National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Council Meeting Friday, June 19, 2015—San Antonio, TX

Minutes of Meeting

Chairman Billingsley called the meeting to order at 8:05am.

Executive Secretary Bob Garrett called the roll and the following council members were present:

AAA Jeff Bagdade HFR Bryan Katz

AAR Dave Huya IACP No Delegate

AASHTO John Barton, Chair IBTTA Maurice Palumbo

Richard Moeur IMSA Don Fullerton

Tom Honich ITE John Fisher, Chair

Meg Moore Dongho Chang

John Leonard Ronnie Bell

Lee Roadifer Brent Ogden

Dave Woodin Herman Hill

Mark Wilson Gene Hawkins

AHUA Jon Upchurch Scott Wainwright

APBP Craig Williams David Woosley

APTA Jeff LaMora LAB Rock Miller

APWA Steve Oliver NACE Lee Billingsley

Bob Garbacz Jeff Blue

Monica Suter Nathan Richman

AREMA Richard Campbell NSC Dan Magri


ASCE Bob Bryson

ATSSA Roger Wentz

GHSA No Delegate

Honorary, Non-Voting Members: Jim Pline, George Butzer and Ray Pusey

Secretary Garrett declared a quorum with 36 of 38 voting members present. Also present were approximately 180 other members and visitors.

RW Signs Committee Report

Committee Vice Chair, Lee Roadifer, reported that the committee had met Wednesday with 21 Members and seven visitors and Thursday with 22 Members and 17 visitors. They reviewed research items and will have items to be sent to Sponsors.

They reviewed the Sponsor comments on the proposed changes to Section 2B.18 and made some changes. He then presented the final recommended language. There was some discussion with one amendment presented which was accepted as editorial.

Moved and seconded to approve the proposed changes to Section 2B.18 of the MUTCD (Attachment No. 1). Motion passed unanimously.

NCUTCD Council Meeting Minutes

June 19, 2015

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GMI Signs Committee Report

Committee Chair, Meg Moore, reported that the committee had met Wednesday with 24 Members and 18 visitors and Thursday with 27 Members and 14 visitors. They will have an item to go to Sponsors.

Meg presented GMI recommendations on SROPT.

Moved and seconded to approve the GMI Technical Committee recommendations for changes to Section 2D of the MUTCD regarding SROPT.

There was discussion and two amendments proposed, one of which failed 8-23 and the other was approved unanimously.

Moved and seconded to approve the amended GMI Technical Committee recommendation for changes to Section 2D of the MUTCD regarding SROPT. Motion passed unanimously.

RRLRT Committee Report

RRLRT chair, Rick Campbell, reported that the committee had met Wednesday with 35 Members and 9 visitors and Thursday with 38 Members and six visitors. They heard two presentations and worked on joint items with RW Signs. They have no items for the Council today and two items to go to Sponsors.

Markings Committee Report

Markings committee chair, Dave Woodin, reported that the committee had met Wednesday with 27 Members and 16 visitors and Thursday with 26 Members and 10 visitors. They discussed SROPT items and will defer action until the January meeting. They have no items to be brought to the Council today and no items for Sponsors.

Signals Committee Report

Signals committee chair, Ronnie Bell, reported that they met Wednesday with 31 Members and 30 visitors and Thursday with 36 Members and 20 visitors. They heard several presentations. They have no items for the Council today and will have no Sponsor items.

TTC Committee Report

TTC Committee vice chair, John Leonard, reported that they met Wednesday with 27 Members and 20 visitors and Thursday with 25 Members and 19 visitors. They had several presentations. They have no items for the Council today and will have no Sponsor items.

NCUTCD Council Meeting Minutes

June 19, 2015

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Bicycle Committee Report

Bicycle Committee chair, Richard Moeur, reported that they met Wednesday with 16 Members and 10 visitors and Thursday with 16 Members and six visitors. They had several presentations. They have no items for the Council today and will have two items to go to Sponsors.

Research Committee Report

Susan Chrysler reported that The Research Committee met Thursday night from 5:15 to 7:00 PM. There were 48 in attendance. Summaries were provided of the FHWA TCD PFS study, NCHRP related research, and an overview of the problem statements submitted last year. The RC then went through the stages of identifying any new PSs for this coming year. The working titles were listed and the supporting technical committees shared their need for the research. A working list of PSs was developed for further consideration and readiness for the NCHRP cycle, which starts on Oct 15.

Pedestrian Task Force Report

Pedestrian Task Force chair, Eagan Foster, reported that they met Wednesday with 15 Members and 9 guests. He described the items that they discussed including:

·  Several current research projects affecting pedestrians,

·  A project looking at various arrangements of roadway paddles including the R1-6/R1-6a type signs

·  Reports available for accommodating pedestrians at Public Transit facilities

·  A study underway looking at driver understanding and compliance with different displays of pedestrian hybrid beacons.

·  The current status of some RRFB studies

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert M. Garrett, NCUTCD Executive Secretary