Name of the project: Joint Action for Nutrition and Physical Activity

Short version of the name:JANPA

Identifing code:677063

Logo of the project:

Summary of the project:

In all EU Member states, the high level of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is of particular concern. In the EU, around 1 in 3 children 6-9 years old were overweight or obese in 2010, a sharp rise in prevalence despite numerous MS or EU initiatives.Physical inactivity and poor diet from birth (and even in utero) are important determinants of adiposity leading to overweight and obesity. They are also independently associated with various non-communicable disease risk factors leading to the main pathologies European populations are suffering from, including detrimental psychosocial outcomes. Overweight and obesity represent an economic burden with up to 7% of

EU health budgets spent each year directly on diseases linked to obesity, with more indirect costs resulting from lost productivity. Nutritional problems and physical inactivity need to be addressed in an integrated way so as to promote healthier environments, to make the healthy option the easiest option and to inform and empower families.

Within thegeneral frame of the EU Action plan on childhood obesity 2014-2020, JANPA’s general objective is to contribute tohalting the rise in overweight and obesity in children and adolescents by 2020. Through the, identification, selectionand sharing of best data and practices within the countries involved, JANPA will aim to:

  • advocate based onan estimation and forecast of economic cost of overweight and obesity;
  • improve the implementation of integratedinterventions to promote nutrition and physical activity for pregnant women, families with young children;
  • improveactions within school settings;
  • increase the use of nutritional information on foods by public health authorities,stakeholders and families for nutrition policy purposes.

The JA will reinforce the links between national nutrition and physical activity policies initiated by the EU Strategy on nutrition, overweight and obesity-related health issues.

Within theproject OGYÉI leads the Work Package 6 (Healthy environments by integrated approaches):

-WP1 - Coordination(France)

-WP2 - Dissemination (Italy)

-WP3 - Evaluation (Greece)

-WP4 - Evidence and Economic rationale for action on childhood obesity(Ireland)

-WP5 - Nutritional information monitoring and food reformulation prompting (France)

-WP6 - Healthy environments by integrated approaches (Hungary)

-WP7 - Early interventions (Finland)

Duration of the project: 27 months (01.09.2015-30.11.2017.)

Partner countries:Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,Cyprus, Croatia, Czeh Republic, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, WHO-Europe, JRC, EC

Financing:Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA)

Total cost of the project:1 200 000 EUR

Maximum grant amount of OGYÉI:38 529,41 EUR

Total reimbursement:60%

Contact person: Éva Martos,MD; Katalin Szénási

Website of the project: