Nov 02, 2004

Name Of The Project: "Madilu" - Residential Home for

Rescued Girls and children

About the Organization:

Name Of The Organisation : ODANADI SEVA SAMSTHE(REGD.)

Postal Address: 15/2, S.R.S. Colony,


Belawadi Post,

Mysore, Karnataka, India.

Status of the Organisation: Registered Trust.

Year of Registration: 10th August 1993.

Registration Number: 618/93-94

Telephone Number: Office – 2402155

Resi - 2403371



E-Mail Address:

Chief Functionaries: “Stanly-Parashu”

(Mr K.V. Stanly &

Parashuram M.L.)

Income Tax Exemption: Registered under 80 (G) and

12A of Income Tax Act.

F.C.R.A. No: 094590130 DATED 22-9-98

Charted Accountants: Mr. J.R. Manjunath,, F.C.A

No. 375, 14thMain, Ananda Nilaya,

Saraswathipuram, Mysore

Ph: 344698 (o) 542744®

Tele fax : 542744


ODANADI is constructing a shelter, Madilu, for providing residential care and rehabilitation of children rescued from flesh trade. The basic construction of the concrete structure construction of the structure of three floors has been completed with help from several organizations including the government, and various chapters of Asha for Education. However, the construction has been stalled because of lack of fundsThe construction has been going on and off for the past couple of months. At present with the recent receipt of funds from the govt. of 8 lakhs, the work has restarted again..

The number of children at Odanadi increases due to the incoming rescued girls and children and decreases due to the leaving of the reintegrated girls. Children may also leave if the (usually single) parent feels he/she can take care of the children. At one time the number had increased to about 110 due to the increase in the number of rescued girls. The existing rooms had become quite congested due to the increase. Due to the varying mental conditions of the rescued girls, ideally some of them need to be housed separately which ODANADI is not in a position to do. Also it has been found that the older girls need more privacy. If the residential portion of the building, consisting of the dormitories and the toilets, are complete, the children will be able live more comfortably. The building will be ready for use after some masonry work at the dormitories which costsfunds still required to complete the building is about 16.5 lakhs, including all the recently received funds. More details are given below.

In addition, the Work-an-Hour funds from Asha for Education for food for the children will be getting over in the month of November 2004. Rs. 4.18 Lakhs. Through this proposal, we request full/partial funding of the work necessary to utilize the already constructed building. The new building is spacious and we expect it to substantially increase the quality of life of the children at ODANADI. Some additional funds for this available from another donor AED which will last another 1-2 months. Therefore we are requesting funds to support the food for the children.

  1. Background of the Organization:

Odanadi is a social organization situated in Mysore and for the past 12 years has been working for the rescue, rehabilitation and empowerment of the victims of commercial sexual exploitation. In addition, Odanadi runs a home for both the children of the sex workers and the children rescued from the trafficking networks. Odanadi is working towards making the children self reliant through education and vocational training. It conducts counseling program for the disturbed families, and so far more than 100 families have been brought back to the main stream.

Prior to founding Odanadi, we undertook a ten month long pilot study (“Bodies For A Meal”) of the socio-economic conditions of prostituted women, their children and minor girls in Mysore district. In 1992, Odanadi emerged as a registered trust to be the ‘Odanadi’ of this ravaged group of the society. One year of situational analysis program gave us a clear-cut picture about the issue of prostitution and the ground realities.

Objectives of Odanadi:

  • To prevent women and children from being trafficked for unlawful and immoral purposes.
  • To organize the prostituted into a vocal group fighting against exploitation, and facilitate their empowerment and rehabilitation.
  • To create a mass movement against trafficking in the source areas.
  • To integrate the trafficked children and the children of exploited women into the mainstream and make them self-reliant through counseling, education and vocational training.
  • To rescue women and children forced into prostitution and expose the unholy nexus in the flesh trade.
  • To assist in the prevention of rural-urban migration, which is a major contributor or urban prostitution. To eradicate the social taboo and rejection through sensitization of various social and peer groups.
  • To expose human rights violations against women and children in all sections of society.
  • To provide support to women and children affected by domestic violence and other socio-economic problems.
  • To combat child labor including domestic slavery, which is one of the contributors to sex trafficking.

More details about the work of Odanadi is presented in the document at:

and in the documents listed at the end of the document, and at the Asha-Odanadi web site.

2. Background of Madilu

In 1998 the Government of Karnataka allotted, 3/4th of an acre of land for about Rs 2 Lakh at S.R.S. Colony, Hootagalli, Mysore, in recognition of ODANADI’s contribution to the rescue and empowerment of womengirls, and children trapped in flesh trade.

Today the ODANADI campus consists of an office, a counseling center for distressed women, and shelter cum school for about 7598 children of prostituted women and rescued victims, made possible by the staunch support of kind donors and dedicated volunteers.

In the recent past, ODANADI has rescued and rehabilitated more than 5450 young girls, mostly minors, mainly from marginalized sections of society. The rehabilitation of these rescued girls, is a long process, which involves huge expenses. So far, ODANADI has somehow managed with limited space and resources to make this rehabilitation possible. However, with the increasing number of girls requiring shelter, it has become impossible to keep pace, with the growing demands. As a result, Current Proposal:

ODANADI has put in effort over several years into building a spacious short-stay residential cum rehabilitation centre, for the rescued girls and the children.

The home – Objectives:

  • Provide safe and supportive environment to the victim where she will realize her self-worth and regain dignity as a person.
  • Provide training and skill development in different occupations according to the ability and desire of the person.
  • Set up a library, office and a recreation centre exclusively for the victims.
  • Establish a production centre, which will employ the residents in various creative labour like tailoring, designing and handicrafts.
  • Help the rehabilitated girls earn a minimum level of livelihood if or when they are ready for reintegration to the family and society.
  • Provide counseling to the parents, immediate relatives, neighbours and elders of the area from where the victim hails.
  • Provide residential rehabilitation for the HIV/AIDs and STD victims.

The new building, as the photographs show and AID and Asha volunteers can attest to, is a significant improvement over the existing structure. We expect that the children will experience a vastly improved quality of life after moving to the new structure – the dormitories are ventilated, spacious, will have bright colors and comfortable bunk beds.

This proposed building is planned and designed by Mr. K.T. Shiva Prasad, an internationally famed artist cum architect. The approximate cost of the proposed home is about Rs. 70 lakhs, and will house about hundred girls/children at a time. Both the architect and the engineer are working as volunteers without any fees.


Photographs of the building and site visit reports by Asha volunteers are listed on the ODANADI project page on Asha website (URL given above). The feedback from the visiting volunteers has been positive and encouraging.

3. Current Proposal

The current proposal requests funds partially for the construction of the building and for the food for the children. While the former is a long-term needWith the help of friends and well-wishers including Asha for Education (listed below at the end of the proposal), the basic three-storey concrete structure has been constructed. However, the project has encountered an unexpected delay in the release of funds from certain agencies (e.g., Government of India) and informed of unavailability of funds from certain other sources. As a result the construction has been stalled indefinitely. However, with small amount of additional work, the dormitories will be ready and usable. This proposal is for funding that additional work. , which does become acute at certain times, the latter is an important recurring need in the near term. For these purposes, we are requesting Rs 2.5 Lakhs for the construction of the residential home and 2.7 lakhs for food for the children for 6 months.

The new building, as the photographs show and Asha volunteers can attest to, is a significant improvement over the existing structure. We expect that the children will experience a vastly improved quality of life after moving to the new structure – the dormitories are ventilated, spacious, will have bright colors and comfortable bunk beds.

Details are given below.The details of the construction is given below. Some doors have been fitted for the rooms to be usable. In their current state, the rooms are being used for offices, childrens activity room, staff room, childrens classes, meeting room, painting class room, the office and tailoring room of the "Maanavi" girls Sangha, the terrace for the dance, karate and yoga classes and practice etc.

In 1998 the Government of Karnataka allotted, 3/4th of an acre of land for about Rs 2 Lakh at S.R.S. Colony, Hootagalli, Mysore, in recognition of ODANADI’s contribution to the rescue and empowerment of women, trapped in flesh trade.

Today the ODANADI campus consists of an office, a counseling center for distressed women, and shelter cum school for about 98 children of prostituted women and rescued victims, made possible by the staunch support of kind donors and dedicated volunteers.

In the recent past, ODANADI has rescued more than 450 young girls, mostly minors, mainly from marginalized sections of society. The rehabilitation of these rescued girls, is a long process, which involves huge expenses. So far, ODANADI has somehow managed with limited space and resources to make this rehabilitation possible. However, with the increasing number of girls requiring shelter, it has become impossible to keep pace, with the growing demands. Based on encouragement from supporters ODANADI decided to construct a spacious short-stay residential cum rehabilitation centre, for the rescued girls and the children.

Current The home – Objectives:

1.Provide safe and supportive environment to the victim where she will realize her self-worth and regain dignity as a person.

2.Provide training and skill development in different occupations according to the ability and desire of the person.

3.Set up a library, office and a recreation centre exclusively for the victims.

4.Establish a production centre, which will employ the residents in various creative labour like tailoring, designing and handicrafts.

5.Help the rehabilitated girls earn a minimum level of livelihood if or when they are ready for reintegration to the family and society.

6.Provide counseling to the parents, immediate relatives, neighbours and elders of the area from where the victim hails.

Provide residential rehabilitation for the HIV/AIDs and STD victims.

This proposed building is planned and designed by Mr. K.T. Shiva Prasad, an internationally famed artist cum architect. The approximate cost of the proposed home is about Rs. 70 lakhs, and will house about hundred girls/children at a time.

With support from Asha for Education, the Govt. of India and local supporters, the construction continued and is at a critical phase at the moment. Status


We request America India Foundation(AIF) to support us for the construction of the residential home. From having nothing in 2002 till today we have come a long way closer to the dream of the new home for the girls and the children. We hope AIF will partner with us in our quest.

As of January October 2004, the following is the status:


  • The building structure and the roof
  • Outside and inside plastering of the building (except for a small portion in front)
  • 3rd floorOne coating of "patti" (pre-paint layer)

2nd floor wall plastering is complete except for the hallway

About 10% wall plastering done on first floor

  • All window framess have been fitted
  • Some doors have been fitted
  • About 780% plumbing done on the dormitories side.
  • Overhead watertanks have been purchased
  • Septic tank completed

Work to be Done(Some work has started):

Plumbing for the other side of the building.

Bathroom fittings to be installed

Electrical fittings to be bought and installed .

Electrical wiring to be done

Window shutters and doors to be made. Glass panes to be bought.

Wardrobes in the dorm rooms

Fittings for doors and windows to be bought

Floor and Wall tiles to be fixed in the bathrooms

Flooring in the rest of the building to be done

Kitchen equipment like stoves and other equipment to be bought and installed

Kitchen and store rooms internal construction

Solar Heaters to be bought and installed

Painting of the entire building

Roof tiles for the building

Compound Wall finishing

Some landscaping around the building

To be Done:

Remaining inside plastering to be done

Plumbing for the other side of the building

Electrical wiring and fittings to be bought and installed

Window shutters and doors to be made. Glass panes to be bought.

Toilet and other fittings like taps, sinks etc to be bought

Fittings for doors and windows to be bought

Floor tiles to be bought and flooring to be done

Solar Heaters to be bought and installed

Painting of the entire building

Compound Wall finishing

Some landscaping around the building

Current donations and expenditureContributionsors offor the building: thus far:

Donor Source / Amount
Asha - Cornell / Rs. 1,02,606.00
Asha - Silicon Valley(Including for compound wall) / Rs. 7,22,848.00
Asha for Education(Work-An-Hour 2003) / Rs. 15,00,000.00
Govt. of India (SWADHAR) / Rs. 12,50,000.00
Donations from Public (local) / Rs. 2,30,500.00
Asha - SeattleTOTAL / Rs. 4,50,000.00Rs. 38,05,954.00
Asha - Central New Jersey / Rs. 1,57,000.00
Govt. of India (SWADHAR)* / Rs. 8,00,000.00
TOTAL / Rs. 52,12,954.00

* Work has continued due to receipt of this amount.

At this time, another 32 lakhs is required for the completion of the building. (This proposal asks for Rs. 174,2818,694000 only – not the entire amount)

The second half of the grant from the government of India, which included a construction cost of Rs. 12.5 lakh has been delayed. It is not known at this time, when it will get released. This is to request assistance to meet the remainder of the need of Rs 19.5lakhs (±)

The following are the estimates for the remaining work and the materials.

Cost Estimates for remaining work
Wardrobes in the dormitory rooms / INR 4,80,000.00
Painting / INR 4,20,000.00
Compound Wall + Gate / INR 1,00,000.00
Kitchen Shelves, Exhaust & other / INR 1,00,000.00
Roof Tiles / INR 1,00,000.00
Solar Heaters / INR 1,80,000.00
Landscaping / INR 1,50,000.00
Misc / INR 1,00,000.00
Estimates for completion of building / INR 16,30,000.00 / US $36,222@ 45

BUDGET: Requesting from Asha-Dallas:

Construction for the residential home / INR 2,50,000.00
Food for children (6 months) (Rs 600 per child/month x 75 children x 6 months) / INR 2,70,000.00
Total / INR 5,20,000.00 / $11556.00 @ 45

To be Done:

Plumbing for the other side of the building

Electrical wiring and fittings to be bought and installed

Window shutters and doors to be made. Glass panes to be bought.

Toilet and other fittings like taps, sinks etc to be bought

Fittings for doors and windows to be bought

Floor tiles to be bought and flooring to be done

Solar Heaters to be bought and installed

Painting of the entire building

Compound Wall finishing

Some landscaping around the building

Short Term Need:

The need is primarily associated with the finishing dormitories. The amounts given below assume that all the dormitories are readied. The final number of dormitories will depend on the availability of funding from Asha for Education and other organizations that we have approached for funding.

Work / Amount
Flooring(except bathrooms):
(1st, 2nd , and 3rd floors)
Total Area = 1091 SqMtrs @ 509
(Includes discount on materials) / Rs. 5,55,319
Combination Toilets/Bathroom:
1. Commodes, plumbing and sanitary works, wash
basins, tiling etc - Rs. 10,000 x 24 toilets)
2. there are 8 toilets in a floor related to
Rs. 2,40,000.00
Floor and Wall Tiles
Total Area = 3750Flooring of the Dormitories:
Rs. 11,000 x 6 dormitories Sq Ft @ Rs. 45 / Rs. Rs. 66,000.001,68,750
Bathroom Fittings
24 x Rs 7500 / Rs. 1,80,000
Bathroom Passage and Washbasins
Total Area = 1125 Sq Ft @ Rs. 45 = 50,625
24 Washbasins @ Rs. 1000 = 24,000Tile Fixing charges:
Rs. 2,000 x 6 dormatories / RRs. 12,000.00s. 74,625
Electrification (Materials+labour)cal charges
(Entire building) / Rs. 3,0050,000.00
Windows + Doors etc.Windows, Doors, glass + Labour / Rs. 3,5050,000.00
Plumbing-Labour / Rs. 1,00,000
(Rs. Four lakh eighteen thousand only) / Rs. 4,18,000.0017,28,694

4. Documents:

The latest photos of the building are available at:

The Audit Reports of previous years as well some other documents have been scanned and uploaded at:

More details of Odanadi's work is available in this proposal submitted to Asha:
