Amerika yi ziyaret edenler, ticaret yapanlar ve ogrenciler icin:
Ingilizce ve Turkce olarak Amerika da veya Amerikalilar la olan toplanti farkliliklari asagida dir.
American & Turkish Meeting Differences
Increasing integration of businesses globally requires multicultural skills in order to operate in different international settings. One of these settings is Meetings: Different cultures run, manage and precede meetings in a different way that might be unusual or confusing to a person from a different country. The unfamiliar setting and not knowing what to expect in meetings might hurt your business deal.
For instance, brief and factual information is valued in most Western Cultures at the beginning of a meeting; in contrast, an opinion or a speech by a manager in Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures might be the norm at a similar setting.
Project or Relation Oriented
Business people in the United States like to get down to business within ten minutes of the first meeting. Americans are project oriented people. The goal is to accomplish the task in most efficient way in shortest time and move on to another task. This type of approach is called "Project Oriented" Society. Western European countries, Canada and Australia are Project Oriented Societies as well. However, most of the other cultures in the world like to invest time in building a relationship. Relationship among people who deal with each other is more important and it comes first. Task comes later, once the relationship is established. This is called "Relationship Oriented" Society.
Time is Valued vs. Time is Relative
Time is very important for Americans. The famous American saying "Time is money" is well known in the world. Time is used to execute the task/project in the business- world. Getting the job done is the ultimate goal. The time is used only to achieve that goal. In some other cultures, including in Turkey, there is a time at the beginning to use it to get to know people. In those cultures, business people use some time to have social conversation before they jump in the business discussions.Coming to meetings 10 to 15 minutes early is not unusual. Americans like to prepare for meetings and look at their notes/questions before the actual meeting. There is always a time frame for the meeting.
Subject of the Meeting
Subject of the meeting is clearly defined and followed in the business world in the United States. If someone points out a different subject he/she may be interrupted and will be reminded of the subject being discussed. Subject is introduced at the beginning of the meeting and almost everyone has something to discuss, explain or have questions related to the subject.
Planning Preparation & Information
The planning is important in any event in the United States, and meetings are no exception. The preceding of the meeting, "Agenda" (summary of the meeting), is ready with the underlined amount of time for each sub-subject. Passing "handouts" to give more information is common.
Americans come to meetings prepared; the questions are written, and answers to possible questions are already on pad. It is important to come to meetings prepared, because, the meetings are open and anybody can ask questions; you might have to answer a lot of questions. If you do not know the answer to a particular question, it is okay to say, "I don't know", but make sure that you get back to the person with the information, later.
Taking Turns vs. Shared Conversation
In meetings, people take turns when speaking. I call it a "Taking Turns Conversation". However, in some countries, such as Turkey, people might inject some words or explanations while someone else is speaking. I call this a "Shared Conversation". When meeting with Americans wait for your turn to speak, it is a good idea to take notes on questions, thoughts, or an explanation.
Egalitarian Setting
Settings are comfortable and relaxed at most meetings. Participants are allowed to sit randomly, unless chairs are assigned with names on the table. The leader is democratic; let the subordinate present the information. The manager/leader takes the role of an information gatherer and acts as the moderator, rather than being dominate during the meeting.
Güler Disney
GCMI Consulting
For Turkish
Amerikan ve Turk Toplanti Farkliliklari
Hizla birlesen global ekonomi, uluslarasi alanlar da calisabilmek icin
degisik kulturleri bilme becerileri gerektiriyor. Ornegin her kultur de
toplantilar degisik sekillerde baslanir, yonetilir ve konular tartisilir.
Bu degisiklikler baska bir ulkeden gelen bir is adami icin garip ve sasirtici gelebilir. Bu degisik ortam ve nasil davranicagini bilememek, yapilicak is anlasmasini olumsuz sekilde etkiliyebilir.
Ornegin, toplantinin ana fikrini iceren kisa bir konusma Bati kulturlerin de once gelir. Oysa Asya ve Orta Dogu kulturlerin de en ust yoneticinin acilis konusmasi uygun gorulur.
Projeye mi Iliskiye mi Yonelik
Amerikada ilk on dakika da toplantinin konusun belirlenir. Amerikalilar profe egilimli insanlar dir. Amac, isi en verimli ve en kisa sekil de bitirmek ve hemen gelecekte ki ise yonelmektir Bu tur yaklasima egilimli kulturlere "Is (task veya proje) egilimli Kultur" denir. Bu yaklasim Bati Avrupa ulkelerin de, Kanada ve Avusturalya da da gorulur. Fakat bir cok degisik kulturler de, toplantiya katilanlar icin birbirin tanimak ve iliski gelistirmek daha onemlidir. Bu tur yaklasima onem veren kulturlere "Iliskiye Yonelik Kultur" denir. Is insanlar arasinda ki iliski pekislestirildik ten sonra gelir.
Zaman Onemlidir, Zaman Goreceldir
Amerikalilar icin zaman cok onemlidir. Unlu Amerikan sozu "Vakit nakittir" ozellikle is alanin da uygulanir. Zaman isi icra etmek icin kullanilir. Projecyi bitirmek tek amactir. Zaman da bunu gerceklestirmek icin kullanilir. Fakat, bir cok ulkeler de ve Turkiyede de, toplantilar da insanlar birbirlerini tanimak icin zaman harcarlar, isi tartismak "birbirini tanima surecinden" sonra gelir.
Toplantilara 10 veya 15 dakika erken gelmek olagandir. Amerikalilar toplantiya gelmeden once hazirlanmaya ozen gosterirler. Toplantilara erken gelmenin bir sebebide son dakika da notlarina bakmak ve toplantiya hazir olmaktir. Toplantilar icin her zaman bir zaman cercevesi vardir. Yani toplantinin ne kadar surecegi once den belirlenir.
Toplanti Konusu
Toplanti konusu kesin olarak belirlenir ve toplanti nin basinda bildirilir. Eger toplanti esnasin da konu disina cikilmasina izin verilmez. Fakat katilanlar ozgurce soru sorabilir, bazi noktalari aciklayabilir.
Planlama, Hazirlik ve Bilgi
Planlama her alanda onemli oldugu gibi is alaninda da onemlidir. Toplantinin icerigi (Ajenda) ve konulara olan zaman belirlidir. Ek bilgilerin yazili olarak
verilmesi olagandir.
Sirani Bekle Tarzi veya Paylasilan Konusma
Amerikan toplantilarin da herkes konusmak icin sirasini bekler, ben buna "Sirani Bekle tarzi Konusma" diyorum. Eger soru sorucak veya konuya ekleyecek olanlar bunlari not alip siralari geldigin de belirtirler. Fakat Turkiye de toplantiya katilanlar bir baskasi konusurken, bir iki kelime enjekte edebilirler veya kisa aciklama getirebilirler. Ben bu sekilde olan iletisime "Paylasilan Konusma"
diyorum. Bu konusma tarzlari her iki kulturun gunluk konusmalarin da daha iyi izlenebilir.
Egalatarian Tarzi Toplanti
Toplanti yerlesimi ve havasi rahattir. Eger masalarda kisilerin isimleri ve oturacaklari yerler belirlenmedi ise, toplantiya katilanlar hemen her yere oturabilirler. Lider lik demokratik tarzi oldugu icin lider diger toplantida bulunanlar bilgi ve aciklama getirmesine imkan verir. Yoneticinin gorevi genellikle toplantiyi domine etmek yerine bilgi toplamak ve moderator olcusun de kalabilir.
Güler Disney
GCMI Consulting
Türkce icin