2016 Statistics / St. Paul / Maplewood / Rochester / Robbinsdale / Total
Patient encounters
(provider encounters) / 29,507 / 64,576 / 19,521 / 20,670 / 134,274
Unduplicated Patients seen (patient count) / 11,275 / 22,997 / 5,245 / 7,351 / 46,868
Patients on public programs / 10,017 / 18,384 / 4,410 / 6,151 / 38,962
Patients with commercial insurance / 822 / 2,384 / 242 / 623 / 3,835
Uninsured patients / 436 / 2,229 / 593 / 577 / 3,835
Children patients (Under 21) / 6,118 / 11,162 / 2,080 / 2,544 / 21,904
Emergency patients / 2,267 / 7,236 / 1,546 / 3,091 / 14,140
New patients / 3,848 / 8,288 / 2,119 / 5,197 / 19,452

All Clinics – Total % to Patient Count

83.1% public programs 65% of staff are ethnic minority and/or bilingual

8.2% uninsured 69% of patients are a racial/ethnic minority

8.7% commercial insurance

30.2% emergencies

41.5% new patients

46.7% children

Currently, we have 85,804 unduplicated patients of record (2014 - 2016).

Charity Care

Community Dental Care underwrites between 3-4% of its budget in uncompensated care annually. The amount of charges foregone in 2016, based on established rates, was approximately $1,064,400. This includes emergency care for patients unable to pay, funded through donations from private donors, foundations and clinic revenue. In 2016, grants paid for $29,740 for 264 patients, 46 of whom were children and an additional $2,620 in preventive and restorative care for 38 children in our school-based program. We also provided $33,909 worth of charity care for 259 children through our school-based program. All of our services are available on a sliding fee scale of 10-50% for low-income patients not eligible for public programs.


In 2016, 267 community volunteers contributed 2,410 hours of service, equating to $60,732 worth of services based on Independent Sector’s estimated dollar value of volunteer time at $25.20 per hour. Volunteers contributed time to Give Kids a Smile Day; assisted with health resource fairs and distributed oral health care kits; participated in the annual two-day Mission of Mercy; assisted with special events; and donated professional consultant services.


A 12-member, all volunteer Board of Directors governs Community Dental Care. We also have a four member Advisory Council located in Rochester. We have 238 employees (188 full-time) including 39 dentists, 33 dental hygienists, 1 community health worker, and 68 dental assistants. About 65% percent of our staff is an ethnic minority and/or bilingual with 27 languages represented: English, Hmong, Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese, Karen, Burmese, French, Farsi, Oromo, Somali, Arabic, Spanish, Hindi, Amharic, Marathi, Punjabi, Swahili, Dinka, Luganda, Ukrainian, German, Russian, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Nepali. We work with over 150 interpreters fluent in 20 languages and train all staff in treatment delivery through interpreters.


Our mission is to provide culturally sensitive community oral health care, preventive education and professional training, and to advocate for access to all. Our vision is that all people will have access to high quality, affordable dental care to improve their overall health in a convenient, caring, and respectful environment.


Program to Improve Community Oral Health (PICOH)

Through 2016—

In-Clinic Program: 3,779 children (0-6)

1,838 children (6-12)

304 pregnant mothers

Total: 5,921

Children: 85% were a minority

94% were on public programs

Pregnant Mothers: 92% were on public programs

77% were a minority

Outreach Program: Over 55 community outreach locations in the Twin Cities

1,399 pregnant mothers and parents

2,207 children (0-18)

6,189 students (Grades K-4)

Total: 9,795

School-based Prevention and Education Program

22 schools

6,189 children received oral health classroom education

1,066 children screened and received one-on-one oral hygiene instructions

·  573 students received sealants

·  827 students received fluoride varnish

·  529 children were referred for suspected caries or dental issues

Since PICOH began in 2006, we have provided preventive care, risk assessment and education in our clinics for approximately 33,015 children and 2,772 pregnant mothers. Through the outreach component of this program, we have provided presentations or informational booths and distributed oral health care kits (including toothbrushes, toothpaste and educational materials) at community outreach sites to over 47,107 parents, pregnant women and children.

Since beginning the School-based Prevention and Education program in 2011, we have provided educational events for 16,339 children. We have screened 3,522 children; provided sealants for 1,962; fluoride varnish for 2,826; and made referrals for additional care for over 1,202.

Dental Professional Student Training

Dental Hygiene Students 133

Dental Assistant Students 28

Nursing Students 147

Total 308

Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) funded our first formal training program in 2006. That first year we provided training for 17 hygienists and dental assistants from three schools. In 2016, we trained students from nine schools—Argosy University; Century College; Hennepin Technical College; Herzing College; Minneapolis Community and Technical College; Minnesota State University-Mankato; Normandale Community College; Rochester Community and Technical College; and St. Cloud Technical College. Since beginning the program we have trained a total of 1,446 students, and increased access for over 19,960 underserved people.

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