National 2006-16 employment matrix
File description
Source Data Format - Semicolon delimited ASCII
File name - PBMT.TXT Number of records - 118,902
PBMT.TXT contains the employment records for the base year (2006) and projected year (2016) industry-occupation matrices sorted by industry. Industry-occupation employment cells that are confidential, have poor statistical quality, or have fewer than 50 jobs have been suppressed. The staffing patterns
(percent of industry for each occupation that has employment in that industry) for the 2006 and 2016 matrices are included in this file. Also included in each record is the percent of occupation for each industry that has employment in that occupation as well the numeric and percent change for 2006-16.
Each data record in PBMT.TXT consists of: a 1-byte 'type of occupation' code; a 1-byte 'type of industry' code; a 7-byte occupation code; a 6-byte industry code; employment for 2006; percent of industry employment for each occupation in 2006; percent of occupation employment for each industry in 2006; employment in 2016; percent of industry employment for each occupation in 2016; percent of occupation employment for each industry in 2016; numeric employment change 2006-16; and percent change 2006-16. Percents are shown with the decimal point included.
The 6-byte industry codes for most industries are based on the 6-digit 2002 North American Classification System (NAICS) codes. Those industries that do not have NAICS codes include: Total, all employment, the self-employed and unpaid family sectors, the secondary employment industries, and the government (except U.S. Postal Service, NAICS 491100) industries. In addition, three summary industries have a unique code, based on NAICS, but with a '-' in the third byte. They are: Manufacturing (31-33); Retail trade (44-45); and Transportation and warehousing (48-49). The Forestry (113132) code is separated from logging (113300) and consists of NAICS 113100 and 113200 (see industry directory).
There are 1021 detail and summary occupation codes and 485 detail and summary industry employment codes. Each data record contains one occupation and one industry code. The data records are in ascending order by the 7-character occupation code within each industry. With few exceptions, the occupation order is based on the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) manual.
Of the 1021 occupations, 753 are detail and 268 are summary occupations. Of the 475 industries, there are 311 detail and 164 summary industries in these industry-occupation matrices. Total employment of the data contained within the 'Total, all industries' (000001) industry is the sum of the following 4 summary industries:
Self-employed workers, all jobs (000600)
Unpaid family workers, all jobs (000700)
Wage and salary workers, second job in agricultural production, forestry, fishing, or private households (000510)
Wage and salary workers, all industries except second job in agricultural production, forestry, fishing, or private households (000520)
It is important to note that cells that are confidential, have poor statistical quality, or have fewer than 50 jobs have are not displayed.
Additionally, there is either a 'S' or a 'D' in byte nos. 2 and 3. If here is a 'D' in byte no. 2, this means that the occupation in the record is a 'detail' occupation. Similarly, a 'D' in byte no. 3 indicates that the record contains a 'detail' industry. Therefore, a 'detail' cell is a record containing a 'D' in both byte nos. 2 and 3. If there is a 'S' in byte nos. 2 or 3, this indicates a 'summary' occupation or industry. A record containing a 'S' in either byte no. 2 or 3 indicates a 'summary' cell.
Please note that the data for detailed occupations and industries does not sum to the totals for the summaries because the totals include data for occupations and industries not displayed separately.
Please also recognize that because there are over 115,000 records in the data file, it is too large to import into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. One suggestion is to split the file into its component major NAICS industry groups. Another way to break up the file is to split it into two files containing approximately 64,000 records each and then import the files into two spreadsheets.
It is important to note that the industries are based on the 2002 North American Classification system (NAICS) and are not consistent with the industries presented in previous projections. For information about NAICS, please visit their website at:
Structure for table: INDTITLE.DBF
Number of data records: 475
Field Field Name Type Width Description
1 INDTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
2 INDCODE Character 6 Industry Code
3 INDTITLE Character 107 Industry Title
4 NAICCODES Character 20 NAICS codes included
Structure for table OCCTITLE.DBF
Number of data records: 1,021
Field Field Name Type Width Description
1 OCCTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
2 OCCCODE Character 7 Occupation Code
3 OCCTITLE Character 78 Occupation Title
Structure for table: MATRIX06.DBF
Number of data records: 118,902
Field Field Name Type Width Dec Description
1 OCCTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
2 INDTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
3 OCCCODE Character 7 Occupation Code
4 INDCODE Character 6 Industry Code
5 EMPL2006 Numeric 10 0 2006 employment
6 RATIO06 Numeric 6 2 2006 staffing patterns
7 INDRAT06 Numeric 6 2 2006 ind. % of occ.
8 EMPL2016 Numeric 10 0 2016 employment
9 RATIO16 Numeric 6 2 2016 staffing patterns
10 INDRAT16 Numeric 6 2 2016 ind. % of occ.
11 EMPCHG Numeric 10 0 2006-16 employment change
12 PCTCHG Numeric 6 2 2006-16 percent change
Structure for table: INDTOTS.DBF
Number of data records: 475
Field Field Name Type Width Dec Description
1 INDTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
2 INDCODE Character 6 Industry Code
3 INDTITLE Character 150 Industry Title
4 EMPL2006 Numeric 10 0 2006 Employment
5 INDRAT06 Numeric 6 2 2006 % distribution
6 EMPL2016 Numeric 10 0 2016 Employment
7 INDRAT16 Numeric 6 2 2016 % distribution
8 EMPCHG Numeric 10 0 2006-16 employment change
9 PCTCHG Numeric 6 2 2006-16 percent change
Structure for table: OCCTOTS.DBF
Number of data records: 1,021
Field Field Name Type Width Dec Description
1 OCCTYPE Character 1 S=Summary, D=Detailed
2 OCCCODE Character 7 Occupation Code
3 OCCTITLE Character 100 Occupation Title
4 EMPL2006 Numeric 10 0 2006 Employment
5 RATIO06 Numeric 6 2 2006 % distribution
6 EMPL2016 Numeric 10 0 2016 Employment
7 RATIO16 Numeric 6 2 2016 % distribution
8 EMPCHG Numeric 10 0 2006-16 employment change
9 PCTCHG Numeric 6 2 2006-16 percent change