Nashua Fly Casters
December 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Members and guests started arriving at the Nashua Country Club around 6 PM and enjoyed the hors d’oeuvres during the no-host bar social hour. Yankee Swap presents were deposited under the brightly decorated Christmas tree. Raffle tickets were sold ahead of the meeting for a drawing of a home-grown frozen turkey and apple pie donated by Keith Clements along with a dozen fresh farm eggs donated by Kelly Merrifield. The lucky winner was Don Westcott’s wife, Sheila. Charlie Shadan, owner of the Evening Sun Fly Shop then sold raffle tickets for a grab bag of fly fishing accessories that he’d donated to the club that was worth ~$100. The fortunate winner of Charlie’s grab bag was Keith Clements. The club netted $193 from both raffles.
A business meeting was called to order at 6:50 PM by NFCA President, Ray Philippon. The members in attendance were: Russ Bartlett, Dave Braica, Bob Broadhurst, Keith Clements, Bob Cox, Dick Farr, Seth Harris, Mead Jordan, Kare Karlsen, Kelly Merryfield, Harry Mink, David Mitchell, Ralph Orlando, Brenda Philippon, Ray Philippon, Tom Ryan, Charlie, Shadan, Alan Sherburne, Muriel Sherburne, Mark Thornton, Burr Tupper, Mary Weiss, Don Westcott and Sheila Westcott as Don’s guest.
Ray welcomed both members and guests.
Charlie Shadan requested a prayer in silence for club members and friends who had recently passed, Phil DiMarzio and Jim Lynch’s wife Judy.
There is no speaker for January, but Bob Broadhurst is working on securing a program.
Kare Karlsen reported that as of 12-1-2017 the treasury had a cash balance of $690.90 after paying for expenses of $1,393.02 which included last month’s dinner, fall stocking, the porta-potty and a lockbox for the camera. There also was income of $722.00 and we now have a current total of 59 club members.
The November Meeting Minutes circulated to all members by E-mail were approved.
Old Business: The camera donated by Dan Reich could not be made to work.
New Business: The floor was open to nomination of the 2018 Officers and nobody stepped up so our current slate agreed to serve another term: Ray Philippon/President, Don Westcott/VP, Kare Karlsen/Treasurer, Harry Mink/Secretary, Bob Broadhurst/Membership & Programs and Kelly Merryfield/PR.
JANUARY 11, 2018
Nashua Country Club
Program: To Be Determined
MEETING at 6:00pm with Dinner & Program to Follow
Ray reported that the pond was fishing well, but now it is closed due to a recent cover of ice. Kare reported that spin fishing poachers were caught on the camera around 3 PM in the afternoon and 7 PM in the evening. Don said that his wife Sheila probably chases off more poachers than anybody as she frequently drives by the pond and stops when she sees trespassers.
Ray said that in order to save money, the club is E-mailing the Meeting Minutes on a monthly basis and posting them every quarter on the club Website.
Burr Tupper has held two fly tying sessions on tube flies and will hold a third Monday, 6 PM January 15, 2018 at the Crossway Church.
Ray then gave the rules for our Yankee Swap and the fun began.
Ralph Orlando volunteered to bring desert to the January Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Harry Mink, Secretary
P.S. – I want to thank both Brenda and Ray Philippon for covering me for Secretarial duties during my absences this year for business, personal and medical reasons.
"Fly fishermenare born honest, but they get over it." Unknown