30Coffee Break
S 4 Condensed Matter PhysicsAULA
Adrian Georgescu, George Damache, Camelia Oprea, Mihai A. Gîrţu, C. Badea, Irina Enache, Anca Dumbravă
Dye-sensitized solar cells with nanocrystalline TiO2 and anthochyanine pigments
Elena Matei, I. Enculescu, M. Sima, R. Neumann, Simon Granville, Jean-Philippe Ansermet
Preparation and properties of cobalt doped ZnO nanowires
V.S.Teodorescu, A.V.Maraloiu, M.Zaharescu, A.Barău, M.Gartner, M-G.Blanchin, B.Canut
Structure of high-k hafnium oxide thin films obtained by sol-gel method
S. Cojocaru, R.Citro, M.Marinaro
Corrections between some anomalies of the photoemission, optical and phonon spectra of high-Tc cuprates
S 1Astrophysics and High Energy PhysicsA 1
Gabriel Stoicea
Search for Excited Quarks in ep Collisions at HERA
Marina Rotaru
A general search for new phenomena in ep scattering at HERA
Mariana Petris
ALICE TRD Status of Chamber Construction and Testing at Department of Hadronic Physics from NIPNE
Mariana Petris
R&D Activities for Detector Development for High Counting Rate Environments
Bogdan Pastrav, Sabin Stoica
Axion emission from neutron stars
S 3Nuclear PhysicsA 2
C. Andrei, I.Berceanu, A. Herghelegiu, M. Petrovici, A. Pop, C. Schiaua
Study of collective phenomena in heavy ion central collisions at ALICE
A. Herghelegiu, C. Andrei, I. Berceanu, M. Petrovici, A. Pop, C. Schiaua
Collective phenomena in mid-central heavy ion collisions
R.A.Gherghescu, D.N.Poenaru, I.H.Plonski
Colinear three center shell model
M. Mirea
Landau-Zener effect generalized for superfluid systems
Alexandru Calboreanu
Level Density at the Limit of Nuclear Stability
A. Olariu, F. Le Blanc, P. Désesquelles, T.M.H. Ha, K. Hauschild, A. Korichi, A. Lopez-Martens, C.M. Petrache
Pulse shape analysis for segmented germanium detectors
S 10BiophysicsA 3
M. Virgolici, M. Cutrubinis, A.V. Medvedovici, M.M. Manea, C.C. Ponta, I.V. Moise,
R. Georgescu
A study for detection of irradiated fish and seafoods using gas chromatographic and ESR methods
Dan Chicea, Liana Maria Chicea, Radu Chicea
Application of whole blood coherent light backscattering dynamics analysis
A. S. Carstea
Nonlinear signals in gene regulatory networks
C. Astefanoaei, D. Creanga, G. Mindru
Non-linear dynamics trends in the brain electromagnetic activity
Viorel-Puiu Păun, Maria-Alexandra Păun
On the Diffusive Transport through a Spherical Interface
19.30 – 21.00 WELCOME PARTY
THURSDAY – September, 11th
S 12 Physics and EducationAULA
Radu Constantinescu
Iniţiativă legislativă privind meseria de fizician în nomenclatorul de meserii din România
E. Burzo
Cercetarea ştiinţifică de fizică în universităţi
Iorga Siman Ion
Là crise de l'einseignement de la physique. L'analyse de Marketing du groupe civile
Dan-Alexandru Iordache
On the content of the physics textbooks intended to the Romanian Technical Universities in the 21st century
Rubin H. Landau, Cristian C. Bordeianu
Computational Physics. A better model for Physics Education?
V. Popa
Science education through cosmic ray experiments in high schools – ROCOSMICS
S 1 Astrophysics and High Energy PhysicsA 1
sO1-sO10 Youth Session in Astrophysics and High Energy Physics
Monica Dobre
A Search for Excited Quarks at H1 for the channel q*->qW
Constantin Mihai Cuciuc, Calin Alexa
Top-Antitop reconstruction without b-tagging
A search for excited quarks at HERA in the channel
Ovidiu Teşileanu, Andrea Mignone, Silvano Massaglia
Jets from young stars: radiative MHD simulations
Laura Husti, Roberto Gallino, Sara Bisterzo
S-process in intrinsic and extrinsic AGB stars: theory versus observations
H. Spiesberger, R. Zus
Renormalization of Rephasing Invariants of Fermion Mixing Matrices
Laurentiu-Ioan Caramete, P.L.Biermann, A. Curutiu, Ioana Dusan, Oana Taşcau
Extragalactic ultra high energy cosmic rays: source sample and predicted sky distribution of events
Bogdan Popovici
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Particle Physics and Applications
Andrei Neacsu, Sabin Stoica
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay 48Ca Shell Model Calculations
Alexandra Saftoiu
Investigation of ground level muon intensities for solar-terrestrial studies with WILLI
S 3Nuclear PhysicsA 2
Danut Argintaru, C.Besliu, A.Jipa, T.Esanu, A.Caranica
Glauber analysis of He+AT nuclear collisions at 4.5 GeV
C.F. Chiojdeanu, C. Pavel, F. Constantin
Boron neutron capture therapy setup for a linear accelerator
Angela Vasilescu, B. Constantinescu, Roxana Bugoi, D. Ceccato
Elemental mapping of moon soil and meteorite fragments
Cătălina Pauna, Bogdan Constantinescu, Anca Diana Popescu, A. Vîlcu
Archaeometrical measurements using X-ray fluorescence
B. Constantinescu, Daniela Stan, Roxana Bugoi, V.Cojocaru, E.Oberlaender-Tarnoveanu, M.Radtke
Compositional studies of Transylvania gold for archaeological objects provenance determination
B. Constantinescu, Roxana Bugoi, E.Oberlaender-Tarnoveanu
Some consideration on XRF use in museum measurements – the case of medieval silver coins
S 2Atomic and Molecular PhysicsA 3
D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, I. H. Plonski, A. V. Solov'yov, W. Greiner
Hemispheroidal atomic clusters on planar surfaces
M.M. Gugiu, C. Ciortea, A. Enulescu, I. Piticu, I.V. Popescu, D.E. Dumitriu, D. Fluerasu, A.C. Scafes, M.C. Pentia, C. Ciocarlan, M.D. Pena
Preliminary Results for Inner-Shell Ionization in Ion-Atom Collisions at MeV/U Energies
C.A. Simion, V. Tripadus
Triglycin sulfate unit. A complete vibrational analysis
S. Polosan, T.Tsuboi
Dual emitters for displays based on OLED compounds
F. F. Popescu L. A. Pardi, C. A. Massa, S. Nistor, M. Stefan, A. Darabont, C. Neamtu. V. Bercu
Evidence for delocalized spin projection in the Suzuki phase nanostructures of NaCl:Mn2+ by high-field EPR spectroscopy
S 11Earth and Environmental PhysicsLAP
Round Table: New Techniques for Air Quality Monitoring
Mihaela Caian, Sabina Stefan
Influence of the direct/indirect aerosol impact on precipitation, at regional scale
Doina Nicolae, Jeni Vasilescu, Cristian Radu, Emil Carstea, Sabina Stefan
Laser Remote Sensing of the Lower Atmosphere
Anca Nemuc, Sabina Stefan, Constanta Boroneant, Tom Savu, Gabriela Pitl
Lidar and satellite remote sensing techniques for studies of aerosol impact on regional climate variability. IMPAERO-Objectives and results
Alin Deneanu, Oana Iancovici, Anca Dragomir, Daniela Zisu
- Webgis for Environment
Camelia Talianu, Doina Nicolae, Livio Belegante, Cristina Raicu, F. Popescu, Cecilia Roman
Optical Remote Sensing for Investigations of Urban Planetary Boundary Layer Pollution - Objectives and Results
Livio Belegante, Francisc Popescu, Cristina Raicu, Cristian Necula, Maria Tandrau, Cecilia Roman
Urban PBL Pollution using Remote and In-situ Instruments
S 7Mathematical and Computational PhysicsDTP
Irinel Caprini
Determination of Vub from exclusive semileptonic B decays
Bijan Saha, Mihai Visinescu
String cosmological model in the presence of a magnetic flux
Viorel Chiritoiu, Gheorghe Zet
Renormalization in Quantum Gauge Theory
S. Berceanu
The Jacobi Group in Physics and Mathematics
Aurelian Isar
Entanglement dynamics in open systems
P. Dita
On method for construction of inverse orthogonal matrices
Hristu Culetu
Dark energy as an expanding anisotropic fluid
10.30 – 11.00Coffee Break
11.00 – 13.00 ROUND TABLE
13.00 – 15.00Lunch Break
S 4Condensed Matter PhysicsAULA
Voicu Dolocan, Andrei Dolocan, Voicu Octavian Dolocan
On the chemical bonding in solids
V.Tripadus, D.Aranghel, O. Constantinescu, M.Statescu, R.Erhan, J.M.Zanotti, S.Mitra
Molecular dynamics in sodium alginate using elastic neutron scattering
Stefan Antohe, Ionut Enculescu, Lucian Ion
A2B6 nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications
D.E.N. Brancus, L. Ion
Optical phonon spectrum and Fröhlich Hamiltonian in quasi-onedimensional structures made of uniaxial semiconductors of Würtzite type
E. Papp, C. Micu
Deriving simplified dynamic localization conditions for lattice electrons under AC electric and magnetic fields
Ovidiu Borchin, Erhardt Papp
The influence of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the Harper model
S 5Optics and Quantum ElectronicsA 1
Dan Sporea, Adelina Sporea
Tests on active and passive optical fiber components
Dan Sporea, Laura Paduraru
Best measurement capabilities of power calibration for optical communication systems
Alexandru Lupascu
Light transmission through relativistic moving boundaries
Anca Maria Beldiceanu
Extension of a conoscopic experimental arrangement
Ana Ioanid, Ioan Dafinei
Reflectance of BSO crystal in the ionic plasma frequency range
S 6Plasma PhysicsA 2
M. Nistor, N.B.Mandache, F.Gherendi, J. Perrière
Transparent and Conducting Oxide Thin Films by Pulsed Electron Beam Deposition
D. Grecu, A. T. Grecu
Dust acoustic waves in a local equilibrium approximation for a dusty plasma with dust charge variation
Gabriel Voitcu, Marius M. Echim
Test-kinetic modelling of non-gyrotropic velocity distribution functions experimentally observed in the terrestrial magnetosphere
S. Vizireanu, S. D. Stoica, B.Mitu, L. Nistor, M.A. Husanu, G. Dinescu
Growth process of carbon nanowalls by RF-PECVD
S 11Earth and Environmental PhysicsLAP
M. Voiculescu, I.Usoskin, G.Kovaltsov, L.P. Georgescu
Cloud cover modulation by solar proxies: could solar activity partly account for the observed climate variability?
Antoaneta Ene, I.V.Popescu, Claudia Stihi, Anca Gheboianu, T.Badica, M.Gugiu, I.Bancuta, G.Dima
PIXE analysis of environmental and metallurgical samples
Roxana Bojariu, E.Ion-Bordei, F.Giorgi, S.Rauscher, X.Bi
Black Sea influence on extreme precipitation in Romania
Lidia Purghel, C. Cosma, Dorina Gheorghiu, Rodica Iancu, Stela Patrascu, Beatris Neacsu, M. Popescu, Iren A. Moldovan, M. Diaconescu
National Radon Mapping
Sabina Stefan, Cristina Raicu
The analyses of air pollution episode in Bucharest
17.00 – 17.30Coffee Break
17.30 – 19.00POSTER SESSION
S 4. Condensed Matter Physics
P 1Daniela Dolha
The refractive indices in ADP single-crystals grown by a classical method
P 2H. Allmaier, L.Chioncel, E.Arrigoni, F.Beiuseanu, T.Jurcut, M.I.Katsnelson, A.Lichtenstein
Spin polarization and half-metallic ferromagnetism in CrO2
P 3D. Macovei, C.M.Teodorescu, G.A.Lungu, M.L. Ciurea
Erbium environment in Er-doped silica glass
P 4C.E.Secu, M.Secu
Optical properties of rare earth doped oxy-fluoride glasses
P 5M. Sima, E.Vasile, Mariana Sima, T.Visan
ZnO nanoneedle arrays obtained by zinc anodizing
P 6I. Ionita
Optimizing conditions suited for stress determinations in Q-space focusing configurations
P 7L.Pintilie, V.Stancu, C.Dragoi, L.Trupina, M.Vlaicu
Ferroelectric multilayers
P 8C. Andronache
The comparative structural study of vitreous matrices from P2O5.Li2O (M1) and P2O5.CaO (M2) systems by IR and Raman spectroscopies
P 9M.Socol, O.Rasoga, F.Stanculescu, A.Stanculescu
Electrical properties of some heterojunctions based on organic thin films
P 10D. Racolta
Quantum oscillations and the electronic transport properties in multichain nanorings
P 11O.M.Bunoiu, M.Stef, A. Pruna, G.Buse, I. Nicoara
Segregation coefficient of Er3+ and Yb+ ions in CaF2 crystals
P 12M. Velter-Stefanescu, I.Ivan
Magnetically modulated microwave absorption (MAMMA) investigation of high energy electron irradiated YBa2Cu3O7-: BaZrO3 system
P 13C. Cotarlan, C.Logofatu, A.C.Galca, C.S.Petrone
The study of the silicon oxides thickness on crystalline Si by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
P 14M.Urse, H.Chiriac, N.Lupu, M.Grigoras
Influence of the tunnel barrier and SAF layer on the TMR response in MT Js
P 15H. Chiriac, A.E.Moga, C.Gherasim
Synthesis and magnetic properties of Co and Co-Fe nanoparticles
P 16Andreea Pruna, M.Stef, G.Buse, I.Nicoara
Spectroscopic properties of LiF (NaF) codoped CaF2:YbF3 crystals
P 17M. Sofronie, M.Valeanu
Martensitic transformation in Fe70Pd30 obtained by melt spinning
P 18L. Frunza, S. Frunza, P. Ganea, T. Beica, N. Gheorghe, F. Neatu, V. I. Parvulescu, A. Schonhals
Complex characterization of layered materials
P 19A.Bende, D. Bogdan, C.Morari, I.Turcu
Intermolecular interaction in small phenothiazine clusters
P 20I. Baltog, M.Baibarac, L.Mihut, N.Preda, T.Velula, C.Bucur, M.Husanu
Vibrational and photoluminescence properties of polyaniline functionalized PbI2 and their applications as charge collector
P 21A. Goldenblum, M.Buda, V.Stancu, I.Pintilie, L.Pintilie
Electrical conductance of small grain PbS layers
P 22I. Ardelean, Monica Flora
The local structure and interaction between Mn2+ and Mn3+ ions in borate glasses
P 23I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, C.C.Surdu-Bob, P.Chiru, A. Anghel, O. Pompilian,
C. Porosnicu, I. Jepu, D. Rasleanu, V. Ionescu , V. Ciupina
Thermal treatment influence on Co/MgF2 and Permalloy/MgF2 tunneling magnetoresistive films
P 24Viorel Ionescu, Cristian P. Lungu, Osiac Mariana, Victor Ciupina
Silver Containing Carbon Amorphous Nanocomposite Films Deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technique
P 25Maria-Simona Gutoiu, Eugen Dorolti, Olivier Isnard, Viorel Pop, Ionel Chicinaş
Structural properties of MnBi compounds
P 26D.M. Lilea, C. Varlam, I. Vagner
Study of Low Temperature Syntesis for Apatitic Tricalcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Doped with Europium
P 27N. Preda, L. Mihut, M. Baibarac, I. Baltog, M. Husanu, C. Bucur, T. Velula
The intercalation of PbI2 with 2,2'-bipyridine evidenced by photoluminescence, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy
P 28Irina Nicoara, M.Stef, Andreea Pruna, G. Buse
Spectroscopic properties of PbF2 doped CaF2 crystals
S 8. Technical Physics
P 1Cezar Doca, Constantin Paunoiu
Theoretical modeling of the pressure pulses generated by the pumps in the CANDU primary heat transport system
P 2Gabriel Murariu, Mihaela Chirila, Mimi Dobrea
Software approaching for heat transfer coefficients’ evaluation
P 3Luminita Moraru, Antoaneta Ene, Gabriel Murariu
High-accuracy structure identification of the aluminium eutectic alloys using the colour contrast method
P 4M.Balasoiu, I.Bica, E.M.Anitas, A.Kh.Islamov, R.Erhan, V.A.Osipov, A.I.Kuklin
SANS of interacting magnetic micro-sized Fe particles in a Stomaflex crème polymer matrix
P 5D.Toader, S.Marghitu, C.Oproiu, C.Matei, O.Marghitu
Diagnosis of Low Energy Electron Beams using DIADYN
P 6Ionut Vladoiu, Mihai Stafe, Constantin Negutu, Ion M. Popescu
Dependence of the Nanopulsed Ablation Rate of Aluminium and Silicon on Laser Fluence
P 7F. Buşe, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa
Multilayer dielectric for condenser insulation
P 8I. Bibicu, G. Nicolescu, C. Cretu
A multifunctional counter for backscattering Mössbauer spectroscopy
P 9V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, M. Braic
Grazing Incidence Mirrors for Euv Lithography
P 10Daniela Ionescu, Iulia Brînduşa Ciobanu
High Frequency Study of the Electrical Permittivity for a Perovskite-like System from Two Dimensional Perovskite Layer Family
P 11C. N. Zoita, L. Nedelcu, C. Besleaga, L. Braic, T. Mitran, A. Kiss
InN Thin Films Obtained by rf Magnetron Sputtering
P 12I. Jepu, C. P. Lungu, C. Porosnicu, P. Chiru, V. Soare
Nickel films deposition on flexible substrates by thermionic vacuum arc method
P 13Monica R.Nemtanu, C.Oproiu, Mirela Brasoveanu, M.Oane
Characterization of the electron beam radiation field by chemical dosimetry
P 14C.Oproiu, D.Toader, M.Nemtanu, R.Popa
The use of cellulose acetate for determining the dose distribution in electron beam
P 15T. Zaharescu, S.Jipa, E.D.Popescu
Consequences of gamma-irradiation on electrical properties of some sorts of polyethylene as electrical insulator
P 16Ana Picu, George Balan
An overview on noise due to automobile running on different types of asphalt
P 17Viorica Chioran, I. Ardelean, Aurora Stanci
The measurement of the magnetic susceptibility and of the magnetization using the Gouy method
P 18Viorica Chioran, Daniel Chioran, Aurora Stanci
The magnetofluid based separation of non-ferrous metals
P 19C. Porosnicu, A. Anghel, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu
Bias influence on the beryllium films morphology
P 20S. Soare, T. Craciunescu, M. Curuia, V. Kiptily, I. Lengar, A. Murari, P. Prior, M. Anghel, G. Bonheure,
M. Constantin, T. Edlington, D. Falie, F. Le Guern, A. Pantea, S. Popovichev, V. Riccardo, V. Thompson,
I. Tiseanu and JET EFDA contributors
The design of neutron filters for the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras
P 21Sorin Gherghinescu
Mathematical Models for Isotopic Exchange Process in the Pilot Plant for Tritium and Deuterium Separation