1. What type of party system does the United States have? Two party system
  1. What are the two major political parties in the U.S. & what are the party symbols?

NameSymbolSpectrum Side

  1. Democratic DonkeyLiberal/Left

2. RepublicanElephantConservative/Right

  1. Compare and contrast the two major parties in the U.S.:


More liberal party (left)More conservative party (right)

Believes in higher taxes for businessBelieves in lower taxes for everyone will help the economy

and wealthy will help economy

Gov’t should provide social programsKnown as the Grand Old Party (GOP)

Believes in more Gov’t powersBelieves in limited Gov’t powers


Environment is important

Strong Military is important

Focus on equality and civil rights issuesState’s rights are important

4. What is the point or goal of state primaries/caucuses?

The primaries and caucuses narrow down the field of candidates for both of the major parties. Then at the national conventions the state delegates nominate the candidates that won the primary/caucus in their state or won a majority of them throughout the country.

Presidential Election Process

Beginning to End

1. Candidatesdeclare to the nation that he/she wants to be the president

2. States hold primaries and caucuses to determine whom their state delegates will nominate at the national conventions

3. National Conventions are held and the political parties’ nominees are announced and the parties’ platforms are made

4. Election Day! (General Election)1st Tuesday after 1st Monday in November

5. Electoral College meets in December to officially vote for the President

6. The President is inaugurated(sworn into office) on January 20

6. How does the media affect politics, political parties, and the government?

The media provides information about both parties to the public and it reports on government activities to keep everyone in the government honest and accountable.

7. What is an Interest Group and what is their goal?

An organization that supports specific causes that affect the lives of Americans. They often give government officials (legislators) the benefit of their subject-area expertise.

Examples of Interest Groups:

ASPCA or Humane Society = Animal rights and Anti-Animal abuse

NAACP = Supports African American’s

AARP = Supports Older American’s

NRA = Supports 2nd amendment and gun rights

8. What is a Lobbyist and what is their goal?

A representative of an interest group.

Lobbyist Goal: to influence state legislators or members of Congress on a particular issue