WASPS – Willesley Association of School and Parents

Registered Charity No. 1095840

Minutes of WASPs AGM and Planning Meeting

Held on Monday 5 September 2016

Present: Laura Cherry (LC), Jill Edwards (JE), Lynn Knox (LK), Beth Jones (BJ), Claire Bark (CB1), Rachel Thompson (RT), Liz Walker (LW), Jo Brown (JB), Jo Cooper (JC), Caroline Beresford (CB2), Rachael Walker (RW), Lisa Brown (LB), Lesley Masters (LM), Brendan Masters (BM).

Apologies: Donna McIronside (DM)

Chaired By: Jill Edwards Minuted By: JE



Treasurer report 2015/2016:

1. Awaiting statements to allow the final accounts to be submitted to Sarah Booth for auditing - the accounts will not be complete until end of September as the HSBC statement 21 June - 20 September will not be available until then.

2. The un-audited accounts show that we raised £4881.48, and spent £4751.60 of this (£4500 donation to the playground works and £251.60 for new dictionaries). In addition, the UK PTA membership cost £101.00 therefore we may say we broke even.

3. There was a carry over from the previous year which will of course be carried over into 2016/17

4. Currently we have the following commitments - which need to be discussed and decided whether theseare still accurate and are to continue....

a. £100 x 3 terms (£300) for lunchtime equipment

b. Welcome to Willesley party (£200)

c. Year 6 leavers party & gift (£350)

d. Bi-annual pantomine trip (£1250) - this trip is due to take place this year

5. We continue to hold £1500 in the bank - mainly to facilitate events (floats)

We will be in a position to offer money to school (approx. £2500) - An action from AGM/planning meeting may beto ask school/children what is needed.

NOTE – The 2 CAF accounts are to be closed due to imminent monthly charges. All agreed for us to continue with the HSBC account, with its signatories already in place, and that LK/LC will set up an on-line banking facility.

Vice Chair report 2015/2016:

What a great year it’s been ladies – we cut back to 3 main events plus the foundation party and community evening. I can honestly say that everything was successful and the hard work paid off!

We started with the foundation party in September, which is now becoming a regular feature, and followed this up with the Christmas Fair. In between times Star Foundation came in to provide one of their first activities and this was the Beat Box. The children loved it.

The Christmas Fair is proving to flow far better without the grotto?! … and by keeping the corridors alongside the library and into the practical area clear. This also works well for the Spring Fair when we have to be inside; but for once during 2015/16 the weather was kind!

I think our biggest hurdle now, as a group, is marketing ourselves to new parents. Each event is PR for WASPS but its capturing new people early on… that’s why I’m loving one of the ideas proposed for the ‘Busy Bees’. Parents helping out at events are the busy bees! A fun and informal title… it does lend itself nicely to us reviewing our own name and I think this time we decide ourselves – maybe putting 3 to the vote for school children and staff to consider?

It’s been particularly good for me this year to have been a Vice Chair again with Jo, and I have to say this is her last year on the PTA here at Willesley… (GASP!) That’s Sam last year and Jo this year… Time for another one Jo?

So, no more from me, its mainly the thank you for being such an ace team that I want to communicate; and I am happy to continue to be on this team/be one of our ‘links’ with the school (as LSA/PTA member) alongside Lynn as Governor/PTA member) as long as needed. 5 more years for me with Luke in year 2!

So to it Team ….?

Appointment of Independent Examiner for year ending 2017:

Confirmed as Sarah Booth. LK advised she is happy to continue with this role for the foreseeable.

Re-election of Officers and Trustees of the Committee:

Jill Edwards / Vice Chair / JB / BJ
Jo Brown / Vice Chair / JE / RT
Lynn Knox / Treasurer / LW / CB1
Laura Cherry / Vice Treasurer / LK / JE
Liz Walker / General Secretary / LK / JB
Donna McIronside / General Secretary / JE / RT
Claire Bark / General Secretary / CB1 / BJ
Beth Jones / General Secretary / JE / JB
Rachel Thompson / General Secretary / CB1 / LW

Plus the addition of one more General Secretary to replace Sam Sharp:

Jo Cooper – Nominated by RT – Seconded by JE

Meeting Dates agreed:

These dates are to be posted in the WASPS noticeboard:

24th October 2016 – School – 7.45pm

16th January 2017 – School – 7.45pm

27th February 2017 – School – 7.45pm

24th April 2017 – School – 7.45pm

12th June 2017 – School – 7.45pm


WASPS Planning Meeting Minutes

Dates for Diaries:

Welcome to Willesley Party – 22nd September 2016

RT/LW/LC/RW to attend

3.15 – 4.30pm

JE to provide all invites etc to school by Friday 9th September 2016

RT offered to purchase any necessary items – drinks/cups/napkins

JC/LW/CB to make cakes for the event. 63 children in Foundation (catering for siblings to be in the form of a biscuit selection)

LK has confirmed DJ Marie.

Community Family Evening – 30th September 2016 at the Cricket Club

6.30 – 9.00pm

JE confirmed Bouncy Castles for the event from Pristine Events.

LK confirmed the Cricket Club is available.

LK has completed (06/09) the invite to parents for the event.

Festive Fair – 25th November 2016

A Christmas Market theme for this year.

5.30 - 7.30pm

JB/JE/LK/CB1/LW/JC/RT/CB2 part of working party

First meeting 26/09/16 – venue TBC

Spring Fair – 19th May 2017

5.30 – 7.30pm

Working Party and all other activity to begin after Christmas

Bouncy Castles confirmed by JE

Summer Music Festival and WGT – 23rd June 2017

6.00 – 9.00pm

Working Party and all other activity to begin after Christmas

Bouncy Castles confirmed by JE

The Almost (Band) (Nic Fasci parent and band member) confirmed – Mr Matthew Brookes to also confirm his band is available for a slot.

Other bands being asked for availability.

Year 6 Leavers Disco – 13th July 2017

Additional Events were discussed for this academic year and agreement reached by vote:

Race Night – 3rd Feb 2017

Chocolate Bingo – 31st Mar 2017

Christmas Fundraiser:

Agreed that the children’s artwork is the best route – CD is also a great idea but best to leave for another year.

JB to contact company from last year.

Children to be given a non-festive theme (as this should increase sales given evidence of previous years)

Items should be pre-ordered at Parents Evenings.

Plan was to have all activity start after Half Term – STOP PRESS – Believe parents evenings are the week before HT, may have to review start date or establish another selling eve?


Tesco Fun Day (being held on the car park at Tesco 24th Sept 2016 – plan is to attend and meet the Community Liaison team – Tricia Eason the main contact.

Uniform Sale – Best held just prior to Christmas or to have a ‘pop-up-shop’ style in the repro room with the uniform out on a rail.

Star Foundation - £900 raised last year. Continue with Star Foundation for the next academic year. JE to contact and get Pete Tryner (MD) to send in promotional material for the school to send out to parents.

JE has contacted Star 06/09.

Noticeboard – Agreed that it needs to be kept up to date and LC offered to be the monitor!

Info to go in includes – all dates for meetings and events/star foundation info/WASPS details.

New Starters Meeting – 6th October evening. WASPS to be present to talk to new parents.

JE/LW/CB1 available.

Repro room tidy – requires a tidy in order to sort through the uniform/props/games etc. A lot of material is stored in the room and we need a clear area for WASPS creating again + the opportunity to create the pop-up-uniform shop.

JE/LK/LWLM/LC to assist.

Next Meeting 24th October 2016 – Practical area at school.