Nashwauk City Council


Mayor Hendricks called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm in the council chambers

Members Present—Hendricks, Fragnito, Gangl, Marinaro

Members Absent: Heyblom

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Marinaro to accept the minutes of the August 9, 2011 council meeting

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Gangl to approve all bills signed and file the claims report as official record

Ayes all present—motion carried

City Departments:

John Calaguire- Requesting permission to advertise for new fire department members, down to 19 and want to keep numbers up.

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Fragnito to advertise for new members for the fire department

Ayes all present—motion carried

Paul Vraa-received clear title for a forfeiture, 2003 Toyota and would like permission to bring vehicle to auction

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Fragnito to allow Paul Vraa to auction off forfeiture vehicle at auction

Ayes all present—motion carried

Special Items:
Mark Adams gave a presentation to the council on the new updated technology that will be available at the N-K High School for the students. It is very beneficial to the school and would possibly attract new students.

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Gangl to approve the communications as read

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Fragnito to approve the consent agenda as follows:

Allow any Mayor or councilor to attend the LMC Regional Meeting in Gilbert on September 22, 2011 plus mileage

2) Allow any councilor, mayor or clerk to attend the Regional Broadband Forum on October 4, 2011 in Duluth, plus mileage

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Gangl to hire Mark Cobb for pony league football coach pay of $250.00

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Gangl to appoint Dave Savolainen to the zoning commission

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Marinaro to approve raffle permit for Calumet Fire Relief Assoc on October 1, 2011 at Jams and allow Clerk to sign

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Fragnito to approve partial pay estimate 7 to Utility Systems for the Essar utility extension in the amount of $68,477.70 contingent upon PUC approval

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussion was held on the number of shifts that a student can work, if they are just graduating from high school or entering college they may work up to 100 shifts, if a non-student they fall under the 67 shift rule. Gangl suggested we get something in writing to have on file. The remaining three workers can work till the end of the month to help with the grass

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Fragnito to layoff Jay Woodman, Dave Haugen, Jenny Marinaro, Kelsey Heyblom as of 8-19-11 per John Ketola and to continue to work Leah Fillman, Justin Peratalo, and Jason Martire contingent upon the MN law of 100 shifts and to show proof of registration for the fall semester.

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Marinaro, seconded by Gangl to approve orderly annexation agreement with Lone Pine Township for parcels adjacent south of Nashwauk and allow Mayor and Clerk to sign

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussion on Latvala road, plotted where old sawmill is, would like to develop proposed road going West. The road can be turned over to the city and city would accept the extension of the road. Can negotiate with Latvala’s and see how it would be transferred. Just for council consideration at this time.

Northern Natural has an easement request and wants to begin work ASAP. Hendricks suggest that we act on the easement on the condition of the attorney’s recommendation and give approval for the Mayor and clerk to sign since we wont be having a meeting before NNG would like to begin

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Marinaro to allow Mayor and Clerk to sign easement with Northern Natural Gas for the area south west of city for a proposed gas line after attorney approves and recommends signatures

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussed Damjanovich driveway. Ketola will look at and fix the problem.

Discussed the streets and sidewalks on first and Central (County and State hwys). Need to look at problem areas and determine when to be fixed and who would be responsible to fix them.


City Clerk