Enfield Hockey Association Board Meeting
January 4, 2016 at ETR at 6:30pm - Minutes

Board of Director Attendance: Ed Poremba, Brian Daly, Lysa Arseneault, Deb Samek, Jill Birmingham, Julie Higgins, Erin Tyler, Chris Blais, Todd Albano, Julie Malecki, Missy Broxton, Lisa DeLorge, Dan Bezdelovs, Valerie Breda, John McGlynn, Ken Labak*,Cathy Partridge, Kelly Bialy

(Names underlined were absent, *arrived late/left early)

  1. Call to Order Board members – 6:36 p.m.
  2. Minutes of Preceding Meetings- July 6, 2015, August 3, 2015, *September 14, 2015, *October 6, 2015, *November 9, 2015, *December 7 & 14, 2015
  3. Motion to approve September minutes – Julie M; Deb S. seconded – 13 voted to approve, 0 no or abstain – Motion carries
  4. Motion to approve November minutes – Erin T; Lisa D seconded – 13 voted to approve, 0 no or abstain – Motion carries
  5. EHA Family members open communications - None
  6. Open Board Positions- April 7, 2015 to be filled-CHC/GSL Representative, LTS/LTP Director – Still open
  7. Financial Report-Vice President, Finance –Expenses and Income
  8. Report discussed
  9. Email sent to all families who are behind and has received responses; U6 payments spread through February; no concerns
  10. Planning to update projections for next year based on anticipated skaters and increasing to full ice practice on some regular occurrence (TBD) in combination with half-ice practice schedule.
  11. Need to discuss at next month’s meeting if we’ll charge a fee for credit card usage, as the organization incurs approximately $10K in fees; would be beneficial if we had a secure lock box to drop off checks. (The current one is ours, but the lock was broken several years ago.) Brian D. will ask Keith if we can have a lock box behind the desk.
  12. Discussion of desire to move to more regular schedule of full ice for practice – if available and the association could budget for it; need to research cost.
  13. Discussion of desire to purchase practice jerseys for kids; need to research cost.
  14. Discussion of paying for coaching certification and/or online modules for coaches, as a thank you for their time and effort volunteering for the organization; need to research cost.
  15. Discussion of LTS – Stickers for helmet with year on it for those who have paid.
  16. Discussion of Ref pay potential changes; no action at this time.
  17. Discussion of goalie clinics – Goalies available but none have been scheduled them yet. Jill B. to coordinate for this year. Projecting that we’d use 2 full sheets of ice per month for clinics next year.
  18. Board Member Reports Sent via E-mail for Review prior to meeting
  19. New Business
  20. Midget Division Registration Procedure for Adoption-Valerie Breda
  21. Motion to adopt Midget Division Registration Procedure by-law amendment – Lisa D. motioned; Kelly Bialy seconded; 14 vote to approve; 0 decline and abstain. Motion carries.
  22. Revisit Age Classification By-law-Brian Daly
  23. Revisit Play Up Travel Team Rules- Valerie Breda
  24. Clarification of current wording of Age Classification Bylaw, previously adopted Dec. 2015 and current Travel Team rules to ensure consistency between the two and to clarify the Age Classification published by USA Hockey.
  25. Motion to close discussion on this topic – Lysa A. motioned, Erin T. seconded; 10 voted in favor, 4 voted against, 0 abstained – Motion carries
  26. Family Skate and Bake Sale at South Windsor (December 29, 2015) - Deb Samek and Julie Malecki – Profit of $350; approx. 60 attended
  27. Budget for 2016-2017, Accountant, Filings, Ref Pay, Paid Positions, Coaches Certifications, other fees – Discussion noted in Finance report above
  28. Notification to Coaches for 2016-2017 Season –
  29. Ken L. will help with marketing and Val B. will assist in making required changes to reflect current board members and coach-related policies; Julie H. will check availability at the Enfield Central Library for the coach interviews at a special Board meeting
  30. Motion to hold regular EHA monthly board meeting at ETR at 6:30 on Monday, Feb. 1st, 2016; meeting to interview coaches on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 in a special session at 6:30 p.m. at the Enfield Central Library and a follow up EHA board meeting special session at 6:30 on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 at ETR for review – Val B. motioned, Missy B. seconded; 14 in favor, none opposed, none abstained – Motion carries
  31. Julie H. and Lysa will prepare end of year survey as was done in the past, to be discussed at regular February board meeting
  32. Unfinished Business
  33. IRS, Non Profit and Tax – April 15, 2015-Executive Session
  34. LTS/LTP through Midget Team status reports-ongoing since May 4, 2015
  35. There will be no child volunteers allowed to have their stick and/or pucks when helping the LTS
  36. One time free trial for LTS/LTP – Must be registered / have USA hockey number, must sign one day waiver for coach and player
  37. Sub-Committee Reports- Budget Financial- May 4, 2015 for 2016-2017 pending
  38. Sub-Committee By’-Laws Review
  39. Halloween Tournament– interest in researching for Mite, Squirt & Pee Wee based on available ice will; Julie H. will lead subcommittee to make a recommendation by end of March (Julie H., Julie M., Missy B, and Lysa A. subcommittee)
  40. CHC Tournament Hosts Bid- December 7, 2015 – Information is pending
  41. Motion to approve purchase of checks for EHA Board, which will cost over $70; motion by Missy B; John M seconded; 13 approved, 0 against and 0 abstained – Motion carries
  42. Completed Business - Summer Skate; Referee Arbiter Ref Pay and fees; Ice at ETR-CYR-SW; 2016-17 Commitment Letter; Travel Tryout Policy, Coaches Selection
    Motion to end regular meeting session and go into Executive session – Chris B. motioned; Kelly B. to second; 13 approved, 0 against and 0 abstained – Motion carries; regular meeting ended at 8:38 p.m.
  43. Good for the order for EHA- “EHA Code of Conduct” “Behavioral Rule”Board Members New Year’s Resolutions – Executive Session
  44. Executive Session after conclusion of regular meeting
    Motion to end meeting/executive session – Kelly B. motioned; Deb S. to second; 13 approved, 0 against and 0 abstained – Motion carries; meeting ended at 8:53 p.m.

EHA Board Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2016Pg. 1