Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Tarika Sethi

Class and Section: B.Com. (Hons.) And M.Com.

Subject: Lesson Plan (1st Jan 2018 to 12th April 2018)

Month: January

Month/Week / Class& subject / Topics to be covered / Assignment/tests
(1-6 Jan) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Probability Distribution: Binomial distribution / Test of Properties of Binomial Distribution
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Rebate& Relief of Tax, Computation of total income and tax liability of individual / Test of rebate and relief of tax
· 4th Sem
Business Research Methods / Introduction to research : Defining Research, types, process / Test on types of research
Week- 2
(8-13 Jan) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Poisson Distribution / Test on Properties of Poisson distribution
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Filling and filling of return, Assessment of Hindu Undivided Family / Test on assessment of HUF
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Features of good research, formulation of research problem, development of research hypothesis, process of problem identification / Test on features of good research
(15-20 Jan) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Normal distribution / Test on properties of normal distribution
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Assessment of Hindu Undivided family
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Developing research proposal, Research design: Nature process, classification / Test on Research design classification
(22-27 Jan) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Correlation analysis: meaning, significance, types / Test on types and degrees of correlation
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Assessment of Firms &Association of Persons / Test on assessment of firm
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Research design for Hypothesis testing or Experimental Research Studies / Test on experimental research studies
Week- 5
(29-31 Jan) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Methods of correlation / Problem solving session
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Assessment of Firms& Association of Persons / Problem solving session
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Classification of Experimental designs, validity in experimentation, factors affecting Internal validity / Factors affecting Internal validity

Month: February

Month/Week / Class& subject / Topics to be covered / Assignment/tests
(1-3 Feb) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Methods of correlation / Test on methods of correlation
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Income Tax authorities and their powers / Test of powers of income tax authorities
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Data collection methods / Test on primary and secondary method of data collection
Week- 2
(5-10 Feb) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Probable error, coefficient of determination / Problem solving session
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Procedure for assessment / Presentation
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Qualitative methods of data collection, Questionnaire design procedure / Presentation
(12-17 Feb) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Regression analysis: Meaning, equations, lines / Test on types of regression and difference between correlation and regression
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Deduction of Tax at Source / Problem solving session
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Sampling Plan: Universe, sample vs. census, Sample frame and sampling unit / Presentation
(19-24 Feb) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Numerical problems on regression analysis / Problem solving session
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Advance payment of tax / Test on advance payment of tax
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Sampling design: Sampling techniques, sample size determination / Test on sampling design
Week- 5
(26-28 Feb) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Numerical problems on regression analysis / Problem solving session
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Recovery of tax
· 4th Sem
Business Research Methods / Sampling and non sampling errors

Month: March

Month/Week / Class& subject / Topics to be covered / Assignment/tests
(1-4 March) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Standard error of estimate, Difference between correlation and regression / Test on practical problems of regression
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Refund of Tax
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Report writing: Functions, types of research report / Test on report writing and types of report
Week- 2
(5-10 March) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Time Series: components, models, trend analysis including second degree parabola / Test on components of time series
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Appeals & revision / Test on appeals and revision
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Steps of planning report writing, Research report structure / Presentation
(12-17 Mar) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Trend analysis including exponential form
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Penalties
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Research report structure, Principles of writing, Guidelines for effective documentation
(19-24 Mar) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Measurement of seasonal variation / Test on practical problems of time series
·  B.Com(Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Offences & Prosecutions
·  M.Com 4th Sem
(Business Research and Methods) / Writing and typing the report, Research Briefings / Presentation on how to write a report
(26-31 Mar) / ·  B.Com (Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business statistics) / Measurement of Cyclical and irregular variation, shifting of trend
· 4th Sem
Business Research Methods / Oral Presentation, presentation of results / Presentation
·  B.Com( Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Powers and authorities


Month/Week / Class& subject / Topics to be covered / Assignment/tests
(2-7 April) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Statistical decision theory: Ingredients, expected opportunity loss, optimal decisions / Test on practical problems of decision theory
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Revision of deductions
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Descriptive presentation, graphic presentation, diagrams / Test on graphic presentation
Week- 2
(9-12 April) / ·  B.Com( Hons) 2nd Sem Sec A
(Business Statistics) / Statistical Quality Control / Test on SQC
·  B.Com (Hons) 6th Sem Sec A
(Income Tax Law and Administration) / Revision of computation of income
· 4th Sem
(Business Research Methods) / Pictures and maps, Tabular Presentation, Difficulties in Presentation


Name of Asst Professor: Ms. Ruchika Vermani Class and Section: M.Com Final

Subject: Human Resource Management Lesson Plan: January ‘2018 to April’2018

Week 1: Introduction, Evolution and growth of HRM in India, Nature, Features, Scope and Objectives of HRM
Week 2: Objectives of HRM, Managerial and Operative functions, Importance of HRM
Week 3: Qualification and qualities of HR Manager in an organization, Recent techniques in HRM.
Week 4: Workers participation in management – its concept, need, features, objectives and forms
Week 5: Pre-requisites of effective participation in management, evaluation of the scheme of WPM
Week 6: Functions and progress of joint management councils in India, causes of failure of joint management councils
Week 7: Origin, Growth and Development of trade unions in India Concept, Need and Functions of trade unions
Week 8: Objectives of trade unions, Difficulties and drawbacks of trade union movement in India
Week 9: Holi Break
Week 10: Concept, nature, scope and functions of collective bargaining in India, essentials for the success for collective bargaining in India
Week 11: Concept, Nature and significance of morale, determinants of morale and measurement of morale.
WEEK 12: Concept and significance of productivity, measurement of productivity
Week 13: factors influencing industrial productivity, measures to improve productivity and relationship between morale and productivity.

Name of Asst Professor: Ms. Ruchika Vermani

Class and Section: B.Com (Hons) VI Sem Subject: Retail Management and Sales Procedure

Lesson Plan: January ‘2018 to April’2018

Week 1: Introduction: Meaning, Nature, Scope, Importance, Growth and Present Size of Retail in India.
Week 2: Types of Retailing: Stores classified by owners, stores classified by merchandising categories, traditional retail formats vs modern retail formats in India, store and non-store based formats, cash and carry business
Week 3: wheel of retailing, wheel of retailing and retailing life cycle, co-operation and conflict with other retailers.
Week 4: Nature and scope, retailing models – Franchiser franchisee, directly owned
Week 5: Career option in Retailing, Technology induction in retailing
Week 6: Functions of retail management , Future of retailing in India
Week 7: Management of Retailing Operations: Retailing Management and the total performance model
Week 8: Strategic retail management process
Week 9: Holi Break
Week 10: Retail planning – importance and process
Week 11: Developing retail strategies, objectives, action plans
WEEK 12: pricing strategies
Week 13: location strategies.

Name of Asst Professor: Ms. Ruchika Vermani

Class and Section: B.Com (Hons) VI Sem Subject: Human Resource Management

Lesson Plan: January ‘2018 to April’2018

Week1: Human resource management – Definition, Importance, Objectives and Scope of HRM. Functions of HRM – Operative and Managerial functions .
Week 2: Qualifications and Qualities of HR manager, Changing role of HRM, Total Quality Mgt
Week 3: Business Process Reengineering. HR Planning – Meaning and Nature, Objectives, benefits
Week 4: Factors affecting HRP, its process, Quantitative aspects, supply forecasting, HR Analysis, its Qualitative aspects
Week 5: Utilisation of Human Resource and its problems, Recent trends in HRP
Week 6: Recruitment – Meaning, Steps in recruitment techniques, recruitment policy, sources and methods / techniques of recruitment, factors affecting recruitment.
Week 7: Selection – Meaning, Essentials of selection procedure, stages in selection procedure. Training – Concept, Need, Importance, Methods of training – on the job and off the job training, principles of training, evaluation of training programme
Week 8: Management development – meaning and nature of MD, Methods of MD, and evaluation of MD programmes
Week 9: Holi Break
Week 10: Wage / Salary: Meaning, Objectives, and theories of wage. Methods of wage payment – time wage and piece wage methods, factors affecting wage level, and its policies.
Week 11: Wage Incentives – concept, need and importance of incentives, types of incentives plans, special incentive profit sharing and workers co-partnership, essentials of ideal incentive system
WEEK 12: HR Development – Concept, significance, Features, Need, Scope and Techniques of HRD, Functions and attributes of HRD manager.
Industrial Relationship – Concept, Importance and objective of IR, contents, participants of IR, requirements of good industrial relations programme.
Week 13: Industrial Unrest – Meaning, Forms, and causes of industrial unrest, impact of industrial unrest on the economy. Machinery for prevention and settlement of industrial unrest in India, and agencies for reconciliation of industrial unrest.

Name of Asst Professor: Ms. Ruchika Vermani

Class and Section: B.Com (Hons) II Sem Subject: Business Law II

Lesson Plan: January ‘2018 to April’2018

Week 1: The Factories Act 1948 : Introduction, Definitions, Licensing & Registration of firms, Occupier
Week 2: Inspecting Staff, Certifying Surgeons, annual leave with wages
Week 3: Health, Safety and Welfare of workers
Week 4: Working hours of adults, restriction on employment of women, employment of young persons
Week 5: Industrial Dispute Act 1947: Introduction, Causes and forms of industrial disputes
Week 6: Authorities under the act – their powers, duties etc. Adjudication machinery – Powers, duties
Week 7: Strikes and lockouts; Layoff and Retrenchment
Week 8: Indian Partnership Act 1932 – Nature of partnership firm, test of partnership, partnership, co-ownership and joint hindu family, relations of partners to third parties
Week 9: Holi Break
Week 10: duties and rights of partners, minor as partner, incoming and outgoing partners
Week 11: registration of firms,dissolution of firm modes, consequences of dissolution,settlement of accounts
WEEK 12: The Foreign Exchange Management Act – Meaning, features, definitions
Week 13: Regulations / Rules under FEMA

Name of Associate Professor: Ms.Vandana

Class & Section:-B. Com-(H)II-B (Sem-IV) Subject:- Corporate Accounts

Subject Lesson Plan: 14 weeks (from January 2018 to 12th April 2018)

Chapter___: Prerequisites
Week 1
Meaning, concept and objectives of amalgamation, reconstruction ,Types of Amagamation,Methods of purchase consideration
Week 2
Accounting Treatment, Illustration of Amalgamation
Week 3
Illustrations of Amalgamation and Internal Reconstruction-Theory
Week 4
Illustration of Internal Reconstruction And Monthly Test
Week 5
Liquidation of company- Concept, Methods of liquidation, Liquidator’s final statement of Account, Statement of Affairs
Week 6
Illustrations of Liquidation and Test
Week 7
Accounts of Banking Companies-Slip System, Revised format of P&L A/c and Balance Sheet, Rebate on Bill Discounted, on Performing Assets, Bills for collection
Week 8
Final Accounts of Banking Companies And Illustrations
Week 9
Monthly Class test and Holi Break
Week 10
Concept ,advantages, objectives and Accounting treatment relating to underwriting, Types of underwriting and underwriting commission
Week 11
Illustrations of underwriting
Week 12
Double Account system and monthly Test
Week 13
Accounts of Electricity companies
Week 14
Doubts, Queries, Revision classes

Name of Associate Professor: Ms.Vandana