Name of proposed event or
Guest speaker name and topic
Proposed event details / Date: / Time:
Duration: / Venue:
Background and nature of event
Event Owner / Name:
Email: / Phone:
Proposed Master of Ceremonies
Who are the event stakeholders?
Risk Management form / WHS F020 Risk Assessment Form Complete where relevant
Which UNE strategic priorities are addressed in the planning of this event?
Please mark the appropriate box or boxes with an ‘X’. / Deliver excellent research with high impact
Deliver an outstanding student experience
Diversify and grow income
Digital dominance
Improve operational resilience
Create a bold and innovative culture
What results do you anticipate and what key messages do you wish to convey?
(This information is required for Council reporting purposes)
Head of School/Director Approval
Is it budgeted within your Faculty, School or Directorate? Please advise who is paying for this event. / This event has been approved by the relevant HOS/Director (Y or N)*
Cost Centre Code*
Recommended University host
If you are unsure who the University host should be, please email Event team on / Chancellor
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Senior Exec (please specify)
HOS (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Is the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor requested to attend, and in what capacity?
/ Please indicate who:
Chancellor / Vice-Chancellor
Speaker / Speaker
Guest / Guest
Other (please specify) / Other (please specify)
Nominate a preferred representative in case the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor cannot attend / Preferred Chancellor representative:
______/ Preferred Vice-Chancellor representative
Please list the times that the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor are requested to arrive and speak / Chancellor Arrive:
Vice-Chancellor Arrive: / Chancellor Speaking time:
Vice-Chancellor Speaking time:
Proposed order of proceedings/run sheet and timings
Proposed guest / invitation list
Please list any VIPs and identify general categories of guests. Or where available, provide a full guest list as an attachment. / VIPs – refer to the definition UNE’s event protocols (Link)
Please list: / Indicative categories: Please mark with an ‘X’
UNE Council members
General Public
Senior Executive
Heads of School
Academic Staff
Professional Staff
Future Students
High Schools
Other – please specify:
Other / comments:
Anticipated attendance figures / Number: / Proposed seating plan attached (if applicable)
Include the event details on UNE Event Calendar / Yes / No (Delete whichever not applicable) / If Yes complete the request form
Venue Presentation Requirements / Audio-visual assistance required (Y or N)
If required email:
Include Parramatta Future Campus (Y or N)
If required email:
Who is giving the Welcome/Acknowledgement to Country?
Is filming or photography required and is it included in the budget?
Other special arrangements
Please note this check list: / Please provide an official invitation for the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor or senior executive - this can be emailed to
Considerations on invitation:
Are partners invited?
What is the dress code for this event?
Exact time of arrival
Exact time the speech starts
Usually required at least a week before event:
Order of proceedings
List of VIP attendees
Apologies and recognitions
Detailed dot points and speaking notes – any other special arrangements
If you cancel the event, please notify as soon as possible.
Please email or call Fran Stahlut x5049 or Sarah Burrows x3217if you have any questions.
Submitted by: ______
NameSchool/Directorate Date
Professor Annabelle DuncanDate
Updated March2016Page 1 of 3