Thank you for your interest in applying for a position on the Board of Trustees. Please submit this form to the World Pool Committee at . If you are considered for a position on the Board of Trustees, the committee will contact you for further information.
Today’s Date: Click here to enter text.
Is this your: First Submission ☐Update ☐Reapply ☐
Name Click here to enter text.
AddressClick here to enter text.
City Click here to enter text.State/Province Click here to enter text.
Country Click here to enter text. Zip Code (Postal Code) Click here to enter text.
Phone NumberClick here to enter text. Fax:Click here to enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text.
Years in Nar-Anon: Click here to enter text.
Name of Home Group: Click here to enter text.
CityClick here to enter text. Region Click here to enter text.
Country Click here to enter text.
Do you have a sponsor? Choose an item.
Do you have a service sponsor? Choose an item.
Have you worked the Twelve Steps completely? Choose an item.
Have you studied, worked, and learned to apply the Twelve Traditions?* Choose an item.
Have you studied, worked, and learned to apply the Twelve Concepts?*Choose an item.
*If not, this does not disqualify you from consideration. If no, are you willing to do these? Choose an item.
Would you be willing to read and uphold the bylaws of the corporation? Choose an item.
Do you understand your responsibility is to act as guardians of Nar-Anon’s Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts, policies and guidelines? Choose an item.
Do you understand you must comply with Nar-Anon’s bylaws, policies and guidelines?
Choose an item.
If you are currently an officer in your area or region, are you willing to step down if elected to the board? Choose an item.
Service History:
Area/Region (Length of Service)
Group Service RepresentativeClick here to type length of service
Area Service RepresentativeClick here to type length of service.
Area/Regional SecretaryClick here to type length of service.
Area/Regional TreasurerClick here to type length of service
Hospital/InstitutionsClick here to type length of service
LiteratureClick here to type length of service.
OutreachClick here to type length of service
Phone/HelplineClick here to type length of service
Public InformationClick here to type length of service
WebsiteClick here to type length of service
EventsClick here to type length of service
Regional ChairpersonClick here to type length of service
Regional Vice ChairpersonClick here to type length of service
World Service (Length of Service)
Regional DelegateClick here to type length of service
Regional Alternate DelegateClick here to type length of service
World Service CommitteesClick here to type length of service.
Board of TrusteesClick here to type length of service
Executive CommitteeClick here to type length of service.
List two of the most fulfilling service positions/responsibilities from above:
Service Position/Responsibility:Click here to enter text.
Why was it fulfilling? Click here to enter text.
Service Position/Responsibility: Click here to enter text.
Why was it fulfilling? Click here to enter text.
How have you applied a tradition or concept in a difficult situation in your group, area, region, or service committee? (250 words) Click here to enter text.
Fields of Interest at the World Level: (please check all that apply by clicking on the box)
Events - World Service Conference ☐Literature ☐
Events - World Convention ☐Policy/Guidelines ☐
Newsletter ☐Translations ☐
Web Site ☐World Pool☐
Budget/Financial ☐Narateen ☐
Do you have time to participate in meetings related to your proposed position*?
(Please check by clicking on the box) Yes ☐or No ☐ * Must be able to attend all Board of Trustee meetings and World Service Committee meetings and to do the work required of them. This may take approximately 4 to 8 hours per month depending on the committee. Please note that some committees may require 10 hours or more per month. These meetings are held by conference calls or Skype. You will need to have a computer and internet access to communicate with the Board of Trustees and World Service Committees. You should plan on attending the 4 day WSC held in California, in April/May of each even numbered year. Your travel days may bring this to a total of 5 or 6 days. A face to face meeting of the BOT will be held biennially at the end of the World Service Conference. You should be able to answer emails between the meetings.
Do you understand the time commitment involved in the role of a trustee?Choose an item.
Have you considered being a trustee carries certain legal obligations as outlined in the by-laws? Choose an item.
Are you willing to use the spiritual principles in the literature and other resource materials for problem resolution in group conscience with the other members of the BOT? Choose an item.
Personal Information:
What is your primary language? Click here to enter text.
What is your secondary language? Click here to enter text.
Professional Experience: Click here to enter text.
Outside Interests & Activities: Click here to enter text.
Please share additional information you feel will be helpful in your service as a member of the BOT: Click here to enter text.
Please list 3 Nar-Anon members with whom you have performed service work:
Name Click here to enter text.
Telephone Number Click here to enter text.
Description of work you did together: Click here to enter text.
Name Click here to enter text.
Telephone Number Click here to enter text.
Description of work you did together:Click here to enter text.
Name Click here to enter text.
Telephone Number Click here to enter text.
Description of work you did together:Click here to enter text.
Signature:Click here to sign your name.