August 13, 2007
All sessions are planned for one hour and scheduled on the hour unless otherwise indicated. They will, however, conclude at approximately 50 minutes past the hour.
You do not need to sign up for any of these inservices. Just show up. There will be sign-up sheets at each one, however, so be sure that you record your attendance.
All faculty members must attend one of the QEP/SACSsessions,an NSOnline/D2L session, and an Advising in Banner session. These are offered multiple times. All faculty members who are not scheduled for advising should also attend the all-faculty meeting on Monday, August 20.
Orientation sessions required for all new faculty members are shown in red.
10:00 a.m.Advising A.S./A.A. StudentsW-94
Back by popular demand. Faculty found this very useful last year, so it will be repeated to help faculty members advise these transfer students. Our students perceive us to be weaker than our peer institutions in terms of academic and career planning. This is something we need to strengthen. The focus will be on helping students choose the right courses to achieve their goals. It will include information about the General Education Core, Areas of Emphasis, and role plays with hypotheticalstudents. Pam Munz and Yvonne Cornelius-Thompson will lead.
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.New Faculty Inservice I Kisber Lounge
Luncheon and Orientation to the College for new full-time faculty and professional staff in academic affairs
11:00 a.m.Academic Advising Using BannerW-94
This fall is our first semester using the new Banner System. This inservice will offer a reminder/review for all faculty members about the use of this new system as you advise and help students enroll for fall semester. It will include information about CAPP, the Banner resource students can access to identify remaining graduation requirements. This inservice is offered six times by Lance Woodard.
11:00 a.m.Advising A.A.S and Certificate StudentsW-105
This inservice has been added, on request, as the companion to the Advising for A.A. and A.S. students. Our students perceive us to be weaker than our peer institutions in terms of academic and career planning. This is something we need to strengthen. The session will include information about General Education requirements, credit for work experience, and other resources to help students make good courses choices to meet their goals. Includes scenarios for hypothetical student situations. This will be offered two times.
1:00 p.m.NS Online/D2LK-163
NashvilleState will be using Ns Online (D2L) as its course management system beginning fall 2007. All credit courses have an NS Online shell that should include some content. Fourteen web-based courses were piloted during the summer. We will share student and faculty feedback about the use of the new system and provide instructions for posting a syllabus to NS Online. In addition, faculty will be introduced to the new “NS Online student orientation.” Linda Lyle and Beverly Bradley will lead this session, which is offered six times.
1:00 p.m.Discounted Dreams: High Hopes and Harsh Realities at America’s Community Colleges W-102
Discounted Dreams, aired on public television in May, will warm your heart and remind you why we’re here and what we can give our students. It’s a great back-to-school show. Popcorn will be available. PBS says this about the show: “Community Colleges represent the fastest growing segment of American higher education; their open admissions, low tuition and flexible scheduling draw students from all walks of life. They are the gateway to the American dream for millions. Vital yet flawed. Huge but virtually invisible. The government generally spends five times as much on prison inmates as it does on community colleges. Resolving these issues is essential for the American future.” This one-hour DVD will be shown five times.
2:00 p.m.Program Improvement InitiativesW-94
We evaluate the effectiveness of all of our academic degrees and certificates, either through accreditation, academic audit, or program review, periodically. The main purpose of these evaluations is to improve the programs. In this inservice, faculty members will share recent examples of real improvements that have resulted from academic audits or accreditation review. Open to all faculty, but designed especially for program coordinators, this will help faculty understand how the quality of the review process itself helps faculty identify needed improvements. Karen Stevenson, Cliff Rockstead, Joe Smith, Eric Richardson, and Barbara Gershowitz will provide leadership. This inservice is offered twice.
2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.New Faculty Inservice IIK-163
Will include information about the Library, LearningCenter, TestingCenter, and Instructional Services. It will also include a presentation from the Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research staff. Faye Jones, Ted Washington, and otherswill lead.
9:00 a.m.Disability ServicesW-94
Kati Watts, Director of Disability Services, will provide faculty with an overview of the process and requirements for effectively assisting our students with disabilities, and our requirements under ADA. She’ll include an overview of the types of disabilities our 2007-08 students will have and answer questions from faculty. This inservice is offered two times.
9:00 a.m.Working with Business and Industry – What’s it All About?W-105
If you are interested in making extra money and keeping your pulse on what is happening in business and industry, you need to attend this inservice. Gail Phillips and Marc Starrett of Workforce and Community Development will provide an overview of the operation of their department, their role within the college’s strategic plan, and opportunities for faculty members to do some training. This inservice is offered twice.
10:00 a.m.Improving Student Experience in Online CoursesW-94
The spring 2007 summary of IDEA student evaluations revealed that students perceived our online courses as less “excellent” than our on-campus courses. NSOnline will offer this inservice twice to probe the causes of this and develop a plan to address them effectively. This inservice is being offered two times.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. New Faculty Inservice IIIW-103
This session will feature Student Services information, including Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Special Projects, Student Life, and Career Employment. It will include information about support for Veterans, students with Disabilities, our MiddleCollegeHigh School, and ESOL students. Information about handling student disciplinary actions will also be covered. Carol Martin-Osorio and others will lead.
11:00 a.m.NS Online/D2LK-163
NashvilleState will be using Ns Online (D2L) as its course management system beginning fall 2007. All credit courses have an NS Online shell that should include some content. Fourteen web-based courses were piloted during the summer. We will share student and faculty feedback about the use of the new system and provide instructions for posting a syllabus to NS Online. In addition, faculty will be introduced to the new “NS Online student orientation.” Linda Lyle and Beverly Bradley will lead this session, which is offered six times.
1:00 p.m.Academic Advising Using BannerW-105
This fall is our first semester using the new Banner System. This inservice will offer a reminder/review to all faculty members about the use of this new system as you advise and help students enroll for fall semester. It will include information about CAPP, the Banner resource students can access to identify remaining graduation requirements. This inservice is offered six times by Lance Woodard.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.Human Resources Orientation for New FacultyW-94
This is where Human Resources will explain all of your benefit options. They will give you lots of papers to sign up for retirement and health insurance. There are lots of decisions you will need to make regarding your benefit options, so it’s essential for all new faculty members to attend. You do not need to attend if you have been on a full-time temporary faculty contract during 2006-07. Lori Maddox will lead you through this orientation.
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.New Faculty Inservice IVC-306
This final session will focus on several important areas of the College, including the Nashville State Foundation, Computer Services and the Computer Services Help Desk, Distance Education, the Workforce Training Center, the Center for Information Technology Education (CITE).
9:00 a.m.Improving Student Ratings of Instruction Using IDEAW-94
NashvilleState has now used the IDEA student ratings for a full year and the most-requested inservice for this fall was help in interpreting the faculty diagnostic report and making changes that will improve students’ perceptions of the quality of their courses. Using materials developed by IDEA and what we know about our own campus ratings, faculty members will provide help interpreting the IDEA diagnostic reports and offer suggestions for change in teaching methodologies and/or other classroom approaches. This inservice is offered three times.
10:00 a.m.Teaching Critical Thinking Skills through Research ProjectsK-163
Most faculty believe that research is at the heart of learning and assign such projects. However, many professors are disheartened when they read students’ research papers. This session will discuss some techniques that will help students think more critically about their research and write better papers as a result. This inservice is offered two times. Faye Jones will lead.
10:00 a.m.QEP and SACS UpdateW-94
Faculty will receive specific Information about our Quality Enhancement Plan to improve students’ critical thinking skills, which has been submitted to SACS. Our off-site committee team will be on campus October 22-24. All faculty need to attend one SACS/QEP in-service, which isoffered six times. Various presenters.
11:00 a.m.NS Online/D2LK-163
NashvilleState will be using Ns Online (D2L) as its course management system beginning fall 2007. All credit courses have an NS Online shell that should include some content. Fourteen web-based courses were piloted during the summer. We will share student and faculty feedback about the use of the new system and provide instructions for posting a syllabus to NS Online. In addition, faculty will be introduced to the new “NS Online student orientation.” Linda Lyle and Beverly Bradley will lead this session, which is offered six times.
1:00 p.m.Academic Advising Using BannerW-94
This fall is our first semester using the new Banner System. This inservice will offer a reminder/review to all faculty members about the use of this new system as you advise and help students enroll for fall semester. It will include information about CAPP, the Banner resource students can access to identify remaining graduation requirements. This inservice is offered six times by Lance Woodard.
2:00 p.m.Discounted Dreams: High Hopes and Harsh Realities at America’s Community Colleges W-102
Discounted Dreams, aired on public television in May, will warm your heart and remind you why we’re here and what we can give our students. It’s a great back-to-school show. Popcorn will be available. PBS says this about the show: “Community Colleges represent the fastest growing segment of American higher education; their open admissions, low tuition and flexible scheduling draw students from all walks of life. They are the gateway to the American dream for millions. Vital yet flawed. Huge but virtually invisible. The government generally spends five times as much on prison inmates as it does on community colleges. Resolving these issues is essential for the American future.” This one-hour DVD will be shown five times.
8:30 a.m.Coffee outside Clement Auditorium
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Meeting for All Faculty C-209
News and instructions about registration, preview of the year ahead. New building update, budget update, renovations update
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Activities in the Divisions
Information about these activities during the week will be distributed by the deans.
1:00 p.m.QEP and SACS UpdateW-94
Faculty will receive specific Information about our Quality Enhancement Plan to improve students’ critical thinking skills, which has been submitted to SACS. Our off-site committee team will be on campus October 22-24. All faculty need to attend one SACS/QEP in-service, which isoffered six times. Various presenters.
1:00 p.m.Discounted Dreams: High Hopes and Harsh Realities at America’s Community Colleges W-102
Discounted Dreams, aired on public television in May, will warm your heart and remind you why we’re here and what we can give our students. It’s a great back-to-school show. Popcorn will be available. PBS says this about the show: “Community Colleges represent the fastest growing segment of American higher education; their open admissions, low tuition and flexible scheduling draw students from all walks of life. They are the gateway to the American dream for millions. Vital yet flawed. Huge but virtually invisible. The government generally spends five times as much on prison inmates as it does on community colleges. Resolving these issues is essential for the American future.” This one-hour DVD will be shown five times.
2:00 p.m.Academic Advising Using BannerW-94
This fall is our first semester using the new Banner System. This inservice will offer a reminder/review to all faculty members about the use of this new system as you advise and help students enroll for fall semester. It will include information about CAPP, the Banner resource students can access to identify remaining graduation requirements. This inservice is offered six times by Lance Woodard.
2:00 p.m.Campus Emergency Planning and ResponseW-105
Security personnel will offer this inservice to familiarize faculty with the campus emergency plan, answer faculty questions about responses to specific situations, and discuss additional campus steps. There will be tips on how to find first aid, handle disruptive students, and calling for help. There is no way to insure protection from a tornado or a Virginia Tech episode, but we are responsible for educating employees and putting basic procedures in place. This inservice will be offered two times.
2:00 p.m.Advising A.A.S and Certificate StudentsW-103
This inservice has been added, on request, as the companion to the Advising for A.A. and A.S. students. The session will include information about General Education requirements, credit for work experience, and other resources to help students make good courses choices to meet their goals. Includes scenarios for hypothetical student situations. This will be offered two times by Emily Naff and Jim Janosky
9:00 a.m.QEP and SACS UpdateW-94
Faculty will receive specific Information about our Quality Enhancement Plan to improve students’ critical thinking skills, which has been submitted to SACS. Our off-site committee team will be on campus October 22-24. All faculty need to attend one SACS/QEP in-service, which isoffered six times. Various presenters.
9:00 a.m.Faculty Study GrantW-105
In spring 2007, we awarded Faculty Study grants to two applicants – Phyllis Gobbell and Tammy Ruff. The applications for this grant are reviewed by a faculty committee. This inservice will familiarize faculty with the process for receiving a faculty study grant and provide an overview of the two 2007-08 projects. Ford Turell, Phyllis Gobbell, and Tammy Ruff will lead.
9:00 a.m.Working with Business & Industry – What’s It All About?W-103
If you are interested in making extra money and keeping your pulse on what is happening in business and industry, you need to attend this inservice. Gail Phillips and Marc Starrett of Workforce and Community Development will provide an overview of the operation of their department, their role within the college’s strategic plan, and opportunities for faculty members to do some training. This inservice is offered twice.
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Activities in the Divisions
Information about these activities during the week will be distributed by the deans
1:00 p.m.Academic Advising Using BannerW-94
This fall is our first semester using the new Banner System. This inservice will offer a reminder/review to all faculty members about the use of this new system as you advise and help students enroll for fall semester. It will include information about CAPP, the Banner resource students can access to identify remaining graduation requirements. This inservice is offered six times by Lance Woodard.
2:00 p.m.Maximizing Grant MoniesW-103
The grants office will present an overview of available monies for all programs and the process involved to apply. This is a good opportunity to learn about the ways the Grants Office can assist you with proposal-writing and development to help strengthen existing programs and initiate new ideas for implementation in 2007-08. Bring your “wish list” of all things that you would like to grants monies provide or make possible. River Jordan will lead this session.