Priority 2. Young People’s Political Engagement


Short term-keep the energy

·  Surveys-statistics Barnardo's survey and data from MLMS, BTB and undivided on the turnout at the election and how this can be used to lobby on youth policy

·  Building partnerships with wider groups i.e. MLMS/BTB/Google/Twitter/Youtube/Galdem/boilerroom/

Medium Term

·  Youth led media platforms-vlogging (YouTube, Google)-educate and engage

Long Term-Political Power

·  Votes at 16-mayoral election and Youth Mayor

·  Ldn Curriculum-quality political education which includes information about the electoral system, where the power is (what people do) and building knowledge and confidence about the political system.

·  LA Youth Boards, Youth Councils and Peer Outreach (GLA)-to have youth consultation process and or representatives at the decision making level.

Priority 3. Positively Bold and Radical Youth-Led Call to Action

Short Term

·  Develop an initial cohort of very proactive young people; then support them in engaging others. We need more young people on board - there is strength in numbers - We need to be louder! We need to be commercial!

·  Contact and join up with other organisations doing similar work like ‘Gal Dem’

Medium Term

·  Make a film using a case study that highlights what happens to young people when they fail to get the support they need, when they need it. Get the commercial backing to develop the project so that it has high production values, good sponsorship and wide distribution

Longer Term

·  To be clear which decision makers have an influence – there is no point targeting decision makers to change policy/practice on specific issues if it is not within their remit

·  We need to find positive, influential individuals/organisations to back the Vision

Priority 4. Inclusive Education – Engaging Multi-Stakeholders

Short Tem

·  Specialist Approaches – to bring together the range of inclusive approaches around supporting young people into work i.e. Peabody training and accreditation, Leonard Cheshire supported internships i.e. PYL roundtables

·  Raising the profile of the informal education sector – communications and marketing about the role of the informal sector, youth-led campaigns about the impact of the youth sector in terms of support, under the banner of the Vision for Young Londoners.

Medium Term

·  Schools Engagement – to assess how regional delivery agencies can collaboration more effectively around programmes in schools, mapping coverage, sharing best practice and aligning with the portal, careers policy and curriculum map from London Ambitions. Key partners to be engaged: HAYN, London Youth, Prospects, etc. Creating a stronger link to London Ambitions

·  E-Passport - Communication of the E-passport from Careers Enterprise Company out to the informal sector across London, to ensure that they get their interventions and support registered on this with young people.

·  Stakeholder Engagement Plan - We need to develop a stakeholder engagement plan – gaps are schools/ colleges, faith groups and businesses e.g. what is our offer to schools?

Priority 5. Steering group- Healthier London and Healthier Young People.

Short term

·  To share research/ reports/ funding opportunities and previously funded projects related to the statements in the priority.

·  Invite a representative from Thrive to attend and explain their programme of work in more detail.

·  Invite a representative from a relevant department at GLA.

Medium term

·  Research in more detail on what London would need to do to become be a youth friendly city

·  To link with NHS England Youth Board and agree regional priorities

·  Establish a couple of key targets and take them forward

Priority 6.Steering group -Reducing the Skills Gap

Short Term - Research and Evidence

·  Step One - Desk research on the literature available on the skills gap and briefing sheets on this (PYL)

·  Step Two – analysis on the role of SMEs, what sectors are represented and what are their perceptions of supporting young people into work (PYL)

·  Step Three - Perceptions study with young people on could then be based on the specifics of the skills gaps (PYL)

·  Step Four - Campaigning on perceptions around apprenticeships aimed at parents/carers, and young people, campaigning on how many apprenticeships are targeted for young Londoners how do we pressurise the GLA to have targets for London (All)

·  Making sure that youth voice is represented on the skills for Londoners board (JS and CJ)

Longer Term

·  Youth Apprenticeships targets for London

Priority 7. Steering group- Evidencing Impact

Short Term

·  What works centres for adolescents - This would encourage us to think more widely about the experience of adolescents and how we create higher visibility for this particular groups. Event in October:

o  The content of the session should aim to look at:

o  Devising quality standards and some set of standards for inclusion

o  Establishing a research panel or collective

Longer term

·  CSR employability evidence - This could be a sub set of the above and we could we do a call out for repository of whats happened to date i.e. Impetus PEF - Evidence review commissioned from Dartington (Ready for Work) Employers and Education Task Force of CSR...

·  Data Dive - Pitch an idea to Data Kind - Data maturity conversations … How do we shift the culture around data how can we collate this reflect on this what insights can be gathered. What can we learn from data and how we can align that with the work of the GLA.

Communications Subgroup


·  Plan #Vision4YL splash in the summer

·  Updated Vision message: ‘7 priorities, 1 vision’

·  Create a new synopsis of the Vision – simple and concise (Benna)

·  Make a video (led by young people) to get the Vision message out there

·  Get a young person’s story from each of the 7 priority groups

·  Start thinking about the next Vision event (2018)

Youth Board Steering Group


·  Vlogging day to be set up with Media Trust

·  To write a blog on each aspect of the Vision and why this is important

·  To establish a wider session for new groups of young people to get involved (to be to be confirmed) – Planning needs to take place with wider groups of young people to get more on board

o  World CAFÉ Idea

o  Ideas for the pre-launch to be discussed at the Vlogging day meeting

·  Chair and Co-Chair to vlog or write an update for the public to be aware of the development of the priorities, answering questions on a MONTHLY BASIS covering:

o  What needs to be done?

o  What has happened?

o  What is planned?