Names of Rabbis, Mohels, & Officials

Names of Kremenets Rabbis, Mohels, & Officials

From the Kremenets Vital Records & Other Documents
Proofed and Edited
Dr. Ronald D. Doctor, Co-Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP

12 August 2009

This list contains names of Rabbis, Mohels, and Jewish community officials from the following vital records of Kremenets.

Births: 1870 & 1871, 1893 & 1894

Deaths:1870 through 1872

As a convenience to researchers, we also have integrated surnames that occur in the two Kremenets Yizkor Books, the series of Booklets published by the Kremenets Association of Emigrants, and the Pochayev Yizkor Book. And, we have added names extracted from the Jewish Encyclopedia article about Kremenets (

The table is alphabetized according to the Hebrew surname. Transliteration is based on the guidelines developed by the Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP. Where the guidelines are ambiguous, we have relied on Beider’s book, A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Given Names for guidance. To resolve any remaining ambiguity in the Hebrew transliteration, we have used the Russian pronounciation as a guide to the English spelling.

How to read Source and Location Information:

As noted above, the List derives from two types of sources: Vital Records and Yizkor Books. Surnames are in alphabetic order using the Hebrew transliteration.

Vital Records

For Vital Records, the second column gives you the LDS Microfilm Number, tells you what type of record this is (B=Birth, M=Marriage, V=Divorce, D=Death), and in what year the event occurred.

Example: 60B1870 means that the microfilm number is 2086060, the record is a birth record, and the birth occurred in 1870.

The third column identifies the file number from the corresponding cd-rom data disk. It also tells you whether the event involves a male, female or both (F=female, M=Male, x=both, as in a marriage), as well as the sequential event number.

Example: 351 F43 in combination with 60B1870 means that this record is the 43rd female birth in 1870. The record is in file 351 on LDS disk (microfilm) 2086060. Each record on the microfilms is uniquely identified in this way.

Yizkor Books

For Yizkor Books, the second column identifies the Yizkor Book by name of the Editor (Stein, Lerner, or Gelernt), or by Booklet number. The Organization of Kremenets Emigrants produced a series of Booklets beginning in 1967 with Booklet 1 and ending in 1982 with Booklet 18. Over the course of those 16 years, the title of the Booklet and the list of editors changed. We refer to these Booklets by number in the list below. A typical bibliographic citation, Goldenberg …, is given below. A complete bibliography of the 18 Booklets is available in the translation of Pinkas Kremenets on the JewishGen website and on the Kremenets Shtetlinks website (

Stein, Abraham Samuel. (ed.) (1954). Pinkas Kremenitz (Pinkas Kremeniec: A Memorial, sefer zikharon). Tel Aviv, Israel: Former residents of Kremenets in Israel. One volume, 453 pp., Hebrew & Yiddish.

Lerner, P. (ed) (1965). Kremenits, Vishgorodek un Pitshayev; yisker-bukh (Memorial Book of Krzemieniec). Buenos Aires: Former residents of Kremenits and vicinity in Argentina. One volume, 468 pages. Yiddish.

Gelernt, H. (ed.) (1960). Memorial book dedicated to the Jews of Pitchayev-Wohlyn executed by the Germans (Pitshayever yisker-bukh). Philadelphia: The Pitchayever Wohliner Aid Society. One volume, 311 pages. Yiddish. (Note: Pochayev, or Pitshayev, 50° 01’/25° 29’, 11.8 miles WSW of Kremenets. Pitshayev also is included in the Kremenets Yizkor Book published in Argentina.

Goldenberg, M., Y. Rokhel, A. Argman, M. Ot-Iker, Yehoshua Golberg (eds.) (1974). Kol yotzei Kremenits baYisrael v’batfutsot (Voices of those who departed Kremenets, in Israel and the Diaspora), Booklet 11, 58 pp., Hebrew-Yiddish. Title on back cover is "Kremenitzer Landslayt Shtime, in Yisrael, in Oysland." Published by Organization of Kremenets Emigrants, 67 La Guardia St., Tel Aviv, Israel 67221 [Note: This is one of a series of 18 Booklets published by the Organizaton of Kremenets Emigrants.]

The third column gives the page number(s) on which the surname appears.

Jewish Encyclopedia, Online Edition

The Kremenets article is from the online version of the Jewish Encyclopedia ( which originally was published in 12 volumes between 1901 and 1906. References in this Index to the article about Kremenets (Kremenetz in the JE) are identified in the Source Column by the abbreviation JE, and in the RecordLocation column by the Search Term, Kremenetz.

Corrections to this Index are welcome. If you see any names in need of correction, or if you find other errors in this list, please contact me via e-mail.

Ronald D. Doctor

Co-Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/JRI-Poland


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Names of Rabbis, Mohels, & Officials

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Names of Rabbis, Mohels, & Officials

Hebrew / Russian / Record Location
Khirits, Shaia / 60D1872 / State Rabbi?
Aaron Samuel, Rabbi, of Kremenets, (1563) / JE / Kremenetz
Aharon, Rabbi / YB-Stein / Endnote 39
Altira, Avraham / Altira, Avrum / 60B1871 / Mohel
Asher, Khasher / Asher, Khasher / 60D1871 / State Rabbi
Averbakh, Aryeh Lev, father of R’ David Zebi (1793) / JE / Kremenetz
Avraham Khazzan, R’ of Kremenets (1510) / JE / Kremenetz
Avraham, R’ of Kremenets (Council of 4 Lands, 1595) / JE / Kremenetz
Berinshteyn, Yosef / Beranshtejn, Ios / 60B1870 / Mohel
Betsalel, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 15
Cohen, Zalman, father-in-law of Yitskhak Ber Levinsohn / JE / Kremenetz
David Zebi ben Aryeh Lev Auerbach, R’ of Kremenets (1793) / JE / Kremenetz
Emer, Mendil / 64M1899 / Rabbi
Gelis, Avraham / 63B1893 / Neeman (Fiscal Officer)
Grinbarg, Avraham / Grinbarg, Abram / 60B1871 / Mohel
Grindel / 60B1870 / Rabbi
Grindel, U. / 60B1870 / Rabbi
HaCohen, Rabbi Isaac, of Kremenets (1573) / JE / Kremenetz
HaCohen, Rabbi Yitskhak
Heler, Rabbi Yitskhak from Korilovka / YB-Stein / 57, 58, 210
Hindes, Asher / Gindis, Usher / 60D1871
60D1872 / State Rabbi ?
Hindsev, U. / Gindeyev, U. / 60D1871 / State Rabbi
Hurvits, Rabbi Yeshayahu / YB-Stein / 17, 43
Jacob Israel, Rabbi & Preacher of Kremenets (1788) / JE / Kremenetz
Jaffe, Rabbi Mordekhai of Kremenets (1590) / JE / Kremenetz
Johanen ben Meir, Rabbi of Kremenets (1724) / JE / Kremenetz
Kharson, Shamay / 63B1893 / Gabay
Khayim, Rabbi (1648)
see also, Ashkenazi / YB-Stein / 16, Endnote 39
Kremenetz, Rabbi Joseph of Moghilef (Podolia), 1757 / JE / Kremenetz
Krisbarg, Leyzir / Krysberg, Leyzor / 60B1870 / Mohel
Kuibyeda, the Alderman (1556) / JE / Kremenetz
Kunin, Dov / 63B1893 / State Rabbi
Levinsohn, Rabbi Isaac Ber / JE / Kremenetz
Levinson, Rabbi Yitskhak Ber (See also Solomon, Jekuthiel) / YB-Stein / 52, 151, 196
Levinzon, Rabbi Yitskhak Ber / Booklet 11 / 17, 23, 52
Levinzon, Rabbi Yitskhak Ber / YB-Lerner / 190, 196
Levinzon, Rabbi Yitskhak Ber / YB-Stein / 47-49, 71-77, 213, 284-299
Liva ben Bezaleel, Rabbi / JE / Kremenetz
Luria, Rabbi Shlomo (MHRSh”L) / YB-Stein / 15
Mandiuk, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 83
Marder, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 363
Meir, Rabbi of Kremenets (mid 1600s) / JE / Kremenetz
Melmal / Mejlmal / 60B1871 / Mohel
Mendyuk, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 105
Mihalman, Hirts / Mojelman, Gerts
Moel’man, Gerts / 60B1871 / Mohel
Mordekhay ben Michael, R’ of Kremenets (1817) / JE / Kremenetz
Mordekhay’li, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 91
Moshe Kharif Khayim, R’ of Kremenets (1649) / JE / Kremenetz
Moshe Shalom, Rabbi of Kremenets (1617) / JE / Kremenetz
Moshkeh’le, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 91-92
Phoebus, Rabbi of Kremenets (1770) / JE / Kremenetz
Rapaport, Rabbi Yekhiel Yitskhak / YB-Stein / 366
Roykhel A. / Rojkhel, A. / 60B1871
60D1872 / Rabbi
Sag, Shlome / Sag, Shliome / 60B1871
60B1893 / Mohel
Samuel, Rabbi of Kremenets (1690) / JE / Kremenetz
Sanderovich, Rabbi / YB-Stein / 57
Semashko, the Alderman (1556) / JE / Kremenetz
Shalom Zebi ben Naphtali Rokeakh of Brody, R’ of Kremenets (1811) / JE / Kremenetz
Shmuel, Rabbi of Kremenets (1563) / YB-Stein / 15
Simson ben Bezaleel, Rabbi of Kremenets (c.1600) / JE / Kremenetz
Solomon, Jekuthiel, ggf of R’ Isaac Ber Levinsohn / JE / Kremenetz
Tsukerman, Duvid / 63B1893 / Mohel
Vinik / 64M1899 / Rabbi
Yitskhak, Rabbi, Chief Judge in Belza / YB-Stein / 43
Yosef, ba”a Rabbi Aharon (1648) / YB-Stein / Endnote 39
Yosef, R’ of Kremenets (1600s) / YB-Stein / 16
Yospe, Moshe
Yoshpa, Moshe / Yoshpy, Moshko
Yoshpa, Moshko / 60B1870 / Mohel

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