Nat Brown is awarded the Norman Rockwell Citizen of the Year!

Check out the Rotary Club of Bedford Website for more photos!!


·  Fitchburg Habitat for Humanity Volenteers: Susanna Natti, Victor Tom, Larry Gould, Lea Ann Knight and Bob Pomeroy. Please let Lea Ann know if you will be volunteering.

·  A card for Mike McGraw, a Concord Rotarian, was passed around and signed by all.

·  Kevin Sullivan offered up marriage advice per Red Skelton.

·  Kevin Sullivan won the door prize this week and Victor Tom picked the Ace of Diamonds in “Split the Pot.”

Guest Speaker

Susanna Natti, chair of The Rotary Foundation, was our esteemed speaker today. Susanna spoke to us about The Rotary Foundation, why it is important to give, how donations are recognized and the many programs that are funded including:

Polio Plus

Matching Grants

Health, Hunger and Humanity

Disaster Recovery

Rotary World Peace Fellowships

Ambassadorial Scholarships

And the Group Study Exchange

Recommended method for a Bedford Rotary member to donate to The Rotary Foundation: Write a check payable to “The Rotary Foundation.” Give it to Foundation Chair Susanna who will do the paperwork and will notify Joel so that The Bedford Rotary Foundation can match your contribution, up to $500/per year. To ensure that your contribution will be listed in this fiscal year, it is recommended that you write your checks and get them to the Foundation Chair by the end of May.

For more information on The Rotary Foundation:

Happy Dollars

Jim Harrill was happy for a beautiful day Bob Cassidy claimed he would be happy for his change from buying tickets Milan Jackson was going to tell us where he was for the past 3 weeks but, wasn’t allowed Melinda Nicholson was happy for Susanna Natti’s festive Red Sox earrings Pat Lloyd was thrilled to be home from Ohio Andy Borella was happy his sister was back from Ohio Cliff Rober was happy for the Red Sox Susanna Natti was happy for the Red Sox and her trip to Paris John Larusso had a great time last week with his grandchildren and celebrating his wife’s birthday Louise Maglione was happy to see the sun today Nat Brown was happy for the nice weather, his guests and a great time had by all at The Athenian last Friday Marika Trantanella was also happy for Nat’s guests and the Red Sox Terry Parker was happy he had a dollar to give Gerry Mead gave happy dollars for the safety of the Olympic Torch in San Francisco Bill Waite “I got nothin’” Lea Ann Knight was happy for the Stamford Women’s Basketball team and Victor Tom was happy to have 3 Bedford High School teams advance to the National History Day National Contest.

Mark Your Calendars

April 11th Concord Pops

April 13th-May 10th GSE Team from Turkey

April 23rd “The Four of Us” Merrimack Theater

April 26th Fitchburg Habitat for Humanity

May 2nd-4th District Conference

May 17th-18th Tour de District

May 21st Special Olympics

June 14th Pan Mass Kids Ride

June 20th-22nd RYLA

July 16th Lowell Spinners

We Missed You!

Beth Ahern, Joel Berenson, Ginny Clerkin, Art Costa, Jaclyn DeCillis, Dave Duntz, John Frodigh,

Ralph Hammond, Rob Kennedy, Christine Pinney, Bob Pomeroy and Paul Toepp

Let’s Make Up!

Mon / Chelmsford: 12:15-Radisson Hotel; Maynard: 6:15 p.m.-Armory’s Restaurant; Reading: 12:15-Lord Wakefield Hotel, Wakefield *Lexington Oct to June 12:15 Lex. Golf Club, July to Sept 8 am Lexington Golf Club 55 Hill St / Wed / Arlington: 7:30 a.m.-Legion Hall; N. Reading: 12:15-Hillview Country Club; Waltham: 12:15-the Chateau Restaurant; Wilmington: 12:15-Masonic Hall
Tues / Clinton: 12:15- Talk of Town Restaurant; Hudson: 6:00 p.m.- Hudson Portuguese Club; Watertown: 12:15-Oakley Country Club; Wellesley: 6:30 p.m.-Community Center; Woburn: 12:15-Radisson Hotel / Thurs / Ayer: 6:30 p.m.-Bull Run Restaurant; Brookfields: 6:15 p.m.-Salem Cross Inn; Brookline: 12:15-Holiday Inn; Concord: 12:00-Colonial Inn; Marlboro: 12:15-Holiday Inn; Westford: 12:15-Westford Grill
Fri / Billerica: 12:15-Wyndham Hotel; Burlington: 12:15-Burlington Marriott

See you all next Tuesday.