GPA = Grade Point Average

Your official GPA will not start until you are a freshman/ninth grader in high school. Your overall GPA will consist of all classes that you take during your high school years. Your HOPE Scholarship GPA will consist of all of your math, science, language arts, social studies and foreign language classes while in high school. You must have a 3.0 GPA in those classes to qualify for the HOPE Scholarship. In order to qualify for the Zell Miller Scholarship you must have a 3.7 GPA in all math, science, language arts, social studies and foreign language classes.

Your GPA will be a deciding factor as to what you are allowed to do in life, such as getting into a college or university.

You are to compute your GPA using your report card from the last grading period at your school. The students should use their progress report grades for the first nine weeks.

Write down the actual grades in your classes and then compute your overall GPA and your HOPE GPA. Compare the two GPA’s.

Which one was higher? Why?

How to work a GPA:

Award points based to those grades on the GPA scale from zero to four.






Add your points together and divide by your number of classes.

Special Education students may need to use calculators depending on their IEP.

After the students have done their own math to work their GPA’s make sure that they have the correct answers by providing the following charts with the GPA’s already tabulated. Use the chart with the correct class periods per day.

If you have 6 classes per day, use this set of numbers to find your GPA.

24 = 4.0 = A average

23 = 3.833

22 = 3.66

21 = 3.5

20 = 3.33

19 = 3.166

18 = 3.0 = B average

17 = 2.833

16 = 2.66

15 = 2.5

14 = 2.33

13 = 2.166

12 = 2.0 = C average

11 = 1.833

10 = 1.66

9 = 1.5

8 = 1.33

7 = 1.166

6 = 1.0 = D average

5 = 0.833

4 = 0.66

3 = 0.5

2 = 0.33

1 = 0.166

0 = 0.0

Add your points together and divide by your number of classes.

If you have 7 classes per day use this set of numbers to find your GPA.

28 = 4.0 = A average

27 = 3.857

26 =3.714

25 = 3.571

24 = 3.428

23 =3.28

22 = 3.14

21 = 3.0 = B average

20 = 2.857

19 = 2.714

18 = 2.571

17 = 2.428

16 = 2.28

15 = 2.14

14 = 2.0 = C average

13 = 1.857

12 = 1.714

11 = 1.571

10 = 1.428

9 = 1.28

8 = 1.14

7 = 1.0 = D average

6 = 0.857

5 = 0.714

4 = 0.5 71

3 = 0.428

2 = 0.28

1 = 0.14

0 = 0.0 = F average

Add your points together and divide by your number of classes.

If you have 8 classes per day, use this set of numbers to find your GPA.

32 = 4.0 = A average

31 = 3.875

30 = 3.75

29= 3.625

28 = 3.5

27 = 3.375

26 =3.25

25 = 3.125

24 = 3.0 = B average

23 =2.875

22 = 2.75

21 = 2.625

20 = 2.5

19 = 2.375

18 = 2.25

17 = 2.125

16 = 2.0 = C average

15 = 1.875

14 = 1.75

13 = 1.625

12 = 1.5

11 = 1.375

10 = 1.25

9 = 1.125

8 = 1.0 = D average

7 = 0.875

6 = 0.75

5 = 0.625

4 = 0.5

3 = 0.375

2 = 0.25

1 = 0.125

0 = 0.0

For the HOPE Scholarship GPA

Add your points together and divide by your number of core academic classes.

If you have 4 classes per day use this set of numbers to find your HOPE GPA.

16 = 4.0

15 = 3.75

14 = 3.5

13 = 3.25

12 = 3.0 B average – you would qualify for HOPE Scholarship

11 = 2.75

10 = 2.5

9 = 2.25

8 = 2.0 C average

7 = 1.75

6 = 1.5

5 = 1.25

4 = 1.0

3 = .75

2 = .50

1 = .25

0 = 0.0 = F average


Homework grade – bring in grades from previous nine weeks or progress report depending on the grading period and computer your GPA using your actual grades.

Now that you have learned about GPA’s (grade point average) and have worked your previous grading period’s GPA.

Class Discussion

What anxieties would you have if you were a senior in high school with your GPA?

Would you qualify for one of your self-selected careers from your assessments?

Would you qualify for a high paying job/career?

What improvement do you need to make?

How can you accomplish the necessary changes?

Most colleges require at least a 2.0 for students to apply for admissions. Financial Aid requires that students maintain at least a 2.0 during college. HOPE Scholarship requires students to maintain at least a 3.0. Zell Miller Scholarships require a 3.7 GPA or higher.

Each college and then each major area havetheir own individual requirements for admissions and for graduation.