National Association of Teachers of Travellers +Other Professionals

“Raising Standards and Ensuring Inclusion for Gypsy Roma and Traveller Children”

Friday 15 June 2018

Aston Conference Centre

AstonUniversity, Birmingham. B4 7ET

Application Form

Please complete one form per person. (in BLOCK CAPITALS – thank you)

First Name: ……………………………………Surname…………………………………………………

Address (for all correspondence to be sent): ..………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ………………………….

Telephone: …………………………………… mobile: …………………………………………………..

Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Service/Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………….………………

Are you a current NATT+ Member: YES/NO

I would like to attend the NATT+ conference at the rate of £50.00 for NATT+ members. Non Members £100.00 per person. Student rate of £15.00 (must provide evidence of student status) *please see below for cancellation charges. If you require an invoice, please indicate here: YES/NO.

Stating who and where you wish the invoice to be sent to if different from your above address.



Requests for invoice needs to be emailed to .

A place is not secure until payment has been received:

You can pay using Paypal via the web site or by BACS details: NatWest account number: 83440119 Sort Code: 60-15-31 or send a cheque (made payable to NATT) to: Maggs Harrison c/o 8 SomertonGardens, Earley, Reading RG6 5XG.

Please return the form with payment, no later than 20th April 2018

Once payment has been received confirmation of place and further details will be sent to you direct.

*Cancellation charges:

In the unfortunate event that you would need to cancel your place at the conference, NATT+ would make every effort to re-sell your place, but in the event of NATT+ being unsuccessful in reselling the following cancellation charges would apply:

Cancellation between 4 - 6 months prior to Conference 50%

Cancellation between 2 – 4 months prior to Conference 75%

Cancellation between 8 days and 2 months prior to Conference 100%

The charges apply to the total amount paid for the conference.
