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District Assessment System for Administrators (DASA)
Core Practice #1- Division/Department Initiative Goal #1
An integral component and foundation to the success of organizations is goal setting to help focus employees’ energy, actions and to measure progress. Goals should be personally compelling, as well as challenging, but achievable. Having such goals helps employees make sense of their work and enables them to find a sense of identity for themselves within their work context. (Leithwood, Aitken and Jantzi, 2006). Core Practice #1 focuses on the district administrator/staff member developing a performance goal based on a major/primary initiative that the administrator is responsible for achieving and is aligned to the District Strategic Plan, Performance Management, division or department goal(s).
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #2- Division/Department Initiative Goal #2
Core Practice #2 focuses on the district administrator/staff member developing a second performance goal based on a major/primary initiative that the administrator is responsible for achieving and is aligned to the District Strategic Plan, Performance Management, division or department goal(s).
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #3: Use of Data as a Problem Solving Strategy
Core Practice #3 focuses on four areas that involve use of data as a key tool for problem solving: 1) Identifying and using relevant student achievement and/or job/department specific data; 2) Collecting and using data to transform it into actions for improvements to student learning and/or operations; 3) Helping staff understand the implications of the data for their improvement efforts; and 4) Utilizing relevant data for monitoring and decision-making.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #4: Continuous Improvement
Core Practice #4 focuses on the district administrator/staff member engaging in a continuous improvement process intended to improve services or processes that impact the quality of student learning, teacher/leader proficiency, and/or operational effectiveness. The administrator gathers and analyzes facts and data, aligns support and services, and assesses alignment of decisions with the district vision, mission, and improvement priorities. The district administrator/staff member organizes time, tasks, and projects effectively with clear objectives, coherent plans, and establishes appropriate deadlines for self and staff.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #5: Talent Management
Core Practice #5 focuses on several areas that require priority attention for a district administrator/staff member to effectively align the skills, knowledge and abilities of staff to the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic goals. The district administrator/staff member acquires, develops and retains talented staff. The district administrator/staff member monitors, evaluates proficiency, and provides timely and actionable feedback to staff. A concerted effort is made to build relationships and to cultivate a performance culture of empowerment and motivation while ensuring accountability. The district administrator/staff member engages in succession planning by involving others in ways that prepare them to move into key positions as needed.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #6: Engaging in Professional Learning to Improve Performance
Core Practice #6 focuses on the district administrator/staff member’s engagement in professional learning that improves professional practice in alignment with the needs of the district and schools, and demonstrates explicit improvement in specific performance areas based on previous evaluations and formative feedback. The district administrator/staff member encourages staff to continue their professional learning and to pursue career development opportunities that enhance the organization. The district administrator/staff member provides staff opportunities for celebration of success as a result of their learning and development.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #7: Providing Quality Services
Research clearly shows that in order for schools to meet their learning goals on rigorous state standards, they must have consistent, quality, coordinated, and differentiated support from all district departments. Core Practice #7 focuses on the need for district administrators and staff to know and understand the unique characteristics and challenges of each school, and they need to contribute to the effective operations, organization, and school-wide improvement of teaching and learning.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #8: Communication, Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
Core Practice #8 focuses on the actions of district administrators and staff which lead to effective communication and greater engagement of internal and external stakeholders. District administrators/staff members manage a process of regular communications to staff and community keeping all stakeholders engaged in the work of the division/department.District leaders need to focus more sharply and energetically on collective leadership by engaging staff, colleagues, school and community stakeholders in ongoing, reflective discussions to improve district practices and policies. The district administrator/staff member must communicate goals and expectations clearly and concisely using appropriate written and oral skills and appropriate technologies for communication and collaboration while ensuring staff and stakeholders receive timely information and other local, state, and federal administrative requirements and decisions. The district administrator/staff member must manage his/her time; he/she must also ensure those who needaccess can get it in reasonable ways and timeframes.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #9: Professional and Ethical Behavior
Core Practice #9 focuses on the professional integrity and dedication to excellence. Professional and ethical behavior requires commitment to the values of the organization. District administrator/staff memberdemonstrates explicit improvement in specific performance areas based on previous evaluations and formative feedback. District administrator/staff memberdemonstrates resiliency in the pursuit of improved school and district performance regardless of his/her role in the organization. Ethical behavior requires district administrator/staff members to take the “right” and “good” path when faced with ethical choice points and requires them to adhere to policies, procedures and federal and state laws.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Core Practice #10: Getting Results (High Quality Instruction/Operational Effectiveness)
Core Practice #10 focuses on actual results in improving desired outcomes and goals. Priority attention is on the district administrator/ staff member’s leadership and professional behaviors that influence school and district instructional programs and/or operations. Results should be aligned with the District Strategic Plan and Department/Division key performance indicators and goals that target improving the quality of the learning environment at schools and/or address support systems and processes that result in operational efficiencies and effectiveness.
( ) Highly Effective ( ) Effective ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory

Employee Evaluations

Revised – 7/20/2016