November 2010
POSITION Associate Professor
DEPARTMENT School of Social Sciences
Level 4
INSTITUTION Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903
Tel: +65 6828 0627
Fax: + 65 6828 0833
BA (Hons), (QUB), MA (QUB), PhD (La Trobe)
PhD Thesis Topic:
“Perspectives on the Philosophy of Love and Friendship in Ancient Greece.”
Professor Raoul Mortley
Professor Gerasimos Santas
Professor Dermot Moran
MA Thesis Topic (QUB):
“Interpersonal Relations in the Philosophies of Gabriel Marcel and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.”
Honours Thesis Topic (QUB):
“The Philosophical Anthropology of Teilhard de Chardin.”
Moderator and Panel Speaker, Frontiers of Science: Ethical Challenges, Symposium ASTAR* Singapore. Panellists: T. Brian Mooney, Sir David Lane, Minister Connor Lenihan, Eddison Liu.
President, Irish Graduates Association of Singapore, March 2009 – (on-going)
Keynote Address, La Trobe University Alumni Dinner, 8th November 2009, Grand Hyatt Ballroom, Singapore.
Keynote Address, “Thinking Things Through: Education in a Commercial World.” Irish Business Association, Grand Hyatt, Singapore, 13th November, 2009.
Invited Speaker, Criminal Justice Ethics Workshop, Canberra, February, 2010.
Research Grant Ministry of Education, Singapore. “Legal Reasoning in Common Law.” Revise and re-submit.
Nomination for Eureka Prize for Research in Ethics (Australian Catholic University), 2008.
Internal Research Award, Singapore Management University, 2007-2008. “Asymmetrical Friendship.”
Distinguished Visiting Professorship. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. May-June, 2008.
Appointment as Section Leader of interdisciplinary world congress KCTOS: Knowledge Transforming Societies. My section was entitled “Incommensurable Rationalities, Ethics and Strategies for Existential Communication.” It brought together presenters from USA, England, Singapore, Iceland, Germany, Ireland and Armenia. December, 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Research Award for Project “Good and Bad Loyalty”, Singapore Management University, Office of Research, 2007.
Teaching Excellence Award. School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, 2007.
Research Award for project “Rational Incommensurability, Story-Telling and Existential Communication”, Singapore Management University, Office of Research, 2006.
Research Award for project “Torture, Tragedy and Natural Law”, Singapore Management University, Office of Research, 2006.
Joondalup Health Campus Professional Development Award to attend Intensive Medical Ethics Course, Imperial College London. Value approximately AD$ 5,000.
Erasmus Institute Summer Faculty Seminar Fellowship - University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Practical Rationality: Decision Theory, Aquinas, Lacan. This seminar led by Professor Alasdair MacIntyre was an all expenses paid competitive grant. Only ten applicants world-wide are accepted. June, 2005. Value approximately, US$ 7,000.
Australian Research Council Small Grant. “Inter-religious Perspectives on the Ethics of Suicide” 2003.
Teaching Excellence Award – University of Notre Dame, Australia 2003.
Australian Research Council Small Grant - Pythagorean Cosmology - Edith Cowan University, 1998
Internal Research Grant - Police Ethics - Edith Cowan University, 1997-98
International Travel Grant - University wide competitive grant - Edith Cowan University, 1998.
Teaching Excellence Nomination, School of Social Inquiry, Deakin University, 1994
Teaching Commendation, Bowater School of Management, Swinburne University of Technology, Business Ethics, 1993.
Postgraduate Scholarship, La Trobe University, 1986
The Lady Margaret Postgraduate Scholarship for interdisciplinary study in the
United States, 1985
The Irish/American Friendship Society Travel Scholarship, 1985
The Queen's University of Belfast Postgraduate Scholarship, 1983
The Queen's University of Belfast Undergraduate Scholarship, 1978
Australasian Association of Philosophy
American Philosophical Association
Australasian Association of Phenomenology and Social Philosophy
Australian Institute of Irish Studies
Jane Coughlan, “The Social Construction of Identity: Constructing China in the West.” PhD. University of Cambridge. External Supervisor. Degree awarded 2005.
Parnawa Putranta, “Ethics in Higher Education” PhD. Awarded 2007.
Geoffrey Coad, “Kalos kai Agathos: A Philosophical History – Homer to Pericles” Master of Philosophy. Awarded December, 2006.
Marsha Jacobs, “The Role of Emotion in Judicial Reasoning” Honours thesis, Bachelor of Laws. Awarded With First Class, 2004.
Phillip Matthews, “Internal Goods: A Practice-based Critique of Peter Singer’s Bioethics”. PhD. Awarded 2009.
Richard Sellwood, “The Thomistic background to the virtue of humility and its contemporary relevance”. Master of Philosophy. Awarded 2003.
Damian Norris, “Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology in the Phenomenology of Perception”. Philosophy Honours Thesis. Awarded 2002.
Kwame Acheampong, "Aristotle's Mirror Argument on Friendship", University of Ghana, Legon. Degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy (Research). Awarded March, 1993.
Terry Jones, “Faith, Reason and Liberalism: Does US politics retain a metaphysical idea beyond its own ideological aspirations?” Honours Dissertation, Murdoch University. Awarded 2006.
Bernadette Ibell, “Natural Law and the Analysis of Mental Health Care in Australia, with Reference to the United Kingdom and the USA 1800 -2004”, PhD thesis, Australian Catholic University. Awarded, 2006.
Jonathan Cotton, “Panpsychism as Personal Experience: Resolving a Paradox”, Honours Thesis, Philosophy, Edith Cowan University. Awarded 2001.
Paul Kabay, "Individual Identity in the Doctrine of the Incarnation", Honours Thesis, Edith Cowan University. Awarded February, 1998.
1. Understanding Teaching and Learning (in Press), St Andrew’s Studies in Philosophy and
Public Affairs. (Projected publication date - June, 2011)
2. Aquinas, Education and the East, (ed. With Mark Nowacki), under consideration with Springer, Sophia: Studies in Traditions of Philosophy and Culture, Springer.
3. Morality and Meaning: The Legacy of Julius Kovesi, (eds.) T. Brian Mooney and Alan Tapper.
(Under Consideration with University of Notre Dame Press, South Bend.)
4. Analyzing and Evaluating Reasoning, T. Brian Mooney, John Williams and Mark Nowacki.
(Under contract with McGraw-Hill)
5. Aquinas’s De Magistro: A New Translation and Commentary, T. Brian Mooney and Mark
Nowacki. (To be submitted to Oxford at the Clarendon Press projected completion 2012)
6. Responding to Terrorism: Legal, Political and Philosophical Perspectives, T. Brian Mooney, Rob Imre and Ben Clarke. Ashgate Press, UK. May, 2008.
7. Thinking Things Through: An Introduction to Analytical Thinking, T. Brian Mooney, John
Williams, Ilya Farber and Tan Yoo Guan. McGraw-Hill, September 2009.
8. Philosophy of Law: An Introduction with Selected Readings, Deakin University Press, 1995.
“Global Ethics: The Challenge of Loyalty: Traditional Consequentialism and Deontology.” Forthcoming in Ethics Education.
“Global Ethics: The Challenge of Loyalty: Contemporary Consequentialism and Deontology.” Forthcoming in Ethics Education.
“Augustine: De Magistro. A New Translation” forthcoming in Understanding Teaching and Learning.
“Understanding Augustine’s De Magistro”, forthcoming in Understanding Teaching and
“Understanding Aquinas’s De Magistro”, forthcoming in Understanding Teaching and
“Understanding Newman’s The Idea of a University”, forthcoming in Understanding Teaching and Learning.
“Understanding Mill’s Inaugural Address to the University of St Andrew’s”, forthcoming in Understanding Teaching and Learning.
“Connaturality, Virtue and Know-How,” T. Brian Mooney, Mark Nowacki and John Williams, Morality and Meaning: The Legacy of Julius Kovesi, (eds.) T. Brian Mooney and Alan Tapper. (Under Consideration with University of Notre Dame Press.)
“Kovesi and Plato,” T. Brian Mooney and Lee Churchman, Morality and Meaning: The Legacy of Julius Kovesi, (eds.) T. Brian Mooney and Alan Tapper. (Under Consideration with University of Notre Dame Press.)
“Aquinas on Educating the Virtues,” T. Brian Mooney and Mark Nowacki, Aquinas, Education and the East. (Accepted by Springer.)
“Platonic Friendship,” Ethics Education, January, 2009, pp. 16-32.
“Incommensurable Rationalities, Story-Telling and Existential Communication” forthcoming in Proceedings of KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies, Trans 17: Internet Journal for Cultural Sciences, ISSN 1560-182X, July 2008.
“Merleau-Ponty on Human Motility” (with Damien Norris) in Philosophical Trends of the Twentieth Century, (ed.) Ferda Keskin, Philosophical Society of Turkey, Ankara, 2008, pp. 93- 104.
“Just War and Terrorism”, in Responding to Terrorism, Ashgate 2008, pp. 219-231.
“Torture, Tragedy and Natural Law”, in Responding to Terrorism, Ashgate 2008, pp. 64-82.
“Terrorism, Story-telling and Existential Communication,” in Responding to Terrorism, Ashgate 2008, pp. 158-169.
“Introduction”, in Responding to Terrorism, Ashgate 2008, pp. pp. 1-6.
“Old Wine in New Skins: Aquinas, Just War and Terrorism”, Pacifica, 20, 2007, pp. 204-218.
“Merleau-Ponty on Human Motility and Libet’s Paradox”, (with Damien Norris) The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Vol. 7, no. 1, May, 2007, pp.1-9.
“If Pigs Could Fly, Should They? A Sketch of Utilitarian and Natural Law Arguments against Life-Science Art,” (with Samantha Minett), Ethical Perspectives, 13, (2006) 4, pp. 621-645.
“The Curious Case of Mr. Locke’s Miracles”, (with A. Imbrosciano), International Journal of the Philosophy of Religion, vol. 57, no. 3., June, 2005, pp. 147-168. ISSN 0020 7047.
“The Epicurean Paradoxes and the Logical Problem of Evil”, Ethics Education Vol.11 no.2, 2005, pp. 13-25. September, 2005. ISSN 1444 – 8386.
“Plato on the love of individuals”, The Heythrop Journal, July 2002, Vol. 43, Number 3, pp. 311-327.
"Malum in Deo?”, Metaphysics for the Third Millennium, Studiorum Universitatum Docentium Congressus, Universidad de Loja, Rome and Loja, vol. II, pp. 382-390, 2001.
"Dennett on Ethics", with a Reply by Daniel Dennett, in The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett: A Comprehensive Assessment, MIT Press, September, 2000.
"Loving Persons", Proceedings of the XXth World Congress of Philosophy, On-Line Publication, http// (Boston, Dec. 1998)
"Sociology as a Serious Source of Anomaly in Thomas Kuhn's System of Science ", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 4., 1997, pp.466-485. (With Struan Jacobs).
"The Public Philosopher in the Academies", Australian Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, April, 1997, 77-87.
"The Dialectical Interchange between Socrates and Agathon: Symposium 198b-201d", Antichthon, Vol. 28, 1994, 16-23.
"Communitarianism, Liberalism and the Notion of the Self, Universitas, (West Africa), Vol. 3 5, 1994, 3 -24.
"Monasticism and Modernity", in Humanity and the After-Life, Neil Ormerod and Greg Moses (eds.) Sydney, 1991, 39-59.
"Plato's theory of philia in the Lysis", Irish Philosophical Journal, Vol. 7, 1990, 131-59.
Papers Presently Under Consideration/In Preparation:
“What on Earth is the Formal Element?” T. Brian Mooney, Mark Nowacki and John Williams, (Under Consideration with Philosophia.)
“Friendship, Loyalty and Testimonial Privileges,” under contract with Criminal Justice Ethics.
“Asymmetrical Friendship,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy (With John Williams)
“The Metaphysical Cosmology of Pythagorean Number Theory”, Ethics Education.
“The Confucian Filial Duty to Care for Elderly Parents,” Chinese Philosophy. (With John Williams)
Book Reviews and Notes:
Adams, Simon Exit Wounds: Murder, Diaspora and the Irish Troubles, Crossing Press, Sydney, 2000. The Australian Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 192-193.
Eamonn Mallie and
David McKittrick, Endgame in Ireland, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2001. The Australian Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 2, 2002, pp 191-192.
Kleinig, J. (Ed.) Handled with Discretion: Ethical Issues in Police Decision Making, Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Cavarero, A. In Spite of Plato: A Feminist Rewriting of Ancient Philosophy, Cambridge, Polity Press, in Australasian Philosophical Journal, Vol. 75, No. 2, June, 1997, 253-255.
Rorty, A.0.
(Ed.) Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric, Berkeley, University of California Press, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 75, No. 2, June, 1997, 273.
Hadot, Pierre Philosophy as a way of life: spiritual exercises from Socrates to Foucault, Oxford, Blackwell, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 75, No. 1, March, 1997, 137-138.
Badhwar, N.
(Ed.) Friendship: a philosophical reader, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 72, No. 2, June, 1994, 264.
Mitchell, R.L. The Hymn to Eros: A reading of Plato's Symposium, Lanham, University of America Press, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Jordan, W. Concepts of Philosophy in the Ancient World, London, Routledge, in Irish Philosophical Journal. (Forthcoming)
Mortley, R. French Philosophers in Conversation: Levinas, Schneider, Serres, Irigaray, Le Doeuff, Derrida, London, Routledge.
Conference Papers and Seminars:
2010 “Friendship, Loyalty and Testimonial Privileges,” Invited Speaker, Criminal Justice Ethics Workshop, Canberra, February, 2010.
“The Business of Education,” Key-Note Speaker, United World College Seminar Series, January, 2010.
2009 Keynote Address, La Trobe University Alumni Dinner, 8th November 2009, Grand Hyatt Ballroom, Singapore.
Keynote Address, “Thinking Things Through: Education in a Commercial World.” Irish Business Association, Grand Hyatt, Singapore, 13th November, 2009.
“Incommensurable Rationalities and Story-Telling,” The Nation: Narratives and Community Workshop, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies and The Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS), Nanyang Technological University, Feb. 2009.
“The Objectivity of Beauty,” Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Science Seminar, Nanyang Technological University, October, 2009.
2008 “Inequality in Friendship,” Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, December, 2008.
“Global Ethics and Loyalty,” Second Biennial Conference of The International Global Ethics Association, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. June, 2008.
“Asymmetrical Friendship,” (with John Williams), Second Biennial Conference of The International Global Ethics Association, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. June, 2008.
“The Confucian Filial Duty to Care for Elderly Parents,” (with John Williams)
Australasian Association for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Melbourne University, June, 2008.
“Contemporary Ethical Theory: The Challenge of Loyalty,” Rhodes University, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Public Lecture. May, 2008.
“Incommensurability, Story-Telling and Existential Communication,” Rhodes University, Philosophy Colloquium. May, 2008.
“Filial Piety in Confucianism,” University of Cape Town, Departmental Seminar, May, 2008.
“Incommensurable Rationalities and Ethics” Departmental Seminar, Philosophy, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, May, 2008.
“Homeric Morality” Departmental Seminar, Classics, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, June, 2008.
“Themes in Moral Psychology”, Departmental Seminar, Psychology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, June, 2008.
2007 Capstone Seminar, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Warming”, Singapore Management University, January.
“Incommensurable Rationalities, Story-Telling and Pathos”, KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies,Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007. International World Congress, Refereed Paper. See,
“Terrorism, Story-Telling and Existential Communication”, Departmental Seminar, Philosophy, National University of Singapore, February, 2007.
2006 “Terrorism, Tragedy and Natural Law”. Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, The Australian National University, Canberra.