Keys & Objectives of the Training Seminar

1. Build confidence through simplicity and encouragement - “You’ll do fine!”

2. Create enthusiasm for product and programs.

3. Make connection with reps through rapport building and personal stories.

4. Lay basic demo foundations.

5. Set expectations of work (effort), results (sales) and emotions (all real experiences).

6. Fast Start Focus

7. “Launch” reps into field to get 1-2 orders, obtain some recommendations and be back for Advanced Training 1 with qualified demos set for Monday.

Supplies and Set up Needed for Day 1 Training

On Desk:
Name Tags & Sharpie

“Better We Know You” Sheets

Day 1 Sign In Sheet (Fill in date on top and put on a clipboard)
Cutting board, Rope and Leather Station set up (petite carver, table knife and junk knife)

Training Manuals

Prospectus for trainer, with all inserts (reco sheets, s.spree forms and move ultimate to back till day 3)
Books (Power of Positive Thinking, Taking Life Head On, Cutting Edge, Norman Brinker, flirting for success) Optional-Jerry Otteson, Marty Domitrovich (weekly wake up call)
Training Folder with Applications

On Whiteboard:
Welcome to Training
Names of Staff

Training Binder:
Trainers Training Manual
Leaders Guide
Testimonial Letters

Side Table

Homemaker Set

Accessories (Fast Start prizes) Old Cutco (optional)

Selling Smiles Brochure and Awards, Cutco and Vector Testimonials, Scholarship/R4C Brochures

DVD’s Ready:
Vector Marketing Experience

Made in America (Production Story)
Jason Flynn

Other Material and Reminders:

Prospectus’ ready to handout (no Henckels, ultimate or inserts with prices inside)
Rep Pay Statements

Sales Rep Certificate
Junk Knives

Fast Start Banner Up
Upbeat Music On (not the radio)
Set up Tables (depending on # set for Trg)
Set up Chairs (30% of Set Number)

Welcome Talk:

Welcome to training. How are you?

Everyone is doing great? Awesome. I am excited to be running your training these next 3 days. I just want to let you guys know that we will be here today until ____ o clock. Training will start tomorrow at _____ and go till ___ and on Saturday we will go from __ to __. So we will be wrapping up training in the next few days and then we will follow that up with Advanced Training. So once you have some experience we will give you a chance to learn a few more tips and tools to really help with your success with our organization. And then we are going to follow that up with our team meetings. These follow-up meetings help with your advancement in our company. By the way, our team is awesome. Here in Calgary, we have been the #1 office for the past 13 years. So you guys can feel pretty confident joining a team where we are going to accomplish some pretty cool things.

If you are a little bit nervous I know exactly how you feel. I sat in those same chairs when I was new. And that’s okay. Anytime you start anything new it’s normal to be a little nervous.

10% of you are probably pretty nervous and almost crapping your pants, you aren’t sure about how well you are going to do. You have no idea what you are doing here and are totally freaking out right now. Don’t worry about it. Pay attention in training and you will be 100% prepared by the end of day 3. Some of our most nervous reps end up being our top reps in the office. So just pay attention and take good notes and you will do fine.

And about 80% of you are going to be like me when I started, a little bit nervous, not too sure how well I am going to do. Pay attention in training and by Day 3 you will be 100% prepared.

10% of you know you are going to crush this job. This is a little weird. I haven’t even taught you about Cutco yet. But it’s ok – pay attention and you will be 100% prepared by Day 3.

But, I promise as training progresses these next 3 days, regardless of how you are feeling, you will leave at the end of training, fully prepared and confident to do the job and to be successful and my job is to ensure that success.

Before we start, I want to cover some housekeeping areas and spend some time preparing you for what you can expect while working with us.

  • Parking – So who drove here today? You can park anywhere along the street just not beside the lot attached to this building
  • Food - Over the next couple of days, I do encourage you to bring a snack with you. I do have a fridge and a microwave in the back so feel free to bring a snack and store it in there. Feel free to eat throughout the training.
  • Cell Phone off
  • Breaks- we don’t take long ½ hr breaks, we take a lot of short 10-15minute breaks throughout training
  • Smoking- away from the main door
  • Washroom – Code 820000


Now I met most of you guys already but my name is Jordan Tse. You can call me by my first name Jordan. No need to call me Mr or sir. Just Jordan. I started with Vector almost 2 years ago. I started also as a student like some of you guys are today. And I moved up into management about 4 months into working with Vector. I will go into more detail about how I got started but I do want to spend some time talking about our organization.

Now our team here in Calgary is part of the Paramount District. Which means any individual that has trained out of the Calgary office and has moved away to open his or her own office is part of this district. So right now we have our district office in Calgary that is ran by our division Angie McDougall. We also have a branch office in Lethbridge that is ran by Carissa Knol and one in Halifax that is ran by Danya Dewald. Now when I think about our district, I think about the people that we work with and one of the reason’s why we do so well is because we work with champions and when I think about what defines a champion, I don’t think about someone who works hundreds of hours. I think about somebody that gives 110% to the hours that they work. So as we work through the training the next few days, I am not going to ask you to work hundreds of hours, I am just going to ask you now that you have made the choice to be here to give 110% and just be engaged in what we go through and if you don’t think you can live up to that, I wont be offended but it is a big reason why our team is successful.

Now I just want you guys to jot down a few names here for me. Its just some people that really have a huge impact within our division.

To kick it off:

DVM – Angie Mcdougall. – 18 years ago. When she started she was a finance major at the UOFC. She was at that time working construction and she heard about this job opportunity through one of her friends that was already working with Vector. And she wasn’t too sure on how well she would do in sales. She just came off working construction and never sold anything before and was a little bit nervous but she thought that since her friend was doing it that she would give it a shot too and see where she can take it. So she went through the same training you guys are going through and ended up finishing her first summer #3 across Canada, winning a scholarship and has continued to move up into management. So she did graduate with her finance degree at uofc and has been a branch manager, an assistant, a pilot manager, a district manager and now here current role is a Division manager. So her responsibility is basically to run offices all the way from Victoria to Thunder Bay. And her role is to work with Managers like myself to help run the day to day stuff in our offices. She is married with 2 small kids and currently lives in Vernon BC. And she is responsible for 55 million dollars in CUTCO. You will definitely get a chance to meet her at our division meetings and conferences.

Pilot – Katy Campbell

Katy started in 2008 in the Edmonton office where she was a rep for her first summer then was promoted to be the Branch Manager for the Grand Prairie office and finished that summer as one of the top branches across Canada. The following year she was then promoted to the districted Manager in Winnipeg where she ran that office for 2 years. And now she is here in the Calgary office as the Pilot manager to help run the day to day operations in the Calgary office.


Craig – Started May 2011. UofC Track Athlete. 4th Geography Didn’t get off to the best of starts with us but through his continued determination and hard work was promoted to an assistant manager. If you ever want to compete with someone in anything, this is the guy to go talk to.

Jesse – December 2011. Student of the business. Loves personal growth. Taking a semester off at MRU to work and gain some financial freedom. This guy is like an energizer bunny, if you are ever feeling low and need a pick me up. This is the guy to talk to.

CSP – Career sales professionals- so some of you might be looking for more of that career opportunity, maybe you are not in school and you are looking for something that you can jump into and is has more of a career opportunity and these individuals do exactly that. They sell CUTCO full time, so some of them work Mondays to Fridays 9 to 5. Like Phil Alsop or Jen Lo or Vonny Fast where they are selling CUTCO as a full time basis. We have some reps like Dianna Boyer who lives in Drumheller, she is 68 years old and sells CUTCO very part time just to keep busy. So we do have a wide range of people as well. Some of them have kids like Margaret Pryzvela or Linda Nusca. And they sell CUTCO as parents but are able to provide for their families.

Keystaff – So we take a lot of pride in working with these individuals because they are a key part within our organization. So someone like (name keystaff) are leaders within our team and when I think of leaders, I think about them giving back and field training and helping new reps. Just having someone there to help you, I feel is crucial to be successful. So these guys are on their path to moving up within our organization into more of leadership training but they are just a great group of people that we have here on the team.

Over the next few days you will be a mini team within our large organization so it is important for us to get to know each other. So I am just going to have everyone introduce themselves. You can share with us your name, which school you go to or the charity you would donate to, how you heard about the job and the #1 thing that you are looking to gain from the position.

(Initiate applause after 1st person.)

So now some of you are thinking, she just introduced herself so why are we applauding? I really think that companies are based on 2 things, negative or positive reinforcement. Which one do you think works better? (Positive) So when we recognize somebody, we just don’t want to give them a lame PGA tour clap, we really want to recognize them the same way we want to be recognized. So we have a rule in this office, that when we do recognize somebody getting promoted or doing something really well, we want to recognize them. So 2 rules to clapping, first is the GOLDEN rule. You want to clap for someone the same way you want them clapping for you. And second is no pens in your hands while clapping. So I know you are all probably extremely well clappers so lets give ______another round of applause.

Continue with introductions.

(After the introductions)

Great so as we did introductions nobody died. Sometimes when we do introductions there are some people who are very comfortable speaking in public and its not a problem. And for others it’s a little out of your comfort zone. So thank you for sharing and I do want to point out that as we went through the introductions, that there isn’t really one type of person or personality that we choose to work with. Whether someone is really introverted or extraverted doesn’t matter. One of the things we look for when we are adding to our team is that they enjoy working with people you all have definitely made that impression upon me during the interview and I do want to congratulate all of you and welcome you to the team. Now I mentioned earlier that I started with vector almost 2 years ago

(Tell them your Personal Story)

Now I am going to pop in a quick DVD from our corporate headquarters at certain times throughout training. Please take notes. The person on the DVD is our National Recruiting Manager Jason Flynn.

(Review what they just heard from the video)

What you can expect from us:

  1. 100% commitment to you: (SAY TWICE)

I am not paid by the hour to stand up here to run your training, I am paid on how well you do after the training. How well do you think I want you to do? 

I am not going to throw you out there and hope that you do well and say well GL HF. I am going to give you the best training I know in these next 3 days to ensure you do well. So I am 100% committed to you.

  1. Availability:

It is important that you know we are available to you everyday. We are not a typical office that is open M to F, 9 to 5. We are open every single day of the week. Sundays we open a bit later but somebody is here to help you at all times. If we are not physically here in this office, then somebody is only a phone call away like a keystaff member or myself.

We have something called PDI, its not too important in what it stands for but more important in what it means. So it stands for personal daily interest. And what it is, is a quick phone call that we have with our reps on the days that they are working to track their progress and see how their appointments are going, and answer questions that they have. Since our reps don’t physically drive to this office to check in on a dialy basis, we just communicate with them that way and that way we can really help them. We do take a lot of pride on that support we offer and its great to have relationships like that.

We also provide one on one training. So I understand that each of you are extremely different in many ways with your schedules and what you are looking to gain from us and just really the experience that you are looking for. So after your seminar is completed on Saturday, you will have an opportunity to go do some appointments and next week I will sit down with you each individually and we will create a schedule and a plan that makes the most since for you. And we can cater that around school and exams, kids, another job and all that other stuff. We will focus on your individual needs.

Field training is where you will have a chance to go on a presentation with an experienced rep and watch them work with a customer. So its an opportunity to get a real life experience with some of our top people.

Weekly meetings. This is a chance where our team gets together for an hour. We teach advanced sales skills, we recognize individuals for their hard work, give our different contests and things like that. It is a great opportunity for our team to get together. Like I mentioned before, we are the #1 office across Canada, you guys are in a good place.

We will put in the quality hours to be there for you

Keys to success – 2 things to be great at this job

1)Positive Attitude – We work with customers right? So if you are a negative person, you probably aren’t going to like working with your customers and this probably isn’t the right job for you.

2)Strong Work Ethic – This job is self motivated, if you can motivate yourself and work hard during training and though out your entire time working here, you will be successful because you can push yourself. We are not going to force you to work. We are not going to drive you to your demos and give you a high five, give you a pat on the back, say GL and run back to my car after I ring the doorbell for you. I am not going to force you to work, so this is your choice. This job is so self-motivated. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it. If you are a lazy person and if you don’t like people, this is not the job for you.

Some of you might decide after a week or two on the job that this isn’t for you and you don’t want to do the job and that’s ok. Not everyone in here is going to last the entire summer because some of you might decide that having a positive attitude everyday and having a really strong work ethic is not your style and that’s ok. And if that is you, no worries, that is fine and you don’t have to continue. But what you need to do is make a commitment to at least giving yourself a good shot and working your butt off for the first week or two on the job and seeing how it works. If your are doing well, and you really love it, continue doing it. If you don’t love it, that’s fine, go find another job. So you work your butt off and see what happens, if you love it, continue to work. If you don’t, find something else. The worst thing that can happen is that 2 weeks from now, you are in the same position you are in now without a job. Right? That is the worse thing that can happen. So make the commitment to yourself to giving yourself a shot and completely going after it because some of our best reps are the ones who didn’t really know how they were going to do and were a little bit nervous and they turned out to be our best reps. You always want to give yourself a good shot and you don’t want to look back and say “what if?” What if I could be the next Phil Alsop or Jen Lo?