JAN.31, 2018



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This is being provided in a rough-draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings

>For those of you who are here feel free to unmute yourself and say hello.

> Hi, this is Mary Bryant in Reno. It says Stephen rock but it's really Mary Bryant.

> Oh, hi Mary I think you can rename yourself. I can rename you.

> Is that like your stage name Mary?

> Yeah that's it. Yeah.

> I like it

> it is my boss and it is his zoom account

> I'm picturing him with a Jean Simmons hairdo. Stephen rock.

> Pretty much no here.

> Okay Mary, I renamed you.

> There a.m., thank you.

> You're welcome. I hope I spelled that right. Who else is out there

> Meg [inaudible]

> Hi, Meg

> Amy Armstrong from Mina North Dakota

> Hi, Amy

> Hello.

> Everyone else is too shy. There are not that many of you on the call.

> I know most of the people here.

> I hear Meg's voice.

> Hey, Denise

>... And Clare

>Hey, Denise.

> Russ is here you guys

> Hi, Russ

> Hey, Russ

> Hi, this is Heather Bish. I am here too. I think I finally got my audio figured out

> Hi, Heather

> hi, Heather [inaudible] Janssen is also on the call

> Hi Ty. I think we might be having a small problem with the shared zoom account. Let me just... See if I can tell Rebecca not to sign on.

> We are all still learning Zoom I will tell you we were just on another call and the link w sent out ended up not working. I think ultimately zoom will be a better platform than Adobe connect was. But working out the kinks, Kate was comparing it to political options that resume allows you to individualize almost every

[heavy echo]

>that was interesting.

> The nice thing about Zoom is that I can mute everybody.

> Looks like 937... I don't know who that is

> Diane cloud at University of Cincinnati.

> Hey, Diane. Maybe it was not your number. We were just getting some kind of wicked echo on somebody's line.

> I think it was me. I called on the phone obviously but then I was trying to go to the URL and when I did that I got the echo so maybe I need to mute my phone before I go to the link?

> You have to choose. You can either get audio from your computer or audio through your phone, but if you are doing both we are going to hear everything you say multiple

> Okay so... maybe I will hang up and try coming through the computer. Let me see.

> And Clare, it might be good, it seems like most people are doing okay getting on but since we are still zooming, new zoomers we will go through where the mute button is and how to open the chat screen for folks who have not used it before.

> That would be really great. I'm in screen sharing mode where it hides most of those controls. It may look a little different for me. But maybe from the participant view you can explain where things are.

> I would be happy to. So now if when you open the zoom screen it is taking up your entire screen, it is in full-screen mode, if you go to the top part of the screen you will see it will so you are viewing Clare Papay's screen and it will give you view options and that is where you can exit out of full-screen if you wanted to have access to other parts of your desktop. With your cursor in the screen you will see a black bar at the bottom that gives you a number of different options. To the far left you will see the mute and unmute buttons. A little bit like the fun. There's also a video option if you want to share that you have a particularly good hair day today. We would love to see that. If you are wearing an Eagle sweatshirt the people in myfamily would be very happy to see that. [Laughter] as you go over there is the participant list. If you want to see who is on the call you can double-click that and it will open the window. In my computer that is a free-floating window that I can drag hither and thither. And then there is a chat window behind which you can see Clare has offered the link for captioning... and indicate Carol Carlson has joined by a computer audio. And Clare I just lost the view of your screen. I'm assuming that was intentional? Or not. Clare? Looks like maybe we kicked Clare off of the meeting. so there's that. I can only imagine what... I don't know what happened, we are all still on right? Let me know you are here.

[Several voices]

> Okey-doke. Well I will let her know that we are okay. And that we are just going to start moving forward. Who are all on... okay. Well luckily I have the agenda open elsewhere. So if you... want the agenda, I know Clare was sharing it in her screen but I am the person that does not love to see other people's Google Docs. I like to have Google Docs open on my own computer. So I'm putting the link to the agenda in the chat box. Feel free to open it up. And again feel free to make notes in there. If you have a question you can obviously speak up but if you want to make sure that we get to something it is a Google Docs because we want your fingerprints all over it. And let's see. Start recording. Oh yeah. Well let me see if I can do that. I'm not sure if I have any of that power. Clare wisely does not give me those things. Let me see. Record. Nope. I am not allowed to record.

So let's go through who is here.I have got me, Diane, H Bish. Who is that?

> That's me, Heather Bish

> Hey, Heather sorry I did not recognize you as the letter H

> Okay

> Hi Heather, hey Margo


> I am not on mute but I'm hearing Meg... but no one can hear me. That's true Margo, we cannot hear you. Um... did you try connecting your audio? Not on mute. Huh.

> Sometimes it is... I have this program, it is Denise, there's mute on the screen and the mute from my computer and I sometimes will unmute one but not the other. If you are trying to listen on the computer. Or the same problem I think with the phone.

> Huh.

> This is Diane. I'm looking, somehow on my computer it popped up I think when we lost Clare it says that I'm the host now and I have no idea [laughter]

> That's awesome Diane. You are so powerful.

> I have no idea how that happened. I'm thinking... it says by my name host, me. Okay.

> I think Clare just came back on.

> It looks like it.

> Now she is the host.

> Fleeting power, Diane, it can come and go.

> It's all good. I'm not in control of this. I don't know what I'm doing.

> But we do, can't you tell?


> Oh my goodness. I'm so glad I'm with all these wonderful people who understand

> Hey Meg, this is Clare. I'm back.

> We spent the whole time talking about you.

> Yeah.

> Oh yeah.

> Should we start recording this meeting?

> You know, I tried but it wouldn't, it did not give me the power. It's that I needed permission so go ahead start recording.

> Okay so we are now recording. Did you get to the part where you tell people that if they need captions... a link is here and we will also put it in the chat?

> I did mention that and I shared the link in the Google agenda. I see lots of funky --- in the Google agenda which means lots of people are in their lives. Margo for some reason is on and she can hear us but she can't speak. Which... Margo, are you on the computer or phone audio? I'm on the phone... but neither is muted I will listen and reply via chat. Oh. Okay. Well it's good to sort of see you, Margo. And then I was just kind of going down and saying hi to folks and letting them introduce themselves. Amy has already said hi. 614 293-5000? Who is that?

> Ah... can you hear me now?

> I can.

> I'm not muted and the 5000 is me. So, that is why I'm calling in on the phone which is my number. And I'm logged on to Zoom and you have my name.

> It listed twice. Okay great, Margo. I'm glad we figured out your audio.

> I'm going to rename you. There we go. It turns out I can do that.

> Two is better than one.


> Annette, hi Annette.

> Hi there how are you

> Good how are you doing

> I'm doing great, glad to be finally joining you guys.

> We are glad you are here.

> Thank you

> Carol Carlson, hi, Carol

> Hi everybody. Glad to be here.

> Thanks, Carol, and Denise, the D Roselle is a Denise Rozelle form AUCD and I think you have already said howdy. Lindsay hi

>Hi how are you?

> Good.

> Mary Brian's we have already named Mary Mary caption I'm assuming is the person helping us with captioning. And now scroll down oh my God. We've got a lot of people. Paula, Rebecca Ty from the think college crew, Ross... Russ telling... Rosen Bass? Uh oh. Did I lose people?

> I'm here

> I'm still here

> I was just trying to figure out who Rosen Bass was. And sev. Hey Sev. Can we hear you? Sev says hi I am listening like Margo. I will share and reply by chat today. Okey-doke all right. I am assuming I can turn it over to you. Are you stable at this point?

> Well at all just crashed again. So I left and came back. So we will try but if at any point I disappear or... does the screen sharing disappear when

> It sure does.

> So that's how you'll know that I'm no longer in the meeting. But just keep going without me.

> Everybody has the Google links. So that's all she is sharing is the Google doc.

> Yes that's all you need. Well, anyway thank you everybody for joining us and sorry I don't know what's up with my connection issues today. So, we've already... oh gosh, I wonder if it stops recording yes it does stop the recording. Every time it crashes for me to so... it will make for an interesting recording. Well, thank you everyone for joining could I thought we might start by just sharing any research accomplishments or progress that we made since our last meeting, our last meeting was in September but of course if this is the first time you've made it to a meeting then feel free to share any accomplishments or progress and type those in the chat box.

For us... you will probably remember that we presented some very preliminary results of a lit review in our, was it a June meeting? So Meg and I are just about done with writing goes up now and hopefully getting ready to submit that .So we are excited to be finishing that project. I heard we were going to talk about research presented at the state-of-the-art conference. I did not get to pull anything together for that. But if any of you were involved in presentations at state-of-the-art and would like to tell us about what you presented, please feel free to jump in now.

[Sound of typing]

> I hear someone typing away. So I know someone has something to add. [Laughter] Margo I can hear you typing. So I bet we could probably hear you talk as well.

> Okay you are right.

>Yes we can hear you.

> Okay great. We are conducting research on the vocational fit assessment that we call VOC FIT for short. It is a tool that assesses the students'abilities and skills and interests and then matches it to requirements of a job. And so Andy person has been conducting worksite analyses for the last four years and has a number of jobs in there. And we, then it shares with the best fit for the student is in terms of an employment goal and helps identify the skills that students need to acquire to be an even better fit for that job. We assess all of our students through OSU with the VOC FIT assessment for example we found out that eight of our students have a lot of stress and anxiety issues. So we are using our blend trainees to develop a stress and anxiety management intervention to help students learn to manage their stress in more healthy ways, and therefore increase their vocational fit to a larger number of jobs.

> That sounds really interesting. Thank you, Margo.

> You are welcome.

> Ty would you mind sharing a little bit about what the students presented, you and Maria and the student researchers presented at the state-of-the-art?

> Absolutely. We had a great opportunity on the second day to present a research project that we had with student co-researchers through the think college transition project. And so students from Western Massachusetts at Holyoke community college and Westfield State University, Lindsay is on the call with us today, they were nine student co-researchers who had the opportunity to use a variety of different mobile methodologies to capture data about their college experience. And we did it from a social geography perspective. And students used a really great mobile app called [live trucker] that allowed them to capture photos and video and blog all while on this GPS app and it put up data points in terms of where they were on campus and really showed the much larger scope that students have when they are in a community-based transition program and they are on a college campus compared to a student who might be in a substantially separate program, transition program back in their high school. We had a chance to develop a quick research brief which is available on think college that really highlighted the six emerging themes of the students. And since then we've had a bit of buzz and actually today working on developing some training materials for one of our local partners who just received a grant to do--- research and photo voice project out here in Western Massachusetts so we are going to be kicking that off in early February.

> Thanks, Ty.

> Yeah that was some really interesting presentations at state-of-the-art. So thanks to both of you for... thank you Lindsay for sharing that and Margo as well. If you scroll down a little bit in the agenda I added some of the new journal publications and new dissertations that have come out. Since our last meeting. So if any of you were involved in these then do let us know. But there's always great stuff going on. So I'm going to try to keep updating our list of new things each time we have one of these meetings. And if anyone has any updates or announcements then feel free to put those in the chat. So we can stay up to date with what we are all working on.

So I guess let's move into our first discussion. And thanks to those of you who responded to the survey that I sent out last week. With your ideas for discussion topics for this meeting. Lindsay [Noons] posted or shared an idea for discussion on data collection and it kind of resonated with a couple of other ideas the people suggested. So I will ask Lindsay to lead this part of the discussion for us. So Lindsay I'm going to hand it over to you. [Inaudible] table here in the background whenever you want me to show it.

> Okay great so yeah I was thinking we could start with the questions and depending on how the conversation goes we can go to the table but we can also share the table Clare., And so really quickly, the table is just kind of outlining a research project that we are starting here, focusing on data. And you know, I feel like we all know in the field, we have a lot of anecdotal data and stories, and stories are great but what we are finding now is that people want more like our administration said like we want the numbers. What is the hard-core data.

So we are trying to find ways to measure different behaviors and that's really hard with, we are partnered with school districts. The school districts are taking different data, the ad coaches all have different skills blows all have support staff what we are looking at, how we are measuring behavior of the students and then program success as well. So as a partnership and a state initiative we have been talking about what is the data how to measure it and what does it mean for when we say success or does your program work which we get asked a lot. So the table you have in front of you is just kind of a six month project that we are working on starting this semester where we are going to take the whole semester to just do a resource and lit review and look for all kinds of different tools out there., Baseline them, through that we will also be having discussions and start defining success for what it means to the program and what it means for our students and our partnership, looking, talking with other ICE partnerships and a tool like a feedback form something you might see if you are evaluating apps and technology so we can also get feedback on the ease of data collection tool. Is it on the computer. Is it a Google doc, is it written, and then going through and analyzing the data and looking for a tool to pilot in the fall at our partnerships. That is kind of our overall plan. So some of the questions that our partnerships have really come to, and you will see them now if we can go back to the agenda, Clare. I keep trying to move your screen and I realize it's not mine.