1.Pray for Dean Emeritus Archie Pell and his wife Caron in Lahore, Pakistantoday for 3 weeks of teaching and ministry at the Lahore College of Theology and Raiwind Diocese and Caron’s work with the Women Centre. Continue to pray for healing for Bishop Trevor Walters, for Tony Lau and all whom we know who are ill.
2.Pray for our Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Charlie Mastersand Judy, Suffragan Bishops, the Right Rev. Stephen Leung and Nona, the Right Rev. Trevor Walters and Dede, Episcopal Vicar & Founding Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Donald Harvey, Assisting Bishops, the Right Rev. Malcolm Harding and the Right Rev. Ronald Ferris and Missionary Bishop Andy Lines and Mandy–Pray for physical and spiritual protection and renewal.
3.For St. Matthias and St. Luke Church, Vancouver, BC – the 2ndmonthly evening Mandarin worship service. May this be a blessing to Mandarin speaking members not able to attend Sunday worship and an opportunity to share the Gospel with Mandarin speakers.
4.Give thanks for AMMiC Clergy and evangelists – the Rev. Anson Ann, the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu, the Rev. Timothy Fong, Bob Gal, the Rev. Robert Gomowad, the Rev. Lynnette Kent, Tony Lau, the Rev. Chris Ley, the Rev. Tom Lo, the Rev. Wilson Nazim, the Rev. John Ngai, the Very Rev. Archie Pell, the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, Isabella Shen, the Rev. Allan Tan, the Rev. Shihoko Warren. – Pray for spiritual and physical protection and for God’s blessings on them, their spouses & families.
5.For Bethel South Asian Church,Brampton, ON –the Rev. Wilson Nazim, warden Erick Irshad and the congregation as they worship in Urdu and Punjabi. Pray also for Bible study in Montreal that the group may grow in the knowledge and understanding of God.
6.For the Church of All Nations (Japanese), Vancouver, BC–for the Rev. Shihoko Warren, warden Ka Man Ng and the congregation. Pray for the youth ministry to grow strong in faith through Youth Alpha (ages 13-18) after worship service.
7.For St. John’s Anglican Church (Sudanese), Surrey, BC – the Very Rev. Archie Pell, warden Joseph Taban and the congregation as they minister to people within the South Sudanese community.
8.For Holy Trinity (Filipino), Edmonton, AB – for the Rev. Robert Gomowad, the Rev. Lynette Kent, Hon Assistant, the Rev. Bob Gal andthe congregation. Pray for Children and Young people ministry and the volunteer teachers; also pray for new outreach in Lacombe, Red Deer.
9.For Emmanuel Anglican Church, Boston, MA – May God prepare a suitable person to lead the church and nurture the members in truth and in unity.
10.ForGood Shepherd Vancouver– Bishop Stephen Leung, the Rev. Anson Ann, the Rev. John Ngai, the Very Rev. Archie Pell, the Rev. Allan Tan, evangelist Isabella Shen, wardens Eric Law, William Au and Vivien Tang and the congregation.
11.For Good Shepherd, (Cantonese) Richmond, BC – evangelist Tony Lau, church plant committee and congregation.
12.For AMMiC staff & volunteers – Children’s Ministry Director, Valerie Yiu, Ministry Co-ordinator, Alvin Ng (part-time), Bishop’s Assistant, Nona Tong (honorary), pray for creativity and wisdom, strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service and joy in the Lord.
13.Being Clear About the Gospel Conference – Day 1 brought to you by ANiC’s Biblically grounded priority from March 13 – 14, 2018 in Vancouver, BC at GSVan.
14.Being Clear About the Gospel Conference – Day 2. Pray for clarity of AMMiC vision sharing presentation with Council members during Diocesan Council dinner meeting tonight. Pray for unity in understanding God’s will.
15.For the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu in Dauphin, Manitoba, for wisdom from God in her ministry among Metis and First Nations peoples, sharing the Gospel with them.
16.Pray for Children Ministry Director, Valerie Yiuas she developsFamily devotional and children’s follow up resource materials. Pray for wisdom and creativity and available resources.
17.For Good Shepherd (Cantonese), Calgary, AB – for Bishop Stephen, the Rev. Tom Lo, the Church Plant Committee and congregation, remembering them as they study the Bible on Tuesdays and Saturdays and worship together on Sundays at 4pm.
18.AMMiC Board of Directors and Council – Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they guide AMMiC. May they know God’s leading, seek only His will, and experience His joy.
19.Pray for AMMiC's finances, that people will be led to give generously in support of its many ministries.
20.For St. Matthias and St. Luke Church, Vancouver, BC – for the Rev. Timothy Fong, the Rev. Chris Ley,the Parish Council and congregation. Pray for new Parish Council and that SMSL will reach out to the neighborhood to make more disciples for Christ.
21.Pray for the youth in our congregations and church plants, that they may be discipled in the Faith and may be evangelists to their friends.
22.AMMiCClergy Day where Clergies get together for Bible study and sharing.
23.Dean Emeritus Archie Pell and Caron’ssafe return to Vancouver from Lahore, Pakistan.
24.Give thanks for travel mercies as Bishop Stephen & Nona travels from and to Vancouver to visit church plants and to attend meetings.
25.Pray for GAFCON - the third Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) to be held June 17-22, 2018 in Jerusalem, that this movement of authentic Anglicans will further their mission and mandate to restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion and to proclaim the unchanging, transforming gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
26.For Holy Trinity (Filipino), Edmonton, AB – for the Rev. Robert Gomowad as he reaches out to Filipinos in Lacombe, Red Deer, for wisdom, and strength, for travel mercies.
27.For the Mandarin Ministry – Isabella Shen as she leads in weekly Bible studies and monthly Mandarin fellowship. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open the eyes of the unbelievers and seekers, and for spiritual growth of the seekers.
28.For2018 Joint Summer Conference – for the planning and organization of the conference; that God will richly bless GS Vancouver, GS Richmond, GS Calgary and SMSL as they learn God's Word and share fellowship life together. Pray for the Rev. John Ngai, the Rev. Allan Tan and the speakers, the Rev. Kar Lun Leung and the Rev. Edward Ng.
29.Pray for 2018 Vacation Bible School, GSVan – set for July 30 to August 3, 2018 on the theme Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus!Pray for DirectorJenny Au, for preparation and planningand coordinating with her core group, that through this children's summer program, families with children may hear the good news of our Saviour.
30.5 Priorities – Pray that ANiC’s 5 ministry priorities will transform our congregations: Bold witnesses; Biblically grounded; Loving children; On mission; and Planting churches.
31.Pray for God to grant revival in our midst – first in our hearts, then in our churches, and then in our nations. May He make us salt and light in our communities