June 22, 2010

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



Eric McDonnell, ATC, Chair

District 1 – Leo LaBonte, ATC

District 2 – Jennie Petrone, ATC

District 3 – Bill Griffin, ATC

District 4 – Ryan Berry, ATC (for Dennis Helwig, ATC)

District 6 – Dennis Hart, ATC

District 7 – Jennifer Dougherty, ATC

District 8 – Michael Chisar, ATC

District 9 – Tim McLane, ATC

District 10 – Dana Gunter, ATC

BOC Liaison – Shannon Leftwich, ATC (portion of meeting)

Judy Pulice, CAE

Absent: District 5 – Jeff McKibbin, ATC

Guests: Keith Webster, ATC, D9; Nancy Burke, ATC; D3

CALL TO ORDER: Chairman McDonnell called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the February 2, 2010 meeting were approved.


State Leadership Forum

The annual SLF meeting was held on June 21. Eric and Judy reported on the success of the meeting and the interest of state leaders in the issues discussed. Hot topics included athlete safety and legislative grant program.

Action: Next year’s SLF meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 20 in New Orleans. All GAC members are urged to attend.

National Conference of State Legislatures

The Chairman reported that NATA has continued the NCSL Foundation Gold Sponsorship to great advantage. This sponsorship enables us to maximize our attendance at their annual meeting and to receive access to special workshops and social events throughout the year. It is the NATA’s opportunity to showcase the profession to state legislators.

He also reported plans for the NCSL meeting July 26-28, to be held in Louisville. Volunteers are needed to work in the booth. Giveaways are planned to attract visiting legislators to the NATA booth. It’s a great way to meet legislators.

Action: NATA will promote our booth with a mailing to attendees as soon as the mailing list is received. Judy will provide a list of each state’s attendees to committee members at that time.

Dan Campbell Legislative Awards

The Chair announced that Mississippi had been awarded the Class I GAC Legislative Award for 2010, and that South Carolina was awarded the Class II award. The Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association was given an honorable mention. Awards were announced at the June 21 State Leadership Forum.


Members reported on activities in their districts since the previous meeting. Most states’ legislative sessions have ended.

With passage of regulation in West Virginia, there are now only 2 states with no statute (AK and CA); HI has an exemption to licensure.

Wisconsin passed a practice act update that removed unnecessary restrictions on scope of practice.

More than 50 athlete safety bills were introduced in 25 states. Since few passed, and since the press continues to focus on this issue, we can expect to see many bills in 2011.

Many states, if not all, are experiencing budget problems. This distracts legislators and makes passage of any legislation even more difficult.

The Chair thanked members for providing written reports.


Shannon reported that the 6th Edition of the Role Delineation Study has been placed on the BOC’s website (printed versions are available for purchase). The 5th Edition is now discontinued. There is a tutorial on how to use the RDS on the website as well. Members may also look for the Practice Analysis Study.

The BOC’s biannual regulatory conference will be held in Omaha in July, 2011. A committee is already planning the agenda.


A report of the 2009-2010 funds requested, approved, and dispensed was circulated and discussed.

The Council approved the suggested 2010-2011 priority listing for funding with several changes. This listing will be used to determine approvals of requests for discretionary funds.

The Council reviewed a draft of the new procedures for grant review, which had been discussed in February. A few suggested changes were agreed, and the Chair noted there will be a conference call in August to give final approval prior to distribution. The deadline for submission of grant applications was set at October 1.

It was also agreed to offer $2,000 in basic funds for 2010-2011, and $2,000 in Basic Plus, the matching program.

Action: The revised grant procedures, upon approval, will be distributed to the State Leadership Forum, District Presidents, NATA’s Board of Directors, and the GAC.


Amy Callender, NATA’s manager of federal legislation and NATAPAC, reported to the Committee on the most recent activities related to the introduction of H.R.1147, A-TEAM legislation. She urged members to continue the letter writing campaign as the NATA seeks co-sponsors.

The 2010 Hill Day will be held in February, in conjunction with the Athletic Training Educators’ Conference (ATEC) and iLEAD.

Amy reported on fundraising activities for NATAPAC, both during the Annual Meeting and after. The Chair urged all members to be contributors to the PAC.

Action: Urge members to write their congressional representative about H.R. 1147.


The Council discussed the advisability of model language for athlete safety legislation. As with practice act language, there are many variables making this a difficult task. Instead, a list of issues/questions has been prepared that will guide states through the decision-making process for what to include in bills.

There is a loophole in some states where it is not clear that license renewal requires current certification (ATC). When states re-write their laws, this should be addressed.


The Council joined the COR at its meeting, to discuss possible legislative solutions to insurance company reimbursement roadblocks. It is difficult to write effective legislation and even more difficult to enact such statutes. Both Council agreed that education of insurers, employers, hospitals, and members is essential.


The next meeting will be a conference call in August.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.