Long-Term Evidence-Based Protection & Sustainability in Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Buildings
The 25th Annual AEHS International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air—March 23-24, 2015, San Diego, CA
Presenter Bios
Nathaniel L. Burden, Jr., Fidelity Inspections and Consulting Services, Warminster, PA
“Nate” is the Director of Environmental Services and Training Director for Fidelity Inspection and Consulting Services and attended Carnegie-Mellon University with graduate studies in Nuclear Engineering. He was a nuclear operator for the now decommissioned Shippingport Atomic Power Station-LWBR and Beaver Valley Nuclear Power state in Beaver Valley, PA. Nate has over 25 years in environmental and nuclear decontamination and chemical clean-up and risk assessment. He has been involved in VI and radon projects where he has provided the initial risk communication to the communities, condominium complexes and low income housing in the Pennsylvania. He has provided risk communication packages to the military housing families, American military schools and German environmental engineering groups on radon risks and mitigation reduction strategies for Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (Artillery Karserne and the Marshall Center), Livorno, Italy (Camp Darby). He has also been in involved in specialized hype-sensitive radon reduction for the Sudbury Neutrino Laboratory (SNO) in cooperation with the Argonne National Laboratory with new radon mitigation methodologies. Licensed radon mitigation contractor in Pennsylvania since 1986 and have installed over 2000 radon mitigation systems (residential, commercial and military), along with full radon mitigation systems in malls in Pennsylvania. Nate was received a EPA/PA DEP SIRG grant in communicating, empowering low-income minority communities in Easter Pennsylvania and completing free of charge to the families over 50 radon mitigations along with long-term cleaning and quality of life practices (smoking, HEPA vacuuming, etc.) Nate considers the issue of proper risk communication to a VI impacted community as mission critical component that often not given the priority or proper preparation that is needed. Have performed numerous environmental professional career days for middle and high schools in Pennsylvania with student radon projects. There is uniform preparation plan that should be part of any VI project. Also member of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technicians (AARST) along with being a board member of the PA AARST chapter and the Indoor Air Quality Association/ASHRAE. Also a member of the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council and EPA CIAQ.
Daniel Carr, P.E., P.G.,Sanborn|Head & Associates, Portland, ME
Daniel Carr, a Senior Principal Emeritus with Sanborn Head & Associates, Inc., is a registered professional engineer and geologist with over 30 years of experience. With an M.S. degree from the Groundwater Program at Colorado State University, Dan brings expertise in vadose zone processes which have been applied to many projects related to vapor intrusion. Since its inception in 2002, Dan has served as the principal investigator on the Endicott NY Groundwater Vapor Project.
Dr. Helen Dawson, Geosyntec, Falls Church, VA
Helen Dawson, Ph.D., is a senior consultant with Geosyntec Consultants and has more than 30 years of experience in private practice, academia, and public service. Dr. Dawson’s prior experience includes serving as US EPA’s Chief of the Superfund Science Policy Branch in Washington DC. In this role, she was responsible for developing Superfund program policy and guidance incorporating scientific advances in characterization and cleanup of contaminated sites. Prior to that position, Helen served as the US EPA Region 8 (Denver) Superfund Hydrogeologist, where she oversaw contaminant characterization and remedy monitoring at the Region’s groundwater sites. Dr. Dawson is a recognized leader in the field of vapor intrusion. She was the primary author of the U.S. EPA’s Office of Solid Waste Emergency Response (OSWER) Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils in 2002. She also was the primary investigator and author on two key technical US EPA documents that support vapor intrusion assessment: US EPA’s 2012 VI database paper (“EPA's Vapor Intrusion Database: Evaluation and Characterization of Attenuation Factors for Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds and Residential Buildings”) and US EPA’s 2011 background indoor air paper (“Background Indoor Air Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in North American Residences”). She also developed US EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Screening Level Calculator. Since joining Geosyntec she has successfully derived defensible site-specific vapor intrusion attenuation factors to support risk assessment and development of subsurface media cleanup levels. She also has received research funding from the US Department of Defense to demonstrate the use of mass flux monitoring as an alternative approach for VI assessment. Education: Stanford University, Ph.D., Civil/Environmental Engineering, 1992; Colorado School of Mines, M.Sc., Geochemistry, 1981; Stanford University, B.Sc., Geology, 1978.
David Gillay, Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Indianapolis, IN
David Gillay is a partner in the Indianapolis office of Barnes & Thornburg.He heads the Brownfields and Environmental Transactional Practice Groups and provides environmental counseling in connection with assessing environmentally challenged properties. Over the last decade, David has focused on the legal, regulatory, and technical impact and implications related to the vapor intrusion pathway. He also represents an influential multi-state environmental consultants’ association and works closely with leading technical experts on a wide array of environmental matters, including rapidly evolving vapor intrusion guidance. Prior to joining Barnes & Thornburg, he obtained an advanced environmental engineering degree and practiced as an environmental consultant on various projects across the country. David can be reached at (317) 231-7474 or .
Doug Grosse, U.S. EPA ORD National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH
Douglas W. Grosse has a B.A. in English Literature from Ohio University and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. He has worked as an Environmental Engineer at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Cincinnati, Ohio for the past 36 years. Mr. Grosse is currently working in EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) as a Senior Environmental Engineer. Past experiences have included: in-house research at EPA's pilot plant facilities in wastewater and hazardous waste research; pilot facility manger and project officer (Center Hill Laboratory); Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program; RCRA corrective action coordinator and technical assistance in Superfund, RCRA and treatability study assistance, as an aqueous treatment specialist, Acting Branch Chief, Technology Transfer Branch, and ETV/AMS Center PO. Most recently, Mr. Grosse has worked in the Remediation and Redevelopment Branch and Engineering Technical Support Center, as a specialist in site remediation and technology transfer. He retired from EPA in January, 2015. Currently, he is serving as a professional consultant.
Megan Hamilton, EnviroForensics, Indianapolis, IN
Megan Hamilton is the Director of Vapor Intrusion and Risk Assessment for the EnvironmentalForensic Investigations, Inc. (EnviroForensics) team and has over 15 years of experience in environmental regulatory oversight and consulting. She develops, helps implement, and oversees the VI investigations and mitigation for all of EnviroForensic’s projects. She is also the main contact for risk communication issues and community outreach development. Her diversified professional experience includes research, policy development, technical writing, public outreach, vapor intrusion investigation and remediation, data analysis and interpretation, human health risk assessment, and conceptual site model analysis. Ms. Hamilton served as the coordinator and team leader for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Vapor Intrusion Workgroup for six years and is the principal author of the current Indiana Vapor Intrusion Guidance. Ms. Hamilton has presented at several National Conferences, is a member of the National VI Science Advisory Committee, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Midwestern States Environmental Consultants Association (MSECA). Ms. Hamilton can be reached at (317) 972-7870 or .
Thomas Hatton, Clean Vapor, LLC, Blairstown, NJ
Tom has over 30 years of leadership experience in the design and installation management of radon and vapor intrusion mitigation systems totaling approximately 10,500 combined commercial and residential properties. As Clean Vapor’s CEO and Project Director, he is responsible for providing leadership and direction in a rapidly changing and growing industry. With a background of developing detection equipment and implementing innovative mitigation technology, Tom has contributed to multiple state and national mitigation standards and guidance documents. Tom is a licensed Radon Mitigation and Measurement Specialist and NRPP Radon Mitigation Provider. He has authored multiple technical papers and guidance/fact sheets on energy efficient soil gas venting systems for new construction and existing buildings. Tom is the patent holder of the next generation energy efficient, dynamic controls and remote management technology for vapor systems.
Heidi Hayes, Eurofins Air Toxics, Sacramento, CA
Heidi Hayes is the Technical Director at Eurofins Air Toxics. Ms. Hayes has a MS in Chemistry from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO, and over 20 years in the environmental laboratory industry designing and testing new analytical methods with the last 18 years at Eurofins Air Toxics. She currently oversees the testing of new media, protocols, and technology related to air phase analysis. Her recent research activities have been focused on meeting the challenges of the vapor intrusion investigations from soil gas collection and analysis to trace level indoor air VOC methods. She serves as a resource for the regulatory community in evaluating soil gas and indoor air sampling and analytical protocols and has presented several papers specific to these topics. Over the last several years, Ms. Hayes’ research has concentrated on the effectiveness of passive sampling techniques to collect time-integrated VOC measurements in indoor air. In this effort, she has collaborated on EPA-funded projects designed to evaluate and compare passive technologies to standard methods.
Dr. Ian Hers, P.E., Golder Associates, Vancouver, BC
Ian Hers is a senior consultant and Principal of Golder Associates located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada with 26 years professional experience, and is the global vapour practice leader for Golder Associates. Much of his work over the past two decades has focused on the evaluation of soil vapor fate and transport, vadose zone processes, and the prediction, measurement and mitigation of soil vapour intrusion into buildings. He is highly familiar with soil gas and indoor air characterization techniques, appropriate methods to obtain high quality, defensible data, and regulatory guidance and analytical and numerical models for this pathway. He has developed guidance for numerous regulatory agencies including U.S. EPA, Health Canada, UK Environmental Agency, and several provinces and states in Canada and the U.S. He is the principal investigator for several current or recently completed applied research projects for the American Petroleum Institute, Shell Global and Electric Power Research Institute. Dr. Hers holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (University of British Columbia), is on the Board of Directors of the Science Advisory Board for Contaminated Sites, and is a member of the Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals in British Columbia.
Kyle Hoylman, Protect Environmental, Louisville, KY
Kyle Hoylman founded Protect Environmental in 2005, where he currently serves as the managing partner. He has worked on more than 100 vapor intrusion projects over the past 9 years, focusing on VI assessment, mitigation and long-term risk management. Kyle currently serves on the task force working to develop the national vapor mitigation contractor credential and ANSI standards. He also serves on the board of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST), and is involved with ongoing research projects regarding the economic impact of radon-induced cancer and the effectiveness of national lending guidance for multifamily radon assessments. Kyle can be reached at 502-410-5000 or .
Dr. Paul C. Johnson, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Dr. Johnson is a Professor and the Dean of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, which is one of the largest engineering schools in the U.S. with almost 17,000 students. Dr. Johnson’s expertise is in soil and groundwater remediation and risk assessment, specifically, the design, monitoring and optimization of remediation systems and the monitoring and modeling of exposure pathways. His research group is currently engaged in field, lab, and modeling studies of the vapor intrusion pathway, including the evaluation of pathway assessment approaches and testing the effectiveness of VI mitigation strategies.
Dr. Loren Lund,CH2MHill, Shelley, ID
Dr. Lund has over 24 years of experience in environmental risk and vapor intrusion (VI) assessments. He became involved with assessing vapor intrusion 20 years ago as a regulatory toxicologist for the state of Texas. Loren is CH2M HILL’s Vapor Intrusion Practice Leader and is responsible for overseeing/training staff and insuring vapor intrusion best practices are applied. He is responsible for the company’s compendium of best practices, standard operating procedures, quality assurance procedures, and VI website. Dr. Lund is an organizing committee member, classroom instructor, session chair, and presenter for the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) VI specialty conferences. He is a member and internet instructor for the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Petroleum VI team, co-chairs the Navy VI Focus Group, a co-author of the Navy 2011 Background Indoor Air Guidance for VI, and the senior technical leader for the Navy Web-based VI Tool and the current Navy Environmental Sustainability Development to Integration (NESDI) VI Decision Framework database project. He has reviewed multiple national VI guidance documents, authored more than a dozen papers, and has been a session chair or featured speaker at over a dozen VI conferences or sessions since 2004. Loren has presented over a dozen webinar training sessions on VI assessment and mitigation in the last five years. He earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, a Ph.D. in biochemistry, and was a post-doctorate and adjunct professor in toxicology at the University of Texas in Austin.
Chris Lutes, CH2M Hill,Raleigh, NC
Christopher Lutes (Chris) is a Principal Technologist with CH2MHILL in Raleigh NC. Mr. Lutes has 23 years of experience managing vapor intrusion (VI) projects, technology evaluations, remediation projects, treatability studies, pollutant fate and transport studies, and air emissions characterizations. His primary role is developing client site strategies and cleanup solutions as a leader in CH2M HILL’s Site Remediation and Revitalization practice. Mr. Lutes is a nationally recognized expert in the study of the intrusion of contaminated vapors into buildings. He was a lead author for the EPA engineering issue on Vapor Intrusion Mitigation, coauthored a recent EPA report on oxygen shadows beneath buildings and has authored more than 125 other publications. Two EPA engineering issue papers he coauthored – one on the application of passive samplers for vapor intrusion and the other on the uses of excavation at VI sites are expected to be released in early 2015. He has worked with EPA to conduct and publish several research studies on aspects of vapor intrusion including uses of radon as a tracer, temporal variability and passive sampling methods. Having worked on commercial vapor intrusion projects in more than 15 states and several countries Mr. Lutes is highly familiar with the complex and swiftly evolving status of regulatory guidance in vapor intrusion. His knowledge of building systems is not only scientific – he also has extensive hands on experience in building renovation and property management. Mr. Lutes is serving as a member of the ANSI/AARST committee writing a vapor intrusion mitigation standard for 1-4 family residential buildings. He has recently completed a study of the vapor intrusion characteristics of a database of 49 military commercial/industrial buildings. That study is expected to facilitate the acceptance of more appropriate screening levels and attenuation factors for commercial buildings. Mr. Lutes holds a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Virginia and an M.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Todd McAlary, P.E., P.G., Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., Guelph, ON
Todd McAlary is the Vapor Intrusion Practice Leader for Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. He has degrees in Geological Engineering and Hydrogeology from the University of Waterloo, where he measured and modeled vapor diffusion through unsaturated sands as his Master’s Thesis. Mr. McAlary has over 20 years of consulting experience, primarily for Fortune 500 companies in the United States. He has conducted site-specific investigations of vapor intrusion since 1992, co-authored or peer reviewed over a dozen guidance documents on vapor intrusion over the past 12 years, and has presented research in this field at over 40 conferences, workshops, and training sessions. He received the 2006 Industry Recognition Award for his contribution to the ITRC vapor intrusion guidance and has been a member of the Federal EPA Expert Panel on Vapor Intrusion since 2000. Mr. McAlary is currently managing large-scale vapor intrusion investigations for the DOD, conducting applied research for ESTCP, the Navy and the Air Force to improve vapor intrusion assessment methods, completing a part-time Ph.D. in Chemistry and teaching part-time at the University of Toronto.
Tony McDonald, A-Z Solutions, Inc., Canton, OH
Tony McDonald is the Vice President of Operations at A-Z Solutions and acts as Senior Project Director overseeing all commercial and residential vapor intrusion systems. He is a member of the board of directors of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologist (AARST). He is also a committee member of the AARST/ANSI Residential Radon/VI Mitigation Standards committee. Tony has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Mount Union University
Lenny Siegel, Center for Public Environmental Oversight, Mountain View, CA
Lenny Siegel has been Executive Director of the Center for Public Environmental Oversight since 1994. He is one of the American environmental movement’s leading experts on both military facility contamination and the vapor intrusion pathway, and for his organization he runs two Internet newsgroups: the Military Environmental Forum and the Brownfields Internet Forum. In July 2011 Siegel was awarded U.S. EPA’s Superfund Citizen of the Year award.Siegel serves on numerous advisory and technical committees, including the ITRC Munitions Response Classification and Complex Sites Work Teams and the Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board. Siegel has served on a dozen U.S. National Research Council (National Academies of Sciences) committees. In November 2014 he was elected to the Mountain View, California City Council.