Name of In Class Activity: Game of Extremes
Type of modality / Ice breaker; conversation starter; decision-making exerciseType of play / Shared cooperative
Interaction pattern / Intra-group
# of participants required / 3 or more; preferably a larger group for opportunity for different perspectives/opinions
Equipment/supplies / A list of questions or statements with two options
Facilities required/environment / A large open space in a room; large room
Precautions / Collisions between participants when moving to the side of the room that represents personal preference, opinion, or belief; extreme opposition between participants
Task Analysis
- Facilitator gathers participants to an open space in the room. Participants meet and stand in the center of the open space.
- Facilitator gives a statement of opposites to the participants. The statement or questions can be very general, humorous, serious, related to current events, or connected to a particular theme. For example, do you prefer winter or summer? If you prefer winter, stand to the right side of the room and if you prefer summer, stand to the left side of the room. If a participant is unsure, undecided, or a mix between the two choices, he or she is given the option to stand in the middle of the room.
- Participants walk from the middle to stand on the side (right or left) of the room that represents his or her personal preference/opinion/belief.
- Facilitator encourages conversation amongst participants about the given statement and topic.
- Facilitator asks participants to walk back to the middle of the room to proceed with the next statement of opposites. Similar to the first statement, once the statement and two options are given, the participants will walk to the side of the room (right or left) that represents his or her preference or is able to stand in the middle of the room if undecided. Facilitator will proceed with a question or conversation starter after the participants choose their side.
Activity Analysis
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Standing
Part of the body required / Lower Extremities; Core muscles
Movement / Moving around obstacles (other participants); Standing; Walking short distances
Physical / Balance: Static Standing; Gross muscle coordination; Motor control; Active range of motion: lower extremities
Cognitive / Arousal/alertness; Attention: focused attention; Attention: Sharing Attention; Concept formation; Decision Making: Simple; Initiation; Insight; Judgment; Orientation: Person
Social / Conversation: starting, sustaining, ending; Handling criticism; heterogeneity; maintaining social space; regulating behaviors; interpersonal interactions; self-expression; social conduct; showing respect and warmth; showing tolerance
Perception / Auditory function; visual function
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language; Expression of spoken language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Sense of insecurityFear of sharing opinions; Fear of beliefs with minority; Fear of discussing disagreement/difference of opinion; enjoy sharing and hearing thoughts and opinions of participants/group members; excitement to participate; enjoy the fun questions; Build relationships with participants through shared opinions, perspectives, believes
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Simplify questions – make questions easy to comprehend and pick the best option; relatable questions to individual, group, present-day; no controversial topics / Complex questions – questions that may have an undecided option that could spark conversation; controversial topics; questions that require deep thought; ability to be open to share thoughts and opinions
Physically / Sitting down; raise hands for option 1 or option 2; minimal amount of movement; large available space for movement without bumping into others; keep movement to a confined space of the room / Use the entire room and participants must start in the center and run/walk to the one of the corners that represents opinion; throw a ball to participants for them to share their opinion to the group; stand for the entirety of the game
Socially / Smaller group/s come together to respond to each question with no reasoning of opinion and continue through the questions; raise hands for the options (not socially active) / Form two circles (inner and outer) for each question, participants must share with partner their opinion and reason why; each question, the participants from the outer circle move to the left for a new partner and to continue to share opinion of the respective question