Name of In Class Activity: How to write a concrete poem

Type of modality / Poetry.
Type of play / Solitary
Interaction pattern / Extra-individual
# of participants required / 1
Equipment/supplies / Paper, pencil, eraser
Facilities required/environment / Activity done on flat surface
Precautions / Eraser can be put in participant’s mouth

Task Analysis

  1. Choose an object
  2. Brainstorm words and phrases that describe the object or anything that comes to mind when you think of the object (and what it could possibly represent)
  3. On a sheet of paper, sketch your object
  4. Begin to fill in your sketch with the words and phrases you brainstormed
  5. When you are finished filling the spaces, you may go back and erase your sketch so that the words stand out as the image.
  6. *You can also think of a topic, such as Thanksgiving, write down things that remind you of Thanksgiving, and then draw an item that represents Thanksgiving (such as a turkey) placing the words you have written down into, or around the shape of the item (the turkey).

Activity Analysis

Category / Skills
Primary body position / Static sitting (Could stand as well)
Part of the body required / Arms, hands, torso (when sitting)
Movement / Picking up, 3-Jaw Chuck Grasp, writing, drawing, radial or pincer grasp to pick up the eraser if it is not already on the end of the pencil.
Physical / Static sitting, dynamic sitting, fine motor coordination, active range of motion (upper extremities), visual-motor integration, bilateral integration (to hold paper with one hand, while holding pencil and drawing with the other).
Cognitive / Focused attention, sustaining attention, concept formation, concentration, initiation, insight, short term memory, intellectual knowledge, organization and planning, reading, Shape/form recognition, sequencing, spatial operation, spelling, strategy, concrete thought, abstract thought i.e. to think of the concept of love being represented by a picture of a heart, a parent, etc writing,
Social / N/A
Perception / Tactile, visual, auditory
Communication/language / Reception of written language (when reading the directions), Expression of written language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy (when you have finished the poem), frustration (can’t think of words that go with your object)


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / Provide a list of simple objects for one to choose from / Provide a list of complicated objects for one to choose from
Set a minimum amount of words/phrases that they need to complete the poem
Physically / Use adaptive equipment to make using a pencil easier / Participants need to stand while writing the poem
Socially / Write the poem alone / Partner with another person
Encourage to join poetry club
Present poem to an audience