Schedule 1
Position Title / Contract and Service Development ManagerPosition Type / Ongoing Full time
Direct Reports / Contract Monitor, Data and Development Support, National Trainer, NHSS/Operations Coordinator, Programme Support, Admin Support.
Location / NCIWR Wellington
Date / July 2017
Reports to / Chief Executive
Our Vision
Is leadership that influences the prevention and elimination of domestic violence.
Our Purpose
To liberate women, children, families and whanau from family violence through the provision of quality services and social commentary.
Our Values
- Whakapapa: Relationships built on kinship and reciprocity.
- Tikanga: Practising with integrity.
- Wairua: Honouring diversity.
- Tapu: Promoting self-understanding and development.
- Mauri: Maintenance of the individual identity and values within a collective.
- Mana: Inspirational leadership
Our four cornerstones underpin our values
- Parallel development: Ensuring the needs of Māori are met in ways that best suit Māori.
- Collectivism: To ensure consensus decision-making, and in recognition that the actions of one refuge reflects on the refuge movement as a whole.
- Feminism: Celebrating women's contribution to society.
- takatapui nurturing diversity: To celebrate diversity and eliminate discrimination of any kind against women.
We are also strongly guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Treaty of Waitangi.
NCIWR is contracted by the Ministry of Social Development for the provision of domestic violence services which it provides through its 37 member refuges throughout New Zealand.
To ensure that NCIWR is an effective and sustainable not-for-profit organisation working in the domestic violence sector, the Contract and Service Development Manager is responsible for the following:
- Oversight of national government contracts held by NCIWR
- Developing and managing individual sub-contracts held by each of our 37 member refuges
- service delivery quality and compliance monitoring, including investigation/oversight of complaints
- reporting
- development and training across 37 refuges
- financial management
- implementation of new projects/programmes
- liaison with external agencies ie: MSD, MVCOT, MOJ
This role ensures that all services are delivered by refuges in accordance with their individual contractual agreement and that Refuges receive funding for their work and services they deliver. This will require working closely with the Contract Monitor and the Service Development Team to ensure that services are delivered in line with agreed standards, are appropriate for the community they serve and contracted volumes are being met.
Furthermore, quarterly monitoring and assessment of refuges will be undertaken to ensure that services are being provided in line with policy and procedures and standards of service are being met. Monitoring and assessment of refuges ensures needs and gaps are identified and addressed to make sure that service provision is consistent throughout all refuges.
Adequate and proactive risk analysis is continuously undertaken and emerging issues are addressed in a timely manner. Quarterly payments as per contractual agreements are duly managed and payments are processed.
Auditing of the refuges will be undertaken to ensure NCIWR membership compliance and approval status is maintained by each refuge. Regular travel throughout New Zealand will be necessary and continuous support to refuges must be provided.
This role requires professional conduct, team work and supports outcomes for both Maori and Tauiwi.
Position Purpose
- The Contract and Service Development Manager will work alongside the CEO tomanage all components of our contractual relationships between government and NCIWR contracts held by its member refuges.
- Oversee and manage the monitoring and support functions delivered by NCIWR staff: Data and Development; Monitoring and Development; Contract Monitor; National Training Coordinator; Programme Support; NHSS/Operations Support; and Admin Support.
- Manage relationships with member refuges, agencies, and key stakeholders.
- Ensures that monitoring and assessment of refuges is conducted twice per year.
- Implement any social, legislative and institutional changes that enhance opportunities for women, children and families to live free from violence and oppression.
- Build a continuous improvement culture with member refuges through communication and support to ensure outcomes are achieved for all.
- Manage resources and budget including administering quarterly payments to refuges.
- All reporting functions and accountability requirements are observed and met within contracted time frame and deadlines
Reports to
The Chief Executive of NCIWR
Working Relationships
- Chief Executive
- Office and HR Manager
- Finance Manager
- Contracts and Service Development Team
- Other National Office staff
- Member refuges
- Ministry of Social Development representatives
- Ministry of Vulnerable Children Oranga Tamariki representatives
- Ministry of Justice representatives
- Other Government agencies
- Other NGO’s
Key Responsibilities
Contract and Service Delivery Management
- Apply sound general contract management practices to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the contract and service delivery unit
- Delivers agreed outputs to support achievement of outcomes for NCIWR and refuges
- Manage the implementation and monitoring of the contract and contract management functions, including expenditure associated with the contract
- Monitors the quality and effectiveness of services delivered and provide responses to monitoring reports, identifying issues that require investigation.
- Manage and provide support functions to ensure refuges who are not performing, partially meeting requirements or at risk of losing approval status are identified and assisted to regain full approval status
- Manage the completion of a contract effectively whether it is due to the expiry of the term or non-performance. Where poor performance is an issue, resolve matters that arise including seeking funding return for under-delivery
- Manage funding arrangements including changes or variations for funding within timeframe and budget limitations
- Contract and support providers to strengthen their capability to enhance their services.
- Identify and (where appropriate) follow through on opportunities for innovation and growth for NCIWR.
Team Leadership
- Build and maintain a high performing team that is capable of developing and delivering successful outcomes to support NCIWR strategic direction
- Establishes clear accountabilities, expectations and performance standards with direct reports and ensures regular performance management and development occurs
- Monitors individual and team performance to ensure that performance targets are met
- Identifies and anticipates capability needs and addresses these through targeted actions
- Coaches and mentors team members
Relationship Management
- Builds and manages relationships with Refuges, colleagues, external stakeholders, agencies and service providers to promote understanding and cooperation needed to achieve desired results
- Represents NCIWR views and protects its reputation in external interactions
- Works appropriately within the political environment in which the organisation operates
- Participates as an active team member and contributes knowledge and expertise needed to achieve NCIWR outcomes.
Risk Management
- Ensure all risk is identified, minimised and managed throughout all relationships and processes
- Advise on funding and contracting risk areas and emerging issues, and develop strategies to manage these
- Ensure that regional monitoring mechanisms are implemented to determine and report on the effectiveness of programmes and services
- Ensure conflicts of interest are effectively managed throughout all aspects of the contractual process
Organisational Commitment
- Role models the standards and values of the organisation
- Practices with integrity and continuously models the cornerstones which underpin our values to ensures the needs of Maori are met in ways that best suit Maori
- Upholds consensus decision-making
- Celebrates women’s contribution to society and works to eliminate discrimination of any kind against women.
Personal Leadership
- Provide leadership that motivates and encourages others to develop and succeed
- Engages and shares experience and knowledge
- Models strong management and leadership behaviours that align with the values and ethos of NCIWR
- Engages and motivates people to participate and makes things happen
- Nurtures an open, collaborative environment that encourages quality, innovation, ongoing learning and knowledge sharing.
- Has strong conflict management and problem solving skills
Safety and Wellbeing
- Manages own personal health and safety, takes appropriate action to deal with workplace hazards, accidents and incidents
- Actively supports all safety and wellbeing initiatives
- Ensures all staff/colleagues maintain adequate safety standards on the job through consultation, training and supervision
- Ensures own and others safety at all times
- Complies with all relevant safety and wellbeing policies and procedures
Technical and Professional Experience
- Proven experience in contract management
- Relationship management
- Experience in monitoring and auditing processes
- Team leadership
- Financial management
- Management reporting
- Relevant tertiary qualification is preferable
Essential Skills and Attributes
- Self-managing and self-motivated
- Multi-tasker extraordinaire
- Strong relationship management and interpersonal skills - ability to establish and maintain effective networks and relationships
- Ability to work across all cultures
- Proficient in Microsoft office suite and Xero
- Excellent communication skills, report writing and accountability reporting
- Problem resolution/solution focus
- Current, “clean” full driving licence
- Ability and willingness to travel throughout New Zealand, at times at short notice
- Honesty and trustworthiness
- Highly developed analytical skills, with a demonstrated ability to understand and interpret a wide range of business information, including risk management
- Ability to think strategically and to grasp, interpret and apply abstract concepts
- An interest in Māori achievement and working with Māori development priorities
- Ability to acknowledge and think about matters from different perspectives
- Dedicated to achieving successful outcomes for Māori.
Certificates, Licenses, Registrations
Maintain a valid Driver’s License.
Opportunity Location:
Accountability and dimensions of the position:
Number of indirect reports / 7Other formal NCIWR delegation levels / nil
Mandatory achievement areas for all National Office Positions
NCIWR Strategic Outcomes 1, 2, and 3
- Has an understanding and working knowledge of NCIWR Strategiesincluding the goals and actions.
- Can discuss its content, key evidence and key ideas and apply this to work priorities of NCIWR and Te Taumata o Te Kōwhai Core Group.
Parallel Development
- Shows active leadership in applying this knowledge to ensure all work results in Māori achieving success as Māori.
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