Name: Kindergarten RLA 90 minute block Day # 1______
Materials: Trade Book Dig, Dig, Digging, Decodable Readers, Leveled ReadersCSO’s: RLA.O.K.1 RLA.O.K.1.02,RLA.O.K.1.04,RLA.O.K.1.05.01, RLA.O.K.1.09,RLA.O.K.1.11, RLA.O.K.2.02, RLA.S.K..2, RLA.S.K.3 Technology: Document Camera/Data projector/Laptop Computer -Waltke’s Web
Activating Strategy: Oral Language/Morning Warm-up
Amazing Words: scooping, swooshing, squelching, gobbling, spinning, rumbling
Phonemic Awareness: Introduce /t/ WVDEPAP Day #26 Act. 3E, 3H, 4B
Phonics: Connect /t/ to Tt and to blend words with /t/.
Lesson Essential Question: How does connecting sounds to letters help me blend words when I read?
Jennifer Ashlock: Templates 1,2,8
Teach/model blending strategy, practice blending /t/ words.
Students will echo read the decodable reader and leveled readers.
Vocabulary: Reteach High Frequency Words: to, a
Comprehension Strategy: Classify and Categorize
Lesson Essential Question: How can I put things together in a group that are alike?
Read and discuss Dig, Dig, Digging
Summarizing Strategy: Using numbered heads Partner A will tell Partner B how all the machines in the story are alike. Partner B will tell Partner A which machines in the story all have wheels.
Small Group Instruction: Based on Assessment
Listen to Me Reader K.1.6
“Tony’s Taxi”
Re-read it several times
& give students
opportunity to read
More practice with /t/
on DI 40
Review high frequency
Words/letters/sounds / Yellow
Reread Decodable Reader 5
“Animal Friends”
Practice /m/
Model fluent reading
Read chorally
Read individually
Re-read & monitor
Sight words, letter names / Blue
Independent level Reader #K.1.5
“Tig the Talented Pig”
Lesson on DI 40 extend
word reading,
review book;
Read several times for fluency
Sight word/letter practice
Process Writing Block (30 to 45 minutes according to schedule):
Daily Fix-Its T.E.p. 335-336
Lincoln Co. Process Writing
Modeled Writing
Draw and label a truck you have seen.