National Association of Catholic Chaplains
Audio Conference Fact Sheet


Dates: June 18 Presentation: Rev. Robin Ryan (completed)

June 25 Discussion session facilitated by David and Susanne

June 26 Presentation: Rev Robin Ryan

Starting Time: 12:00 p.m. Central Time (Calls will begin promptly)

10:00 a.m. Pacific Time

11:00 a.m. Mountain Time

1:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Topic: The Mystery of God and Human Suffering: Implications for Ministry to the Sick and Dying

Speaker: Rev. Robin Ryan, CP

David Lichter and Susanne Chawszczewski

CEH: 1.5 hours per session attended

Equipment: Telephone

Materials: NACC June Audio Materials - The Mystery of God and Human Suffering
(electronic PDF file)

Connection Information: Telephone number: 1-877-567-1262 Pass-code: 27403045

If you have problems accessing the audio conference after dialing into the 877 number, dial * 0 and an operator will assist you.

Conference Call Etiquette

A few tips to make your audio conference experience a good one:

·  Be on time – audio conferences will begin promptly; we cannot wait for latecomers.

·  Review presentation materials prior to the audio conference.

·  Choose a quiet space in which to participate in the conference call. If in a group setting, please refrain from side conversations, typing on keyboards, etc. The conference call will be recorded and background noise will interfere with the quality of the recording.

·  Before you begin the call, place your telephone on ‘Do Not Disturb’; call waiting beeps will interrupt your connection to the call. For those using home phones, quite often the call waiting function can be temporarily suspended prior to a call. Check with your local telephone service provider.

·  When entering the call, please DO NOT announce yourself. You should hear silence when you enter the call. The presentation will begin promptly at 12 noon Central time.

·  While you are not speaking, please use the ‘MUTE’ button. If you do not have a mute button you’re your phone, once in the audio conference, please press *6 to turn on MUTE and #6 to turn off MUTE.

·  Never place your telephone on ‘HOLD’. If you do this during a call, everyone on the call will hear your institutions hold music.

·  We encourage participation, but please wait for the appropriate portion of the audio conference to share your thoughts. Please keep your observations/questions short so that other participants may also comment. When sharing, please begin by identifying yourself.