Early Years Pupil Premium and additional funding record – 2017-18

This optional record has been designed to help providers monitor their additional funding allocations for children and to demonstrate how this funding is being used to support children’s development. It will track use and expenditure over time and should provide clear management information to help leaders demonstrate the impact of additional funding and how it is helping overcome barriers to learning.

Name of school/setting: Date this record has been updated:

Headteacher/owner/nominated person:

Lead Early Years Practitioner:

Contextual information

Total number of children on roll at the time of this update / (Please add relevant numbers and then use the additional space to add explanatory comments or notes as required.)
Total number of three and four year old funded children
Total number of children receiving 30 hour additional entitlement.
Total number of children claiming Early Years Pupil Premium
Total number of children receiving DAF funding
Total number receiving Inclusion Grant Funding
Total number of children in care
Total number of children with SEND
( please complete the grid according to their primary need) / Cognition & Learning / Communication & Interaction / Physical/Medical / Sensory -
Number of children / Number of
children / Number of children / Number of
children / Number of children
(In the following columns below you may like to record the amount of funding claimed and how this has been spent. If there is more than one room it might be best to have a record of additional funding for each room within the setting or for each key person.)
Total amount of Early Years Pupil Premium Funding claimed per term / Summer
2017 / Autumn
2017 / Spring
2018 / Summer
£ / £ / £ / £
Total amount of Early Years Pupil Premium funding spent / £ / £ / £ / £
£ / £ / £ / £
Total amount of DAF claimed per term / £ / £ / £ / £
Total amount of DAF funding spent / £ / £ / £ / £
Total amount of Inclusion Grant Funding claimed per term / £ / £ / £ / £
Total amount of Inclusion Grant Funding spent / £ / £ / £ / £
Total additional funding per term / £ / £ / £ / £
Total additional funding spent / £ / £ / £ / £

Making a Difference – How has additional funding helped children overcome barriers to learning?

What we have tried to achieve?
( E.g.
Improve children’s speaking and listening) / What barriers did we need to overcome? (E.g.
Parental engagement with the setting was limited and some need support to help children engage in meaningful talk ) / How did we remove these barriers?
(E.g.ECAT was implemented and parents supported in understanding activities that they can do at home to support children’s communication skills, some funding used to purchase training on…..) / How did this help children make progress? (E.g.
What progress have they made from their starting points? How do you know? What evaluations have you carried out?) / What actions need to be taken next in order to make even more improvements?