Nanning-Guangzhou Railway Construction Project
Social Assessment Report
Drafted by: the WestDevelopmentResearchCenter of the CentralUniversity of Nationalities
ChinaMinorityResearchCenterofthe CentralUniversity of Nationalities
February2009 inBeijing
Table of Contents
1.Mission, methodology and procedure
1.1 Mission and reference
1.1.1 Mission
1.1.2 Reference
1.2 Qualifications
1.3 Research methodology
1.3.1 Emphases and levels of field investigation
1.3.2 Investigation procedure
2.Related laws, regulations and review mechanism
2.1 Nationality identification and the definition of “minority nationality” in China
2.2 Chinese policies and regulations on nationalities
2.3 The definition of “minority nationalities” according to the World Bank policy
2.4 Comparison between China’s minority nationalities and the World Bank’s indigenous peoples
2.5 Summary
3. Land system
3.1 The state basic land system
3.2 Rural land system
3.3 Land system of the project area
3.4 Summary
4.Minority Nationalities
4.1 Association of the project to minority nationalities
4.1.1 General introduction to the minority nationalities in the project area
4.1.2 Association of the project to minority nationalities
4.2 Rural resources and livelihood
4.3 Culture and livelihood of Zhuang society
4.3.1 General introduction to Zhuang
4.3.2 The livelihood of Zhuang people in the project area
4.4 Relations and comparison between different nationalities in the project
4.5 Summary
5.Poverty and the sexes
5.1 Poverty in the project area
5.1.1 General introduction
5.1.2 Analysis of the causes of poverty
5.2 Association of poverty to nationalities
5.3 Women
5.3.1 Women and traditional roles
5.3.2 Association of nationality to the sex role and position
5.4 Summary
6.Project impact analysis
6.1 Positive analysis
6.2 Adverse impact
6.3 Analysis of the differences of impact by the project on the nationalities
6.4 Summary
7.Parties having an interest in the project
7.1 The identification of the parties having an interest in the project
7.2 Analysis of the parties
7.2.1 The Ministry of Railways
7.2.2 NG company
7.2.3 Guangxi Autonomous Region Government
7.2.4 The city, county/district and Township governments
7.2.5 The World Bank
7.2.6 The construction contractor
7.3 Summary
8. Conclusion and recommendation
8.1 Information exposure and support by the residents
8.2 The indigenous peoples’ policy of the World Bank (OP4.10) does not apply to this project
8.3 The RAP drafted for this project also applies to the Zhuang people
1.Mission, methodology and procedure
1.1Mission and reference
According to the recommendation of the experts from the World Bank, at the end of August 2008, the Foreign Investment Utilization and Technology Introduction Center of the China Ministry of Railways (referred to as the entrusting party thereinafter) entrusted Professor Zhang Haiyang, director of the West Development Research Center of the Central University of Nationalities, and Associate Professor Jia Zhongyi, deputy director of the above center (referred to as the trustee thereinafter) to conduct social assessment for this project. On September 2nd, the two parties signed a contract, by which the trustee accepted the commission formally.
Through negotiation between the two parties, and after consultation with the related experts from the World Bank, it is clarified that the trustee should undertake the following tasks:
a) As per operational policy OP4.10 of the World Bank and the appendixes, the trustee shall investigate along the route of Nanjing-Guangzhou Railway project, so as to understand clearly the actual distribution of minority nationalities in this areaand identifying the potential positive and negative impact the project shall have on the minority nationalities.
b) Through in-depth field investigation, the trustee shall learn the economic and social development status and the social cultural characteristics of the minority nationalities along the route, so as to tell whether the minority nationalities in this area comply with the “indigenous peoples” as defined in the operational policy OP4.10 of the World Bank. The trustee will then take the impact analysis of the project into consideration and decide whether it is needed to draft a “Minority Nationalities Development Plan” for the minority nationalities in the area.
c) The trustee shall analyze the suitability of the related action plan (RAP).
d) The trustee shall draft both the Chinese and English versions of “the Social assessment Report of the Nanning-Guangzhou Railway Construction Project”. If necessary, the trustee will help the entrusting party to draft the Chinese and English versions of the “Minority Nationalities Development Plan for the Nanjing-Guangzhou Railway Construction Project”.
e) The trustee shall conduct field investigation and finish the “social assessment report” (and if necessary, the “minority nationalities development plan”) in a timely manner at the appropriate time based on the progress of the preparation work for this project. Timing for the above task starts in early September of 2008 and ends by mid February of 2009.
1.1.2 Reference
References that the social assessment investigation and report are built on are mainly the following three types:
a) Related policies and regulations on minority nationalities right protection, land resources exploitation and major infrastructure construction by the central and local government of China;
b) Security safeguard policy, particularly indigenous peoples policy by the World Bank(OP4.10);
c) The “feasibility study report” (FS) provided by the entrusting party, the resettlement action plan (dated January of 2009) of the project, etc.
1.2 Qualifications
The team composition and qualifications of the trustee:
(I) Project leader and major experts
Mr. Zhang Haiyang, Han nationality, professor, Doctor in ethnology, director of the west development research center of the central university of nationalities, director of China minority nationalities research center. Specialized fields of Mr. Zhang include ethnology theory, methodology and application study.
Mr. Jia Zhongyi, Miao nationality of Guangxi, associate profession, doctor in ethnology, deputy director of the west development research center of the central university of nationalities. Specialized fields of Mr. Jia include history, culture and ethnic group relations of minority nationalities in South China;
The two project leaders have rich knowledge and application research experience. They have directed and participated in many social assessment tasks for World Bank loans, including reservoirs, roads, forestation, river basin management and railway projects in China. They helped the project owners draft the related minority nationality development plan. They are familiar with related policies and regulations by Chinese governments and the standards of World Bank. They have an in-depth understanding of the situation and needs of China’s minority nationalities as well as the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the local ethnic groups. Their recently-completed projects include:
a)Minority nationality development plan for the water and soil reservation project of the upper reaches of Yangtze River/Pearl River(2004/05-2005/03);
b)Social assessment and minority nationalities development plan for the adjusted route of Gui-Kun Railway(2005/09);
c) Protection and development study of minority cultures of China with a small population(2006/07-08);
d)Social assessment and minority nationalities development plan for the general project of Guangxi Forestry(2005/01-02);
e)Social assessment report and minority nationalities development plan forGui-Guang Railway Construction Project(2007/05-2008/12);
f)Social assessment and minority nationalities development plan for flood control and river basin management in Xining City(2007/11-2009/01);
g)Resettlement and compensation system study of Chinese water and electricity construction projects in minority nationalities areas.
(II) Team members
Ms. Zhao Jianli, Miao Nationality of Hunan, deputy profession, expert on rural social security study in minority nationality areas from the humanities and development school of China University of Agriculture. She conducted several investigation and studies on rural issue project in Guangxi, Hunan, Yunnan among others.
Ms. Hu Yingzi, Zhuang nationality of Guangxi, with undergraduate and graduate certificates in ethnology from the Central University of Nationalities. She is now studying for the doctor’s degree in sociology. She also has working experience in several NGOs.
Ms. Wei Xia, Mongol nationality of Inner Mongolia, graduate of sociology from the Central Universities of nationalities. She is now studying for the doctor’s degree in sociology and working part-time for an NGO. She conducted rural investigation and study in Yao nationality area of Guangxi.
Mr. Liang Xining, Zhuang nationality of Guangxi, double degree in ethnology and ecology from the Central University of Nationalities. He is now studying for the graduate degree in ethnology. He participated in the investigation of resettlement for water and electricity construction projects and the drafting of related reports.
Ms. Liu Liu, Zhuang nationality of Guangxi, Graduate and Teaching assistant in Central University of Nationalities, majored in ethnology. She conducted field investigation and study in Guangxi and Guizhou.
Mr. Liu Fengshi, Han nationality of Henan, Graduate of sociology from the Central University of Nationalities. He worked as teaching assistant and participated in the Gui-Guang Railway project and XiningCity flood control project.
Ms. Jia Zhen, Miao nationality of Guangxi, undergraduate in history fromXinyangNormalUniversity. She participated in rural investigation of Miao, Tong, Zhuang, Yao nationalities.
(III) Team strength
When setting up the team, we have the following priorities in mind:
First, familiarity with local language and culture. Zhuang is the biggest minority nationality along the route. They speak their mother tongue Zhuang Language as well as Cantonese (called “vernacular” by the locals) in daily life and this includes both Zhuang and Han people there. Therefore, the team includes 5 researchers from Guangxi. They are mostly from the project areas, have competent efficiency in Cantonese and understand Zhuang Language. This ensured barrier-free communication with villagers and thereby raised the investigation efficiency.
Second, to facilitate communication with the disadvantaged groups. To approach women, the elderly and teenagers, we enrolled five female researchers in the team. They played wonderful roles when we visited villagers’ home by gaining the villagers’ trust.
Third, diversified background. Majors of the team members are mainly ethnology and sociology but we also have history and ecology. This is to avoid the blind point that one or two major background could probably create.
Fourth, rich experience. Aside from the leaders’ rich experience in similar project, nearly all team members have participated in field investigations several times. They can understand the project goal better and have mastery of the investigation tools.
(IV) Allocation of work
a) Deputy professor Jia Zhongyi designs the investigation and study plan and develops investigation tools;
b) Professor Zhang Haiyang and Deputy Jia Zhongyi are responsible for training of the team;
c) Mr. Jia Zhongyi acts as the executive team leader and together with deputy professor Zhao Jianli, led the team in field investigation. The students help collecting documents, photo and video taping, taking minutes and household interviews and questionnaire investigation.
d) Jia Zhongyi and Zhao Jianli are responsible for the drafting of study reports. The students assist sorting files and data analysis.
e) Professor Zhang Haiyang directs and revises the drafting of the Chinese and English reports.
1.3 Research methodology
During investigation and assessment, the trustee mainly adopts Participating Rural Assessment (PRA) methods. Based on the holism theory and comparative study criteria of anthropology and sociology, we collect data through field investigation,which is to collect first-hand information by participating observation, focused discussion, and focused mass discussion, typical village and villager sampling. We collect local documents and statistics based on the document list. At the same time, we add to the depth and width of the research and the strength of the argument and of the reliability of the conclusion by drawing from the methods of historical document research and policy and regulation analysis.
1.3.1 Emphases and levelsof field investigation and emphasis of investigation
Based on the common understanding between the entrusting party and the trustee on the missions, the following points will be taken into consideration: (a) The project area is the lineal area stretching from east to west and bordered by Guangzhou and Nanning; (b) Among the potential impact that project will have on the villages within the area, the most important and most direct ones are land acquisition and resettlement caused by the construction of roadbed, bridges, tunnels, stations and supporting facilities and the setting up of railway security control system. The next important import is the disturbance to the villagers around the construction sites; (c) The population flow caused by the construction may influence the behavior, mindset and interpersonal relations among villages along the route. There also exists the risk of the infection of various diseases. Therefore, it is decided that a screening will be carried out within 10 kilometers diameter along the route.
Based on the field investigation results, knowledge and document research results by the trustee, and at the same time, drawing from the research results of the survey design and resettlement teams of the project, the following have been confirmed:
(a)There is no minority nationality village within the project area of GuangdongProvince. Therefore, the social assessment will not cover this area.
(b)Zhuang and Yao are the two minority nationalities that have a time-honored residence in the 3 cities and 7 counties/districts within the Guangxi project area. But Yao villages are located outside the 10 kilometer diameter of the route and therefore will not be included in the social assessment report.
(c)There is no Zhuang village within 10 kilometer diameter in the section between Guiping and Wuzhou. Therefore, this section will enjoy less focus.
(d)There are 22 Zhuang villages or multi-nationality-resided (Zhuang and Han) villages within 10 kilometer diameter in the section between Binyang County of Nanning City and Gangbei District of Guigang City.
The trustee will put the emphasis of the social assessment on the 22 minority nationality villages in the section between Binyang and Gangbei. Investigation levels
The trustee conducted investigation on two basic levels in the target area: villages and governments. Investigation on the village level covered administrative villages, natural villages, peasant households, and individuals. Investigation on the government level includes autonomous region, city, county/district, Townships. The team also visited experts and scholars from related institutes such as Guangxi Nationality Research Institute.
(I)Investigation at the village level
Village investigation itself also has two levels, including colloquia with villager representatives, village grassroots data investigation, and household interview questionnaire and individual interview. Village investigation is mainly focused in the area between BinyangCounty and HejiTownship on the west and the town Qintang of Guiguang city on the east. The 22 minority nationality villages to be impacted along the route are all located in this area. After considering the factors such as administrative regionalization, livelihood patterns, economic development levels, nationality composition, degree and types of the impart, and past experience, and upon consulting the representatives from the local governments, the team made field investigation in 8 villages (namely Dabang Village and Sanmin Village of Heji Township, Fengming Village and Qiming Village of Qintang Township, Huanglian Village and Zhangtuan Village of Huanglian Township, Daguo Village and Longling Village of Qintang Township). The team had 8 colloquia with the villager representatives, with a total of 94 participating villagers.
The village-level colloquia invited village cadres, women, youth, elderly, village teachers, elders of the villages, religious people and others. The main purpose is to learn about the natural resources, livelihood, population and its composition, social composition and ethnic group relations, social system and customs, economic status and development plan, villager’s knowledge of the project design and plan during the preparation, past experience, needs and suggestions for this project. The cadres and representatives helped distribute and collect the village baseline questionnaire.
Household interview investigation includes household questionnaire and individual in-depth interview. In choosing the household and village samples, we take many factors into consideration, including family composition, livelihood, economic situation, nationality, sex, experience, attitude to the project. 91 questionnaires are distributed and collected and 91 individuals are interviewed
(II)Investigations at the government level
Investigation at the government level take the form of colloquia with leaders from related functional areas and organization, which include the general offices, development and reform commissions/bureaus, nationality(religion) commissions/bureaus, women’s federation, offices of poverty alleviation of the autonomous region/city/country/district, and the railway construction office set up by governments of all levels for the project. Investigation with the Township government takes the form of interview with the Township leaders in charge of the railway construction within the jurisdiction. Content of the investigation on the government level include:
(1)Challenges that the local governments face in the railway construction tasks;
(2)Relations between the project and the local development needs and plan;
(3)Progress of related work by local government in the implementation of the project, including laying down of related policies and regulations, organization building, publicity campaigns and mobilization, and coordination with designers and owners;
(4)Successful experience and lessons from past projects and prevention measures taken by this project;
(5)Villager opinions and requirements along the route collected by the local government;
(6)Assist to collect related policy and regulation booklet, statistics and documents according to the document list provided by the trustee.
The investigation by the trustee covered 3 cities, i.e. Nanning, Guigang and Wuzhou, 6 counties/districts, i.e. Binyang, Qintang, Guiping, Pingnan, Tengxian and Cangwu, and 13 Townships, i.e. Litang and Heji of Binyang County, Qintang and Huanglian of Qintang District, Xishan of Guiping city, Wulin, Da’an and Zhenlong of Pingnan County, Tanping, Tengzhou, Tang u of Tengxian, Dapo and Longweiof Cangwu County.