Michael L. Miller

Central European University

Fall 2004

NATI 5540 - The Emergence of Zionism


  1. General Reference Works

Encyclopaedia Judaica. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing, 1996.

Evreiskaia entsiklopediia. 16 vols. St. Petersburg : Obshchestvo dlia nauchnykh evreiskikh

izdanii, 1906-13.

Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1901-1906.

Medoff, Raphael and Chaim Issac Waxman, eds. Historical Dictionary of Zionism. Chicago:

Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000.

  1. General Works on Modern Jewish History

Baron, Salo W. “The Modern Age.” In Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People, edited

by Leo W. Schwarz. New York: Modern Library, 1983. 942.1 BARO

Ettinger, S. “The Modern Period.” In A History of the Jewish People, edited by H.H. Ben-

Sasson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976. 909.04 924 BEN

Vital, David. A People Apart: the Jews of Europe, 1789-1939. New York: Oxford University

Press, 1999. 942.1 VIT

  1. Historical Atlases

Barnavi, Eli, ed. A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People. New York: Schocken Books, 1992.

942.1 BAR

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Atlas of Jewish History. London: Routledge, 1994.

De Lange, Nicholas. Atlas of the Jewish World. Oxford: Phaidon, 1984. 909./04/924 DEL

Friesel, Evyatar. Atlas of Modern Jewish History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Gilbert, Martin. The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization. New York: Macmillan, 1990.

942.1/009 GIL

  1. General Works on Zionism

Avineri, Shlomo. The Making of Modern Zionism: The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish

State. New York: Basic Books, 1981.

Hertzberg, Arthur. The Zionist Idea. A Historical Analysis and Reader. New York:

Doubelday, 1959.

Laqueur, Walter. A History of Zionism. NewYork: Schocken, 1989.

Mosse, George. Confronting the State: Jewish and Western Nationalism. Hanover: University

Press of New England, 1993.

Reinharz, Jehuda and Anita Shapira. Essential Papers on Zionism. New York: NYU Press,


Shimoni, Gideon. The Zionist Ideology. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1995.

Vital, David. The Origins of Zionism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.

------. Zionism: The Formative Years. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.

------. Zionism: The Crucial Phase. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

  1. “Precursors” to Zionism I: Y. Alkalai and Z.H. Kalischer

Katz, Jacob. “The Forerunners of Zionism.” In Essential Papers on Zionism, 33-45.

Meyers, Jody. “Zevi Hirsch Kalischer and the Origins of Religious Zionism.” In From East

and West: Jews in a Changing Europe, 1750-1870, edited by Frances Malino and David

Sorkin. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.

  1. “Precursors” to Zionism II: Moses Hess

Graetz, Michael. “On the Return of Moses Hess to Judaism: the Background to ‘Rome and

Jerusalem.’” In Binah: Studies in Jewish History, vol. 1, edited by Joseph Dan. New

York: Praeger, 1989.

Koltun-Fromm, Ken. Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity. Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, 2001.

Wistrich, Robert. Socialism and the Jews: the Dilemmas of Assimilation in Germany and

Austria-Hungary. Rutherford: Fairleigh-Dickenson University Press, 1982.

  1. Leo Pinsker and the Crisis of Assimilation

Luz, Ehud. “The Limits of Toleration: the challenge of cooperation between the observant

and the nonobservant during the Hibbat Zion period.” In Zionism and Religion, 44-


Zipperstein, Steven. “Representations of Leadership (and Failure) in Russian Zionism:

Picturing Leon Pinsker.” In Essential Papers in Zionism, 191-209.

  1. Theordor Herzl and Political Zionism

Herzl, Theodor. Briefe und Tagebücher. 6 vols. Berlin: Propyläen, 1883-1983.

Kornberg, Jacques. Theodor Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism. Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, 1993.

Robertson, Ritchie and Edward Timms, eds. Theodor Herzel and the Origins of Zionism.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997.

Schorske, Carl E. “Politics in a New Key: an Austrian Trio.” In Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics

and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.

Shimoni, Gideon and Robert S. Wistrich. Theodor Herzl: Visionary of the Jewish State.

Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1999.

  1. Achad Ha-Am and Cultural Zionism

Ahad Ha’am. Selected Writings. Translated from the Hebrew by Leon Simon. Philadelphia:

JPS, 1948.

Kornberg, Jacques, ed. At the Crossroads: Essays on Ahad Ha-am. Albany: SUNY Press,


Simon, Leon. Ahad Ha’am (Asher Ginzberg): A Biography. Philadelphia: JPS, 1960.

Zipperstein, Steven. Elusive Prophet: Ahad Ha’am and the Origins of Zionism. London: Peter

Halban, 1993.

  1. Religious Zionism

Almog, Shmuel, Jehuda Reinharz, and Anita Shapira, eds. Zionism and Religion. Hanover:

University Press of New England.

Luz, Ehud. Parallels Meet. Religion and Nationalism in the Early Zionism Movement (1882-

1904). Philadelphia: JPS, 1988.

Salmon, Yosef. Religion and Zionism: First Encounters. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2002.

  1. Labor Zionism and Marxist Zionism

Borochov, Ber. Class Struggle and the Jewish Nation: Selected Essays in Marxist Zionism.

New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1984.

Frankel, Jonathan. Prophesy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, and the Russian Jews,

1862-1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

  1. Vladimir Jabotinsky and Revisionist Zionism

Nakhimovsky, Alice Stone. Russian-Jewish Literature and Identity: Jabotinsky, Babel,

Grossman, Galich, Roziner, Markish. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,


Schechtman, Joseph. The Life and Times of Vladimir Jabotinsky. Silver Spring, MD: Eshel

Books, 1986.

Stanislawski, Michael. Zionism and the Fin-de-Siècle: Cosmipolitanism and Nationalism

from Nordau to Jabotinsky. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Shavit, Yaakov. “Fire and Water: Ze’ev Jabotinsky and the Revisionist Movement.” In

Essential Papers on Zionism, 544-566.

  1. Zionism and its Critics

Almog, Shmuel, Jehuda Reinharz, and Anita Shapira, eds. Zionism and Religion. Hanover:

University Press of New England.

Luz, Ehud. Parallels Meet. Religion and Nationalism in the Early Zionism Movement (1882-

1904). Philadelphia: JPS, 1988.

Revitzky, Aviezer. Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism. Chicago: U of

Chicago Press, 1996.

Salmon, Yosef. Religion and Zionism: First Encounters. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2002.

------. “Herzl and Orthodox Jewry.” In Theodor Herzl: Visionary of the Jewish State, 294-307.

  1. Berit Shalom: Zionism and the Arab Question

Buber, Martin. A Land of Two Peoples: Martin Buber on Jews and Arabs. New York: Oxford

University Press, 1983.

Gafni, Yosef. Zionism and the Arabs, 1882-1948: A Study of Ideology. Oxford: Clarendon

Press, 1987.

Kolatt, Israel. “The Zionist Movement and the Arabs.” In Essential Papers on Zionism, 617-


Lavsky, Hagit. “German Zionists and the Emergence of Brit Shalom.” In Essential Papers on

Zionism, 648-670.

Magnes, Judah L. Dissenter in Zion: From the Writings of Judah L. Magnes, edited by Arthur

Goren. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.

Shapira, Anita. Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948. New York: Oxford

Unviersity Press, 1992.

Wasserstein, Bernard. “Patterns of Communal Conflict in Palestine.” In Essential Papers on

Zionism, 671-688.