Date and timeTHURSDAY, 26TH MARCH 2015
Present(Chair) Joyce Guest (JG), Margaret Guy (MG)* David Sargent (DS), Roger Browning (RB), Roger Tilley (RT) and Chris Williams (CW)
In attendanceMartyn Jewell (MJ) Board Business Manager; Martyn Webster (MW), Help and Care; Caroline Buxton (CB), CAiD; Adnan Chaudry (AC), DREC, Lucy Cribb (LC), Help and Care - Minutes; Annie Dimmick (AD)* Chris Wakefield (CW)*, Louise Bate (LB)* Anna Braczek (AB)*
*Development Session only
ApologiesRoger Hayre, Margaret Guy (Board meeting)
1.WelcomeJG welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Everyone present took the opportunity to introduce themselves and their role.
JG gave a brief update on recent meetings that she has attended. These have included:
- An interview with Toby Wadey of the Bournemouth Echo
- The DREC AGM where she met DREC’s Chair Chris Thomas;
- CCG and Dorset Health Social Care Leadership Board where the Dorset Clinical review was discussed;
- CAID Health and Carte Conference in Bovington;
- Bournemouth and Poole Health and Wellbeing Board;
- Poole Council Health Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee where she met the outgoing Chair.
a)Changes to the register
b)Conflicts related to items on the agenda
RT informed everyone that he will not be participating in the discussion of small projects.
3.Any items for any other extremely urgent business
4.Development Session Introduction
JG explained that the main focus of the meeting was to look at priorities for the forthcoming year.
5.Far environment – the big drivers
MJ highlighted the main big drivers for change that will have an impact on health and social care.The group then identified and discussed the various issues that could impact on health and social care under these headings, these being:
- Sociological – Obesity, mental health problems, ageing population and older people aging better.
- Technical – Access to info via websites and apps (what is good information and what is bad information) and older people who do not have internet access.
- Economic – Potentialservicecuts, privatisation and paying for GP appointments.
- Political – The Care Act, level of Local Authority funding, Local Authority trading company and EU regulations.
MG delivered a presentation on Health an Wellbeing in Dorset.
7.Health and Social Care system priorities in Dorset and England
MG then highlighted the priorities for the health and wellbeing commissioners across Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset and priorities at national level.
JG thanked MG and asked MW to include the presentation on the Healthwatch Dorset website.
8.Healthwatch England and local Healthwatches
MW summarised the role of Healthwatch England and local Healthwatches and presented the recent results of Healthwatch lobbying.
9.What people in Dorset are telling us
AD gave an overview of the information recorded on the CRM from Jan 14 to end Feb 15. AD broke the information down to illustrate the origin of comments, the demographic data, the sentiment and topics/subtopics.
She then presented the results of the recent prioritisation survey, which were: CAMHS, Adult Mental Health, Primary Care and the joining up of Health and Social Care services.
JG thanked AD for her work and asked for some anonymised case studies to be forwarded to the Board.
11.Possible priority areas
MW informed everyone that the Domiciliary Care work and the Community Investment Projects are still ongoing and will be carried over to the next financial year.
He then presented the HwD Team’s proposed newprioritiesfor future pieces of work, to include:
- Access to Primary Care,
- Carers,
- Online tool to provide info and advice about local care and support services,
- Mental Health and Crisis Care,
- Gypsy Roma Traveler Communities,
- Transgender People,
- Dorset CountyHospital (patient and staff diary),
- Enter and View Rolling programme.
After discussion, CW proposed that the Board accept the nine proposed priority areas of work and request that the team undertake a more in-depth investigation of each of the prioritised issues, leading on to project plans for each.
JG asked for the Enter and View Rolling programme to include care homes.
The Board approved these proposals.
13.Resources and capabilities required to deliver the priorities including additional ‘small bids from partners’
CB (CAID) proposed £2068 additional funding for training, preparation, room hire and the covering of the Care Act. AB (DREC) proposed £2495 additional funding for engagement, recruitment, raising awareness, marketing and promotion. JG requested that MW meet with AB to discuss the detail of the DREC proposal.
JG suggested that together with the CAID and DREC proposals for additional funding be deferred until the May meeting when all the Executive Directors would be present.
14.To agree the minutes of the Board meeting held on 29th January 2015
15.To agree the budget for 2015/2016
DS stated that a final figure still needs to be brought forward from this financial year. A £29,172 surplus is forecast for the end of year 2016.
The meeting closed at 9:35pm. / Actions by/date
Healthwatch DorsetMinutes of Board meeting held on 26 March 2015. 1