National Community Led Housing Conference 2017
Application for Nationwide Foundation Ticket Bursary
To apply for a Nationwide Foundation Ticket Bursary please complete this form.
In order to be eligible to apply your community led housing group must:
- be a member of either the National CLT Network, UK Cohousing Network or CCH
- be providing housing to those in need
- be less able to pay the price of a ticket.
Please note that applications are limited to one per community led housing group and allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Please return to us no later than 5.00pm on Monday 13th November.
If you have any questions about your application, or would like to discuss any of your answers, please contact us:
Polly Adams-Felton, Grants and Events Coordinator, National CLT Network
020 3096 7793
Applicant details
Organisation name:Your name: / Title:
Position held:
Organisation address:
Correspondence address (if different):
Section 1: Your group
- Which groups in need does your/will your community led housing project help?
Section 2: Financial review of your group
- Could you please provide us with a brief financial overview of your group? For example, the current cash balance, your income and expenditure over the past year and your current commitments.
I understand that by submitting the above application I declare that all the information I have submitted is true and accurate. I understand that the National CLT Network may elect to refuse my application or withdraw any offer made if the information I have submitted is found to be inaccurate.
Please return this form to us at the address below no later than 5.00pm on Monday 13th November. We accept applications by post or email (if applying by email, please submit your application as a Word document or PDF).
Polly Adams-Felton, Grants and Events Coordinator
National CLT Network
7-14 Great Dover Street
The National CLT Network processes personal data in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and uses such personal data and other information you provide as part of the process of assessing grant applications, and monitoring and evaluating the progress of work funded. Information may also be assessed or monitored by external agencies appointed by the Network e.g., accountants, external evaluators and statutory agencies such as the Charity Commission. It will not be used for any additional purposes or disclosed to third parties without your permission, except for the purpose of determining, preventing or detecting crime.