Napavalleycollege Constitution of Theinter-Club Council

Napavalleycollege Constitution of Theinter-Club Council


Constitution of theInter-Club Council

Article 1: NAME

Section 1.1:The name of this organization shall be the Inter-Club Council (abbreviated ICC)
Article 2: MISSION

Section 2.1:The Inter-Club Council shall address issues concerning clubs within NapaValleyCollege; exercise unity within our constituents; encourage students to go beyond the classroom environment and get involved.

Article 3: OBJECTIVE

Section 3.1: To serve as an advocate on issues that our clubs would be able to benefit from at NapaValleyCollege.

Section 3.2: To provide a network to enhance communication among NapaValleyCollege’s
Student Clubs, and to facilitate communication with the administration, the faculty, the student government officers and other recognized college personnel.

Section 3.3:To provide unity within our college community.

Section 3.4: To provide services essential to the development and goals of the established clubs on our campus. This should include, but not be limited to conferences, publications, and any other important information.

Section 3.5:To provide information and vote upon monetary expenditures concerning NapaValleyCollege’s Student Clubs.

Section 3.6:The ICC shall enforce the ASNVC Elections Code, see that the ballots are tallied, and ensure that polling places are opened and staffed.


Section 4.1:The membership of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one representative from all official charter clubs on campus.

Section 4.2:The Coordinator of Student Life is the advisor for the Inter-Club Council.

Section 4.3:The president of Inter-Club Council will always remain the vice president of the Student Government.Proposed change to be voted on at the first ICC mtg-(If a problem were to occur where the vice president could no longer serve, a president could be elected whether they be part Student Government or within the Inter- Club Council)

Section 4.4:The members of Inter-Club Council shall elect the vice president, secretary and treasurer.

Clause 4.4.1: If there is no club members that choose to run for the position, the position will be appointed from the ASNVC. Proposed change to be voted on at the first ICC mtg.( If no one from the Inter- Club Council does not run for the position , the position will be appointed by the Inter- Club Council president or by the ASNVC board).

Section 4.5:All I.C.C. board members must maintain grade point average of a 2.0.
Section 4.6:The ICC President will facilitate bi-weekly meetings and the agenda.

Section 4.7:The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at each meeting. The Vice President will step in when the President is not present. The Treasurer is in charge of keeping track of the ICC budget and processes request for payments related to the ICC

Section4.8:Each Inter-Club Council member shall have one vote.

Section4.9:Each club must submit an Inter-Club Council representative alternate.

Section4.10: Inter-Club Council may adjourn into closed session.

Section4.11: Inter-Club Council may appoint or approve Ad-Hoc Committees as needed.

Section4.12: Each club must have read the ICC Constitution.


Section 5.1: Participation in the ICC shall consist of any Napa Valley College Student Club who meets the requirements to be a chartered club or organization.

Section 5.2:Please follow stepswhen developing a new or reactivating club or organization:

5.2.1: Read and Sign Off on the Inter-Club Council Constitution and NVC Club Policy Manual in the Student Life/ASNVC Office.

5.2.2: Recruit faculty member or full-time staff member to be your Advisor. Clubs cannot exceed more than two advisors. Advisors cannot advise more then 2 clubs.

5.2.3: Decide first club meeting and advertise the club meeting around campus.

5.2.4: Reserve a place to meet on campus by completing the Request for Classroom form or reserving time in the Student Lounge.

5.2.5: Sign up to have table at CLUB RUSH in the Student Life/ASNVC Office.

5.2.6: Recruit 7 core club members. Clubs and organizations are required to have a minimum of four members, plus three officers (president, treasurer, and Inter-Club Council Representative) to be an official club at NapaValleyCollege. Your core seven members must be NVC students. Any additional members after the seven can be non-NVC and/or NVC students, staff or faculty.

5.2.7: Elect officers, complete and deliver paperwork to Student Life/ASNVC Office for Approval

5.2.8: Attend Inter-Club Council meetings. Inter-Club Council meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The first ICC meeting is Thursday, September 3rd.

5.2.9: Sign up for club training with the Coordinator of Student Life.

Section 5.3: Club applications are to be turned into the ASNVC Office four weeks from the day the application was picked up.

Section 5.4: Activating a charted student club or organization on-campus, excluding health

occupation clubs can only be chartered between August 1 and March 15.

Article 6: RULES

The following rules must be followed by all approved student clubs and organizations:

Section 6.1: Have an up-to-date application on file in the ASNVC Office.

Section 6.2: Have an authorized full or part-time faculty or a full-time staff advisor.

Section 6.3: Clubs must always have seven active club members.

Section 6.4: Clubs can have Non-NVC students; however they cannot hold a club officer position or vote on club matters.

Section 6.5: Complete required forms when necessary.

Section 6.6: Attend regularly Inter-Club Council meetings.

Section 6.7: Club Advisor must be present at every advertised meeting, social or planned event.

Section 6.8: Abide by all campus, local, state and federal laws and regulations which include no drinking of alcohol or doing drugs at any club meeting, event, or conference while active as a club.

Section 6.9: Respect other students, staff, and property of NapaValleyCollege.

Section 6.10: NVC students are only allowed to hold three elected/appointed executive officer positions in NapaValleyCollege approved clubs and organizations.

Section 6.11: No one may be appointed as Inter-Club Council Representative for more than one club.


The following privileges are granted to all approved student clubs and organizations:

Section 7.1:The use of the NapaValleyCollege name, as long as it is not associated with a
political party.

Section 7.2:The recruitment of members on campus.

Section 7.3:The holding of meetings and social functions on campus.

Section 7.4:The use of college facilities including buildings, grounds, and equipment free or at a reduced fee.

Section 7.5: The publishing and posting of activities in campus publications and around campus.

Section 7.6:The privilege to earn money or petition for money from ASNVC for campus events.

Section 7.7:The privilege to invite guest speakers to the campus under general campus relations.

Section 7.8:The privilege to use the College Van for field trips. Only advisors can drive the van.

Section 7.9:The privilege of having a short descriptive paragraph about your club posted on the Napa Valley College Web Page under Campus Life.

Article 8: Conditions for Denying, Revoking or Suspending

The following conditions may result in the Denying, Revoking or Suspending.

Section 8.1:Faculty or staff resigns as club advisor.

Section 8.2:Any on or off-campus activity of the student club which violates lawful district
or college rules and regulations and creates substantial disruption.

Section 8.3:The use, sale or possession of any controlled substance or any use of violence while acting as a club or organization on or off campus.

Section 8.4:The club or organization continues to miss a total of fourInter-Club Council meetings without turning in a report will be documented in the ICC minutes and will no longer be active.

Section 8.5: If a club or student association of any type knowingly receives support in the form of funds, materials, volunteers etc. from an organization which actively advocates intolerance of a NVC recognized minority, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or religion, then that club or student association will be notified, given a warning Proposed change to be voted on at the first ICC mtg (andwhatever activities being done will be stopped immediately, and a full audit will be made.)

Section 8.6: Clubs and/or student organizations must take the responsibility to check the background of organizations or outside groups they may be involved with.

Section 8.7: Clubs and/or student organizations which post flyers or take action to advocate intolerance of a NVC recognized minority, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or religion will be disbarred from any campus activity or organizing.

Section 8.8:After any violation(s) of the above conditions occur, the Inter-Club Council President will appoint a three member team to address the violation(s) by the club and willcome-up with the appropriate action(s) to be taken.


Section 9.1:The Inter-Club Council meetings shall be governed under Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 9.2:A quorum shall be one-half (1/2) plus one of the total membership.
Section 9.3:The President shall chair the Inter-Club Council meetings. In case of his/her absence the meetings shall be chaired by the Vice President.
Section 9.4:The President shall count a vote and announce the results, and the Secretary shall record them.
Article 10: ATTENDANCE

Section 10.1:One mandatory meeting bi-weekly per calendar year.

Section 10.2:Each year, each club shall submit a time and date that is most convenient for them.

Section 10.3:The first Inter-Club Council meeting time shall be decided by the Inter-Club President. At the following Inter Club Council meeting, the ICC will decide the final ICC meeting schedule.

Section 10.4:Each member shall notify the secretary of an absence from regularly scheduled meeting 24-hours in advance.

Section 10.5:If unable to attend a meeting, clubs are required to submit a report before the meeting, either through e-mail or by dropping off the report at the ASNVC office.

Section 10.6: If there is no report, the absence will be counted against the said club.

Section 10.7:Two absences total will result in a warning.

Section 10.8:Three absences total will result in no monetary support from the Inter-Club Council.

Section 10.9:Four absences total will result in the dissolution of the club.

Article 11: EVENTS

Section 11.1: When a club wants to plan an event, tournament, and conference or food sale on campus, they are required to complete the Application for Use of College Facilities NVC Clubs and ASB Student Request Form. The form must be completed by the student who will be the liaison with Facilities and signed by the student and the club Advisor before submitted to the Coordinator of Student Life. The Coordinator of Student Life, Vice President of Student Services, Facilities and Campus Police must approve all events.

Section 11.3:The facilities paperwork must be submitted 7 school days prior to a Minor event; 45 days prior to a Major event. A Minor activity is considered to be an activity with no major cost involved. Example: A Bake Sale

A Major activity is considered to be an activity that may include an expenditure of more than over 51% of the club’s annual budget, often including entrance fee and performer contacts. Example: A Dance

Section 11.4:When submitting the facilities request form, each club must
include a diagram of what and where it wants tables, chairs, and staging equipment. If the event requires PA system or other media needs, the club must complete the Media Request Form. Clubs are also required to complete performance contacts, check requests and event advertising material two to three weeks prior to the event.

Section 11.5:Fees may be charged for the usage of facilities.
Section 11.6:The Club advisor must be present at all major activities and can stop by minor activities.

Section 11.7:For food sales, Clubs must complete the Selling Food Form 7 days prior to the sale. Clubs who complete the Facilities Request Form and reserve the space for their food sale, will be given first prior. Another club cannot host a food sale on the same day unless they are working with another club or have received permission from the other club selling food. As of January 2009, clubs can have 1 bake a sale a week, sell food on Fridays through the Cafeteria Fundraising Friday days or have a food sale off-campus.


Section 12.1: All postings on or off campus mustfollow the Education Code 72000.

“Education Code (72000) prohibits the use of the college name to endorse a political view or support a political activity without permission of the College Board of Trustees. It specifies that the name of the college is the property of the college district, and without board approval the college name cannot be used to "designate any political group activity or enterprise." It states that the college name cannot be used without permission "to display, advertise or announce" the "advancement, opposition or defeat of any political movement, activity or program."

Section 12.2:Clubs and organizations may post flyers on campus activities bulletin board without having them stamped by the ASNVC office. Campus activities bulletin boards are cleared each Friday for outdated posters. All clubs are responsible for tearing down their own expired posters and flyers.

Section 12.3: Posting or removing existing material is not allowed.

Section 12.4:No posting in classrooms or on car windows.

Section 12.5: No posting of violent, discriminating or obscene material.

Section 12.6:ONLY ONE Poster or Flyer per event may appear on each board.

Section 12.7: Posters are to be no larger then 16” x 20” and must contain the name of the sponsoring group(s).

Section 12.8:Clubs may make up to 100 copies of white paper or 50 copies of color paper at a time with the ASB copier machine. There is white and color paper supplied by ASB. Clubs may use the art supplies, i.e., paper and paint, of the ASB Office to make posters for events.

Section 12.9:Clubs are allowed to advertise their event(s) in the Campus Newsletter. E-mail
press releases to Betty Malmgren at , as soon as the club receives approval for the event. Press releases must include: Name of event, event sponsored by, day, time, place, cost (if there is any), and where to get tickets for the event, a description of what is happening at the event, and who to contact for more information.

Section 12.10: Clubs may run their own Club web page; however they must follow the Education Code 72.

Article 13: FINANCES

Section 13.1:The ICC account shall remain within the ASNVC budget.

Section 13.2: Each school year, ASNVC will provide each approved club and organization with a one time monetary support of the amount of $ 75.00. Clubs who reactivate for a second time in a year will not receive the $75 activation.

Section 13.3:The money will be automatically deposited into the club’s trust account after all paperwork is completed, turned in and the club representative has attended their 1st ICC meeting.

Section 13.4:A club requesting additional funds will need to request to be on the next available ICC agenda and turn in a budget proposal prior to the ICC meeting. Clubs can request up to $250 once a school year.

Section 13.5:After presenting their monetary support requests to the Inter-Club Council, the ICC will then vote to approve their request.

Section 13.6:If there is no quorum, the vote will then be turned into an advisory vote and the club proposal will fall as an action item at the next available ASNVC meeting. In turn ASNVC will make the final vote.

Section 13.7: After a club has been inactive for a consecutive two years, their account funds will be re-deposited into the ICC general account.

Article 14: AMENDMENTS

Section 14.1:Any member of the ICC may propose an Amendment(s).
Section 14.2:The Amendment must be submitted in writing.
Section 14.3:The Amendment shall be announced, discussed, and voted on at the next available
Inter-Club Council meeting.

Section 14.4:If there is no quorum, the ASNVC has the final vote of any amendment.

Article 15: BYLAWS

Section 15.1: Bylaws shall be established and amended by a quorum.
Section 15.2: Bylaws adopted by the Inter-Club Council shall only apply to the Inter-Club


Section 16.1:This Constitution became effective upon its adoption by one-half plus one vote of the members of the Inter-Club Council.

Last update 8-3-2009

Approved at ICC mtg: