North Ayrshire Staff Association

NASA has been running now since April 1998 and invites you to become a member. NASA runs various social and sporting events throughout the year for the benefit of members and local charities.

Membership of the Association will entitle you to attend these events. Most events will be held at the NASA Social Club, Littlestane Hall, Irvine for members, with many events open to guests of members.

The membership fee is the same for all employees, whether temporary, permanent, casual, bank, supply or sessional. Membership will also automatically enter you into NASA’s monthly prize draw. Currently 1st Prize stands at £250, 2nd Prize £100, 3rd Prize £50, 4 Prizes of £25, and a Voucher Prize. The draw takes place once a month at various locations throughout North Ayrshire. Membership also entitles you to a discounted rate should you wish to hire the Social Club for an event or celebration.

Associate membership is also available to current members leaving the employment of NAC, and to any other group of individuals invited by the Management Committee to subscribe to the Association. The Fee for former employees is £15 per annum. Associate membership does not qualify for the monthly prize draw.

NASA is run on a voluntary basis by a Committee consisting of Office Bearers and Staff Representatives. For more information on forthcoming events or to view prize draw winners, please view the NASA page on CONNECTS, contact any Committee Member, join our Facebook page:- North Ayrshire Staff Association, or e-mail us on or

We look forward to meeting you in the future.

The Committee

North Ayrshire Staff Association


Name ______,Employee Number ______

Base ______,Employing Service ______

hereby authorise you to deduct the amount(s) specified below from my salary payments.

a) Instalments – (equal to £18 per year)

(ie 35p(weekly), 70p(fortnightly), £1.40(4weekly), £1.50(monthly) dependant on pay cycle)

b) One payment of £15 (deducted annually in April)

Please Note: Casual, Bank, Supply and Sessional employees must select the One Off Payment option. One off payments will be apportioned for your initial membership fee (ie if you join in December, a fee of £6 will be deducted for the remainder of that membership year to the end of March, then £15 annually every April).

e-mail address (if you would like to be notified of forthcoming events) ______

Deductions to be made until cancelled in writing by me.

Signed ______Date ______

Return the completed form to:- NASA, Littlestane Hall, Littlestane Road, Irvine KA11 2EX or Mark Wilson, Chairperson, North Ayrshire Staff Association, c/o Education, 5th Floor, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE.

If you are interested in becoming a NASA representative please tick this box and a committee member will contact you