Barley Lane Montessori Pre-School and After School Centre

Nappy Changing Policy

At Barley Lane Montessori Pre-School and After School Centre nappy changing takes place according to the child’s individual routine and according to child’s age/stage, Parents advice and Floor Schedule. All children are regularly checked throughout the day for a full/soiled nappy and changed accordingly.

To ensure that children retain their dignity we change them in a separate nappy changing area. Parents provide us with wet wipes and nappies which are suitable for their child therefore avoiding any allergic reaction.

Staff members are provided with aprons and gloves to change nappies. Staff must wear the provided aprons and gloves and dispose them after each nappy change.

Disposal must be done safely according to disposable clinical waste regulations. Changing mat must be cleaned after every change with anti-bacterial Milton wipes. Hands must be washed after every nappy change with anti-bacterial soap.

Nappy bin must be changed twice daily.

Each nappy change must be recorded on the nappy changing log. Also at the end of the day each nappy change must be mentioned in the to and fro communication book for parents to look at.

All nappies and wipes must be safely kept in individual child’s baskets. One child’s nappy and cream should never be used on another child.


·  Make sure the changing mat is clean and all necessary items are to hand so a baby is never left unattended.

·  A paper towel should be placed onto the mat.

·  Disposable gloves and aprons must be worn.

·  Wipes/Tissues and warm water are used for cleaning the child, unless a parent expresses a wish otherwise.

·  Protective cream should be applied with tissue or cotton wool.

·  When each nappy change is complete soiled tissues and gloves etc., should be disposed of after each change.(Gloves should be removed carefully to avoid contaminating yourself and clothes).

·  The whole area and changing mat should be cleaned with antibacterial spray dried with a paper towel. If there is a spillage anti-bacterial spray should be used.

·  Hands must be washed after each nappy is changed and a clean apron put on.

·  If a diarrhoea infection are present, wash hands thoroughly after each change using antibacterial soap and dry hands well. Anything touched during the day must also be disinfected and cleaned including door handles, taps, telephone, toys etc.

·  All cuts or abrasions on exposed areas of the body should be covered by waterproof dressing.

·  Nappy changing records should be completed.

Review Date: April 2018

To Be Reviewed By: Company Director / Setting Manager

Policy Documents Barleymont Group. - Reviewed April 2017, Nappy Changing Policy