Name of Activity:Muffins in Ice Cream Cones

Type of modality / Cooking activity
Type of play / Solitary (if cooking alone), Parallel (ifparticipant is cooking while someone washes dishes separately from another meal)Shared Cooperative (if cooking with others)
Interaction pattern / Extra-individual (if cooking alone) Inter-individual/Multilateral (if it’s for a baking competition) Intra-group/Inter-group (if involved in a baking competition as teams
# of participants required / 1 or more
Equipment/supplies / Colored icing (any color), spoon, ice cream cone, small muffin, sweets (any small or chopped up candy), sprinkles, box/container with cut out circles on the top for the cones to stand up, scissors (if client needs to make a makeshift stand)
Facilities required/environment / Kitchen, counter top/table
Precautions / Careful when using scissors (if using a makeshift stand)

Task Analysis

  1. Have ingredients set out on the counter with the cone stand at the end of the counter. Make sure participant has the sprinkles, sweets, and colored icing in bowls to make the process easier for them.
  1. Take the ice cream cone and fill it with the sweets/candies of the participant’s choosing almost to the top. Leave room for the “ice cream” part. That’s where the muffin will go.
  1. Peel the wrapping off the muffin, if needed, and gently squeeze the base of the muffin with your fingers so it fits into the top of the ice cream cone.
  1. Fit the muffin into the top of the cone and the participant will notice it starting to look more like an ice cream cone.
  1. Take a spoon and cover the muffin in the colored icing of the participant’s choosing and swirl it around the top of the muffin in a circular motion.
  1. Place the cone in the stand the participant has or made.
  1. Add sprinkles on the icing for the finishing touch and enjoy the finished product!

Activity Analysis

Category / Skills
Primary body position / Standing or sitting (depending on ability)
Part of the body required / Eyes, hands
Movement / Bending (if picking up ingredients from cabinets or if ingredients fall off counter); carrying in the arms and hands (gathering ingredients); palmar, scissor, radial-digital, 3-jaw chuck and pincer grasp when holding ingredients/separating them into bowls; lifting, picking up, putting down, reaching and releasing of ingredients/bowls/finished products; manipulating the spoon to smear the icing on; slightly pulling when squeezing the base of the muffin; slightly pushing with upper extremities to place the muffin in the cone; standing or sitting depending on ability; turning or twisting hands when handling ingredients/bowls and when shaping the muffin,adding sweets to the cone, smearing icing, and adding sprinkles; walking short distances if ingredients/bowls are out of reach
Physical / Balance: dynamic sitting/standing; bilateral integration (holding the cone while doing steps 2,4, and 5); fine muscle coordination (shaping the muffin); upper extremity range of motion; visual-motor integration
Cognitive / Categorization (differentiating between ingredients); concentration on doing one cone at a time; initiation; insight; judgment (knowing how much of ingredients to use); short-term memory (remembering the process); orientation: topographical (following step by step); organizing and planning; reading; recognition: size, shape, form (use appropriate size candy to fit in the cone and knowing how to shape the muffin); sequencing (doing the steps in order); time management
Social / Handling criticism; heterogeneity and homogeneity (if making with other people); relating with equals (interacting with others helping you); regulating behavior; self-expression; showing tolerance
Perception / Gustatory; tactile; visual; auditory (if watching a video of directions or giving/receiving them)
Communication/language / Reception to spoken and written language (directions); expression of spoken and written language (directions)
Self-care / Eating
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy (completing the cake cones); anger (if participant messes up a step or doesn’t like how they came out); frustration (if having trouble shaping the muffin and smearing the icing); fear (if no one likes how they came out or taste)


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / Have all the ingredients already set out or the icing measured separately by how much each cone should have / Have participants bake their own muffins prior to task rather than store bought
Physically / Have someone help with smearing the icing or have the muffins pre-unwrapped and shaped / Set up all ingredients while cooking muffins
Socially / One on one session with the instructor rather than other people / Sign up for a local baking competition, have participants team up doing the same task