Naming Conventions

All files and folders:
all lower case
no spaces, letters and numbers only
names should be descriptive
homepage should be named index

Create New Folder

Create a new folder on your desktop or in your H drive

Open Dreamweaver

Create New “HTML” only

Site; New Site (name) ànext - No, server tech ànext- Edit local copies, select folder you created àconnect server “None”, DONE
Save as “index”

Set up Table

Open Dreamweaver

Choose Layout, layout mode

Create Layout table (entire space for website) 770 X 400. The 770 should not change but the 400 could.

Change background color if desired.

To Center Page

Go to “Code Mode”

Put cursor after bgcolor, before > sign; hit space, double click “align”, double click “center”

Add text or images

Create cell

To add text
begin typing in cell; change font size, font color, etc. Don’t change font list
resize the cell to the dotted line so you don’t waste space

To add images
insert àimage
All images must include an alt tag

Add Backgrounds

To insert a background

Modify>Page Properties Select Appearance on the far left under Category. Go to Background Image and Browse. Open picture


When linking to an external webpage make sure to put target as _blank! (copyright issues)

Put the name of the webpage or name of the document in the link box. You also may use “point to file”

To change color of links
Modify>Page Properties>Select Links under Category. Click in color boxes and change colors as desired

Create Photo Album in Dreamweaver

Open new HTML

Commands>Create Web Photo Album>choose names, browse, thumbnail size, format, check create navigation page> Click OK

Will open fireworks to make thumbnails

Album created Click OK

You must add alt tag to each picture


Insert àHTMLàspecial characters


InsertàDate (check update automatically)


After type out email address, select address, go to link box


HTMLàhorizontal rule