Nan's Rock Shop & Spiritual Center

A place like coming home



#13995 HWY #1. Wilmot, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

902 825-2700


Carol Shares:Brambles & Blossoms

I am in a good season in my Life, it feels great!

Another winter has passed and we are coming into the blossoming and abundant season of summer

Also symbolically, I feel my Life is coming into a summer season after a winter period

Much of my energy of the last 17 years has been spent on this beautiful place

Working, organizing, planning, developing, creating, learning, sharing

The growing process and challenges of holding one’s own business

What a way to learn in Life … to jump in and see what I am capable of.

Many many years ago, I took my first workshop in Energy Balancing

Who knew it would lead to the Center I have today

People helping people, the so many people that I have spent time with

Colleagues, customers, friends, workshop facilitators, and family (all teachers)

As we help each other with our life lessons, just by being together, living and learning

Me taking risks of making decisions that were out of my familiar

Backing up sometimes to take a rest, emotions and energy spent

The master plan often changing directions with the ebb and flow of Life’s “unpredictables”

Yet a driving force within me to create something that I cannot name.

Reality: it is not just about the creating a business, to earn a living, prosperity

The business has developed me

A simple country girl who used to pick daisies and ride horses

As a woman:being a wife, raising my family,helping out in the community

To who I am at this moment, in the middle of this beautiful Healing Center

A lot happens in a Life, heck … a lot can happen in a day!

So I encourage you

Continue to be open to your dreams and desires

One step at a time, even if it takes you to unfamiliar places

Be the best you know how to be … always

Be grateful for your summers, work through your winters

Life: a continuous path of blossoms and brambles.

I invite you to Nan’s Rock Shop & Spiritual Center

A place created from my heart.

Thank you to all who have helped me to “BE”.


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Facebook: Nans Rock Shop and Spiritual Center“click on Likes” to be with us and see my posts.

Workshops will resume in September.

Private Sessions will be offered in our new working space, the mini centre behind the main house.

Come visit see what is new in the shop, sit with us for a while in the kitchen lounge, see the flower–herb-vegetable gardens, give a wave to our pet goats Opal and Marshmallow, take some time to do a walking meditation – in our Labyrinth.

We share with you this beautiful place, the place I grew up, great memories, a close family, friends & colleagues. From Skip & me.

Stone of the Month: Poly Chrome Picture Jasper

Polychrome Jasper is a delightful new find from Madagascar! It was discovered by geologists is 2006 while searching for ocean jasper. It is a colorful jasper that can be described as Polychrome in color including red, pink, brown, green, blue and greys in swirls of blotches and shapes;as if mookaite and picture jaspers got together and polychrome was born. It is very beautiful and often resonates with the heart, a sensitivity, a sense of awe and curiosity of what could be, a potential of walking into the unknown with courage and opportunity; it suggests birth, creation, fertility along with a somewhat goddess attitude. It is connected to the flow of raw materials, thoughts and energies and helps you to recognize and realize all that is around you, so you can re-organize, re-create, transform and manifest something new and more! It opens up being true to yourself, taking risks into the unfamiliar with a vision, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. It helps to face your fears and recognize that even in your darkest times, there is always a Light at the end of the tunnel. This stone holds great determination and focus to help you with your dreams and goals into what is possible, the sky is the limit. This is Poly’s gift to you. Known as the stone of dreams into reality!

Young Living Essential Oil of the Month: Cedarwood

Cedarwood has been around since biblical times (it is mentioned in history in the times of Noah, the early Tibetan temples, Greek mythology, Native American natural medicines and the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming the dead. For centuries, people have lined closets and chests with cedar wood to protect valuables from moths and insects. Cedarwood has a warm, balsamic, woody aroma; its scent stimulates the feeling of grounding, connecting to community, feelings of strength, empowering and protection. MOODS: helps to overcome anxiety; releases painful memories (also helpful in clearing the trigger of the past that led to possible addictions in the present); diffuses aggression, anger and fears, and brings in the nourishing balance of clarity, reinforces resolve, independence, self esteem, confidence, establishing proper perspective and faith. BEAUTY: clears blemishes, controls dandruff, reduces cellulite, and minimizes hair loss to actually stimulating new growth. HEALTH: too many to count! SPECIALITIES: it especially helps with insomnia, promotes a deep sleep, and stimulates melatonin. AND is a great insect repellent! A wise, ancient, nourishing and grounding oil. A great oil to add to your diffusers, apply a couple drops to your feet and back of the ears for general preventive and maintenance. Helping you to be SOLID in your life! Sold at Nan’s Rock Shop $19.00 15ml.

Nan’s Rock Shop


June 11, 10am- 4:30pm

All Donations to our Local Food Bank

Mini workshops and services will be available

We are more than just rocks!

10:00amThe Beginning Story andTour of the Buildings and Grounds by Carol Layton. The full tour will take place at 10:00, throughout the day I will do a short tour every hour, and then you can choose the events you would like to participate in. Events will rotate every hour.

Nutrition Counts: How to making Falafels for Lunch by Judy Green. Judy is a nutrition coach and whole food plant based chef; she offers nutrition services and programs here. Bring your nutrition questions!She will also be showcasing and accepting orders for Epicure Products! (Kitchen)

Solar Harmonic Tuning Forks – Sound Vibrational Healing by Donna Berthiaume. Donna will be offering a talk and demonstration of this healing therapy and also offering mini sessions.“I incorporate the unique properties of Sound Therapy utilizing Solar Harmonic Tuning Forks & intuitive sense to cleanse, reintegrate & rejuvenate Chakra Energy Points.” (Mini Centre House behind the Main house)

Meditative Journeys with doTerraEssential Oils by Meghan MacDonald.Dive deep into the subconscious and connect with your Higher Self.Soothing Soundscapes, and Guided Imagery are infused with Healing Crystals & Essential Oils. This powerful combination will leave you blissfully balanced, relaxed, and refreshed. (Dining Room)

Singing Bowls – How to Use a Singing Bowl AND Tribal Belly Danceby Teri Nichols. Tibetan singing bowls are a type of bell used for healing. Come let Teri introduce you to the joyful sound of singing bowls … and also show abit of the dress and dance of Tribal! Dance class is here every Monday evening 7-9pm. “Dance like no one is watching!”(Warehouse Dance Studio)

Chakra Clearing with Elizabeth Cushing. Through the Art of Dousing and the use of a pendulum, Elizabeth will measure, clear and activate your energy centers. Healthy chakras means to be in balance with healthy energy flow. (Upstairs Therapy Room)

Walk our Labyrinth with Jackie McClary. The purpose of a labyrinth is to slow down, walk mindfully, as in a walking meditation, to connect to the answers and wisdom that is within and all around you. A spiritual exercise that has been around for centuries.

Young Living Essential Oils Applied to Everyday Life with Jade Howden. Young Living Oils can bring so much to everyone’s daily life. From making your house a toxic free environment, keeping the pesky common cold away, to helping with much larger battles within our bodies,. Let me tell you how! (Living room)

4:00 Closing Drumming Circleas we share sound in a circle, with the intent of appreciation for the events of the day. (Fire Pit behind the Warehouse Dance Studio)

Nan’s Rock Shop Team

Carol Layton: Owner and Administrator of Nan’s Rock Shop & Spiritual Center

Summer services: Working in the Rock Shop, organizing our events, newsletter and Facebook

Private Sessions: Thursdays: Reflexology, Crystal Therapy and Tea Leaf Readings.

Teri Nichols 902 825-2264

Summer Services: volunteers in Nan’s Rock Shop Mondays & Saturdays 12:00 – 5:00pm

Summer Classes: Tribal Belly Dance (including closing meditation) every Monday night 7-9pm


Summer Services: volunteers in Nan’s Rock Shop Tuesdays 12:00 – 5:00pm

Private Sessions: Harmonic Tuning Forks / Jikiden Reiki

Elizabeth Cushing: www.

Summer services: volunteers in Nan’s Rock Shop Thursdays 12:00 – 5:00pm

Private Sessions: Raindrop Relaxation Massage, Reiki, Ionic Foot Bath

Paul Gregory:

Summer services: volunteers in Nan’s Rock Shop Fridays 12:00 – 5:00pm

Private Sessions: Organic Gardening Advice, Sound Healing using a Drum

Meghan MacDonald:

Private Sessions:Reiki, BodyTalkAromatouch, and workshops including doTerra Essential Oils

Megan Hyslop:

Private Sessions: Bio-Cosmic Massage, Simple Salsa Class

Judy Green:

Nutrition Workshops and is our Epicure Independent Consultant