Napa County Office of Education

Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent

Napa County board of Education

May 5, 2015
A Regular Meeting of the Napa County Board of Education was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at the Napa County Office of Education, 2121 Imola Avenue, Napa, California, President Ann Cash presiding. Members Present: Ken Slavens, Lisa Lindsey, Janna Waldinger, and Steve Orndorf. Member Absent: Jennifer Kresge. Member Via Teleconference: Don Huffman.
The salute to the Flag was led by Ellen Sitter.
Visitors were welcomed to the meeting.
At the request of Mrs. Cash, Item 8.C. (CASBO workshop and County Board Procedures for Selecting Officers) was changed to reflect the Information Item as two separate Information Items. The Agenda was approved, as revised, on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Lindsey. Ayes – Mrs. Cash, Mr. Orndorf, Mr. Huffman, and Mrs. Waldinger. Noes – None.
The Minutes of April 6, 2015 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs. Waldinger and a second by Mr. Orndorf. Ayes – Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Cash, Mr. Slavens, and Mr. Huffman. Noes – None.
There were no comments from the public.
There were no student of the month awards.
1.  Mrs. Cash reported that on May 4th she attended the Napa County Office of Education Parent Workshop, “Secrets to Kindergarten Success”. She said that the local teachers chosen as speakers did an excellent job, and the quality of the information presented to parents of children was very useful. She especially liked the video of current kindergartners giving the incoming students tips for kindergarten, such as be respectful, open your own snack, etc. She also praised Napa County Office of Education staff members Jan Sabo and Seana Wagner for running a very efficient workshop.
2.  Dr. Nemko added that the workshop will later be televised on Napa TV Channel 27. She also shared that one of the presenters, Kim Floyd, will present at Napa Preschool Program on May 7, 2015 at 6:30 for parents. Her topics are “Tell Me a Story” and “Words Mean Things”.
Napa County Board of Education
May 5, 2015 – continued
3.  Dr. Nemko and Mrs. Cash both commented that these combined efforts are supporting the work being done through the Digital Early Learning/Footsteps2Brilliance program to encourage more learning at home.
4.  Dr. Nemko reported that Assemblymember Bill Dodd visited the preschool class at Shearer School to view the Digital Early Literacy program firsthand. The teacher, Padma Helton, is doing a wonderful job with her students and the digital early literacy program.
5.  Dr. Nemko reported that she attended and was a featured speaker on the panel at a Future Ready Regional Summit in Redwood City on May 4 and 5, 2015. 850 school districts from across the country have signed the Future Ready District Pledge demonstrating their commitment to supporting teachers in the quest for digital learning in the schools. Eric Sheninger, a former Principal at a New Jersey high school, was the keynote speaker. He gave a compelling presentation for the urgency needed to continue the transformation to technology in the classroom.
6.  Dr. Nemko shared that Napa County Office of Education gave each of our teachers and staff a chocolate truffle from a local chocolatier, Anette’s Chocolates, for Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week.
7.  Dr. Nemko reported that Pat Wolfe wants to give a workshop on how to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.
8.  Dr. Nemko suggested that Rebecka Anderson, Napa County Office of Education’s Education Technology Manager, give a lesson on Twitter to the Board at an upcoming meeting.
9.  Dr. Nemko reported that she and Josh Schultz attended the CCSESA conference in San Francisco last week.
Consent Agenda Item 5.A. (Temporary County Certificates) was passed on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Lindsey. Ayes – Mrs. Cash, Mr. Orndorf, Mrs. Waldinger, and Mr. Huffman. Noes – None.
No action was taken on Consent Agenda Item 5.B. (Board Member Compensation)
Backup information on the consent items was included in the Board packets and is on file in the Superintendent’s office.
New Tech High student, Denning Defur, presented his senior project based on his music therapy work with seniors who have dementia at the Napa Valley Hospice & Adult Day Services. He showed a video supporting his research on how music has a profoundly positive effect on the elderly with various forms of dementia.
Napa County Board of Education
May 5, 2015 – continued
After discussing the possibility of a Board Retreat in 2016, Mr. Slavens made a motion to have a Board Retreat in 2016 and appointed Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. Kresge to pull together an ad hoc committee to coordinate the retreat. Mrs. Kresge and Mrs. Lindsey will review goals and bring back suggestions for discussion. On a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mr. Huffman, the Board approved having a Board Retreat in 2016. Ayes – Mr. Orndorf, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mrs. Waldinger. Noes – None.
On a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board approved a Budget Workshop in the fall with Josh Schultz, Dr. Nemko, and Dr. Apolloni attending. Ayes – Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Waldinger, Mr. Huffman, and Mr. Orndorf. Noes – None.
Mr. Orndorf noted that legislation toward a proposed bill requiring all children be vaccinated by eliminating the “personal belief” exemptions is still being debated.
Mr. Orndorf noted that the legislative package to overhaul teacher evaluations has taken on momentum on a national level.
The Board accepted the Personnel Activity Report as presented.
Josh Schultz reported that the solar project is pending a license agreement with the Department of General Services (DGS). The Master plan for NCOE facilities will be completed by the end of the year.
Josh Schultz reported that the Prop 39 energy plan is near completion. The package to upgrade three sites: Napa Preschool Program, Court and Community Schools, and the NCOE Administration building will go out to bid in July.
At the request of Mrs. Waldinger, Item 8.C. (CASBO workshop and County Board procedures for selecting officers) has been tabled to the June 2, 2015 Board meeting. On a motion by Mrs. Waldinger and a second by Mr. Slavens, the motion was approved. Ayes – Mrs. Cash, Mr. Orndorf, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Lindsey. Noes – None.
Tammie Holloway, College and Career Readiness Director, welcomed government, educational officials, and visitors to the 2014-2015 CTE Student Achievement Awards ceremony. The following students received awards:
Vintage High School
Brenna Eikenbary – Animal Science
Esmeralda Palencia – Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management 3
Elizabeth Schmitz – Graphic Design and Printing Arts, Advanced
Kortney Cole – Physics of Alternative Energy Design & Construction
Wade Johnson – Introduction to Automotive Technology
Napa County Board of Education
May 5, 2015 – continued
Vintage High School
Brenna Eikenbary – Animal Science
Esmeralda Palencia – Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management 3
Elizabeth Schmitz – Graphic Design and Printing Arts, Advanced
Kortney Cole – Physics of Alternative Energy Design & Construction
Wade Johnson – Introduction to Automotive Technology
American Canyon High School
Solomon Scott – Culinary Arts
Madelyn Weyant – Culinary Arts
Alex Guzman – Advanced Culinary Arts
Ciara Ayers – Biotechnology 2
Diego Monge – Construction Technology
St. Helena High School
Arilyn Martin – Advanced Culinary Arts
Napa High School
Jesus Villegas – Medical Science 1
Derek Poteet – Fire Technology 2
Nancy Zenon – CSI 2: Forensic Science
Ryan Reynolds – Precision Machining Technology 2
New Technology High School
Cameron Lovie – Video Production 2
Alex Dolvin – Digital Media Design & Criticism 3
Tracy Krumpen, Senior Field Representative for State Senator Lois Wolk; Edith Gonzalez, Constituent Services Representative for Congressman Mike Thompson; and John Moreno, Senior Field Representative for California State Assemblymember Bill Dodd presented each student with a proclamation and certificate. The College and Career Readiness Department will be giving each student a copy of the video presentation.
The meeting was temporarily adjourned for a reception at 6:00 p.m. to honor the CTE students and reconvened at 6:20 p.m.
The annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon will be on June 9, 2015, from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m., in Napa County Office of Education’s conference room.
Mr. Schultz reported that NVUSD has approved NCOE’s new College and Career Readiness Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) wherein Napa Valley Unified School District agreed to pay for a significant portion of the Career Technical Education classes that NCOE offers at the district high schools now that the state no longer funds categorical programs.
Napa County Board of Education
May 5, 2015 – continued
Future agenda items: 1) CASBO workshop, 2) County Board procedures for selecting officers, 3) Public Hearing on the proposed LCAP for 2015-16 through 2017-18, 4) Public Hearing on the proposed 2015-16 budget, and 5) the drought and water quality in Napa county.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m., on a motion by Mrs. Cash and a second by Mr. Orndorf.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Nemko, Secretary
Approved Date /

Call to Order

Flag Salute


Approval of
Approval of Minutes
Comments from the Public
Student of the Month Awards
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports (continued)
Consent Agenda Item 5.A. (Temporary County Certificates)
Consent Agenda Item 5.B. (Board Member Compensation)
Presentation Senior Project, New Tech High
Discussion, Review, Ideas Presented at the Board Retreat and Board Meetings
Budget Workshop
Discussion, Review, and Direction Re: Legislative Updates and Positions
Personnel Activity Report
Update on Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School
CASBO Workshop and County Board Procedures for Selecting Officers
2014-2015 CTE Student Achievement Awards (5:00 p.m.)
2014-2015 CTE Student Achievement Awards (5:00 p.m. - Continued)
Staff Appreciation
Budget Update
Future Agenda Items